"Nothing is known about..." Well, this is what I KNOW!
Lori C Feb. 2014
So, the Book of Mormon's "primary purpose" is more spiritual than historical? Really now? Let's see...in my entire lifetime and blasted to me on my mission by Joseph F. McConkie, the Book of Mormon is absolute...historical...and the KEYSTONE of our religion
and must be testified of ferociously to the physical and emotional detrement of every single missionary who was getting into the personal space and close proximity of unsuspecting civilians in Scotland.
"Nothing is known about the DNA of Book of Mormon peoples" With prophets and apostles supposedly having a literal, physical conduit to "truth" and the very ear of the Lord God Almighty...they still don't know a damn thing about theses supposed people?...the very people that have been forced into in the minds to twist and manipulate millions and millions of unsuspecting innocent people in the past 150 years? These modern people have been forced and manipulated to give their time, their families, their money and their lives to this unholy fraud...and these very much real people were our people. So, let's review what the church has done in the name of a book that at one time was the book that could get you closer to god on earth than any other book and the most "correct" book on the earth but that now..."NOTHING IS KNOWN ABOUT"...
They've (the church) has already robbed generations of our families of their minds and wealth. They don't get to say..."nothing is known about"...
Think of all the people who have committed suicide over their inability to shut their normal brain function down and stop thinking and questioning and the severe abuse they got from their families for questioning anything. Think of the ones who killed themselves over being gay and masturbating...or the spouses and children horribly abused because Mr. Patriarchy jerk wad diminishes them to the point that he thinks he owns them. Or the victims of Haun's Mill, MMM, the trek West. BRUTAL deaths, BRUTAL.......ALL for "nothing is known about".........well, you sure has hell KNEW when you pulled the trigger and blew that 12 year old brains out in Cedar City, didn't you? You "knew" when you castrated that young man who wanted to marry his girlfriend who was wanted by an old Mormon slob in SLC. You KNEW when people froze to death and their fingers and toes fell off, or when BY stole all the wages from the Mormon Militia who were off fighting.
Let's see.....they "knew" when Oliver Cowdrey was running is counterfeiting press and devaluing the currency so when the immigrants came over their real money was worth nothing and they were financially paralyzed.
They "knew" when polygamous women killed themselves to end the sheer pain of watching their husbands fuck the newest brand of wife.
They "knew" when my mother beat the @#$%& out of me for being a female, for not obeying every word out of her co dependent, arrogant, lazy, violent mouth....because she "could" and she was in charge of the home.
You know, I bet when those soldiers when to the site of MMM and saw the women's hair snarled in the sagebrush, their bones scattered over the prairie, the bodies of children still in their mothers arms, evidence of their bodies being eaten by wolves....I'm sure they thought..."but those Mormons,...they 'know' they did this for that blood atonement, for their profit BY and it's just gonna all be ok". HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PEOPLE HAVE DIED HORRID, UGLY deaths, severe DEPRESSION, HOPELESSNESS over them professing to "KNOW" all this @#$%& is true! They don't get to walk that back!
I want my families inheritance back, the family land, all the time, the lost moments without the fucking judgment, alienation, criticism, lack of any normal family cohesiveness. That is what I WANT BACK!
Re: "Nothing is known about..." Well, this is what I KNOW!
That was awesome. I like your style and I agree with you 200%
Re: "Nothing is known about..." Well, this is what I KNOW!
I Just gotta top this exceptionally insightful viewpoint!
Thanks much for sharing your contribution here!
Or so it seems to me...
Lori C
Thank you BeenThere DunnThat ExMo...
...as I've sat and read for the past 20 years the history of the church...the real history of the church...all I've seen is suffering by the masses and gluttony, selfishness and greed by the few on top.
Every story is about Emma's heartache, people selling their homes, their hair, their fillings, to build everything from the Kirtland temple to the modern temples. I've read of too many dead babies born in horrid circumstances all over the American East and West...of young women just reach pubescence being forced mentally and then physically into intercourse with old men and I think (being a woman) of the physical and mental pain that act would have brought her, what a pregnancy would have meant for a child that young...what an abortion by the hand of a Mr. Bennett would have felt like. What it would have been like to have had sex with Joe Smith one night and then watch him scamper down the road to bed your best friend the next night and have no one on earth to talk to about it. Or to be serving tea/coffee whiskey to the "men" in the Nauvoo House and overhearing some sinister plot by the church "leaders" and being forced to remain silent. Or to have your heart drop when you've just finally finished draining the stinking swamp you now call "home" in Nauvoo and once again your "leader" has caused such a ruckus that you have to move...AGAIN, this time to some unknown, god knows where location in the West and you barely speak English, all your money is long gone on your treck from Europe to Nauvoo, you are pregnant and are facing the reality that you have to pull a damn handcart into oblivion. What on earth does that even feel like.......and for a "we don't know?" Hell, if they even dared question their faith back then, they had better have had a fast horse and friends along the way to keep them alive.
In mondern times, I've seen poverty that makes me cry. Current members who have next to nothing feeling so blessed when in fact their lives are pathethic and barely livable.
So much fear. So much death. So much sorrow and suffering...all for "we don't know".
Re: "Nothing is known about..." Well, this is what I KNOW!
Lori C Wrote:
So, the Book of Mormon's "primary purpose" is more spiritual than historical? Really now? "
That's certainly what my late TBM in-laws claimed. Aren't Mormons seeing this shift (they'd have to be seeing the shift in church attitudes, even if they don't read the articles themselves)?
And if they're seeing the shift, aren't some of 'em--especially those old enough to remember differently-- saying to themselves: "W - T - F ?"
Re: "Nothing is known about..." Well, this is what I KNOW!
Thank you!
Being able to reading others viewpoints and experiences as helped us unprogram and grieve the pain.
the TBM lifestyle so isolating. So Sad too many "boomer" TBM don't see. WE woke up by the News reports (before ever reading any "anti" information). There is hope that more will see.
Re: "Nothing is known about..." Well, this is what I KNOW!
Thank you Lori C for slathering a big dollop of humanity on the ugly Mormon history that the disgusting gerontocracy is trying to make a little fleck of history in order to save their own greedy positions of power. Bravo.
Brilliant post.
Mad As Hell
Re: "Nothing is known about..." Well, this is what I KNOW!
All of us grew up in a world of lies. To survive in that world we where required to lie as well. We were officially taught to lie to others -- but first, to lie to ourselves.
Recently, Boyd K. Packer has become one of the church's foremost Teachers Of The Lie:
"It is not unusual to have a missionary say, “How can I bear testimony until I get one? How can I testify that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ, and that the gospel is true? If I do not have such a testimony, would that not be dishonest?
Oh, if I could teach you this one principle: a testimony is to be found in the bearing of it!"
In other words: "Thou shalt bear False Witness!" Apostles Oaks and Ballard have backed-up this hellish instruction. Not only has Mormonism killed people in the flesh, but in the spirit.
As a good Mormon you no longer own yourself. Your thoughts, feelings, actions, hopes and fears, your time, your money, your voice and your soul belong to the Grandiose Pretenses of Mormonism.
... All while the leadership enriches itself.
Incredibly powerful Lori.
I agree with you.
The crassness and disingenuity exhibited by those in power, against those who are power-less, is disgusting.
By rancid, rotting, repulsive old white guys who think nothing of stabbing and stomping their way to the top, at the expense of so many innocent and disenfranchised and oppressed and gullible "others".
Makes the 18th century franco-guillotine seem more understandable, even viable. Est-ce que?
Re: "Nothing is known about..." Well, this is what I KNOW!
Thank you Lori C for great posts.
"It is not unusual to have a missionary say, “How can I bear testimony until I get one? How can I testify that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ, and that the gospel is true? If I do not have such a testimony, would that not be dishonest?
Oh, if I could teach you this one principle: a testimony is to be found in the bearing of it!"
If I could teach one principle, it would be:
When you ask a direct question, pay attention to whether you got an answer to your question. If you did not, gently, firmly, whatever it takes, redirect, and, get an answer.
Don't be diverted or distracted. If you're questioning an authority figure, and they refuse to answer the question you posed, they're liars. Plain and simple. Don't let people riff on your question. Con men will use every emotionally manipulative tool in the book to distract a questioner from the question: embarrassing the questioner, belittling the questioner, changing the subject, answering a different question. Don't fall for it. Be the sacrificial lamb, be the designated a-hole for the sake of the group. "Okay, so that's how you develop a testimony, but isn't it dishonest to say I know something is true when I don't?" Of course it's dishonest, make 'em say it.
That's why it got so hot in the Mattsen thing. The questioners didn't let the guys with answers off the hook. They didn't play their assigned role in the game: suggesting subjects for the liars to declaim upon.
Re: "Nothing is known about..." Well, this is what I KNOW!
MCR, re your "don't be diverted or distracted" paragraph.
This was Standard Operation Procedure when I was on my mission; they trained us on these diversion and evasion techniques. One of the biggest was "don't answer the question they asked, answer the one they should have asked." I would get in trouble when I challenged ZLs/DLs about these teaching methods. Or leading questions. Or that Milk before meat drivel. God's true church shouldn't need deception.
Nowadays, I don't let them off the hook. They claim prophets and revelation. They claim the Holy Ghost. And I will use words like "sales techniques" and "con men" when they try that stuff on me. The burden of proof is on them, and I put THEM in the position of supporting their extraordinary claims. "Really? How? When? What exactly are those?" Etc.
6 iron
Re: "Nothing is known about..." Well, this is what I KNOW!
Good, I'm not the only one pissed at mormons and mormonism.
My oldest son, put me in a very angry mood about mormons today.
Re: "Nothing is known about..." Well, this is what I KNOW!
For the first time in the history of Mormonism the leaders have no control over information. They can't control who knows what.
For the first time they don't have the power to threaten and terrify the members. The play ground bullies have been found out. They are scared. They know this isn't going to turn out well. They've never seen so many turn against them. They never saw this day coming.
The internet is outing them in a big way. Every move they make is being watched and reported to every single member that has the courage to read it. Their ability to silence the people they've abused is disappearing. It's been their way of controlling for so long. They thought they'd hidden enough information that they'd be able to control and manipulate people forever.
Pandoras Box has the lid off. It will never be closed again. The cat will never go back in the bag, the bell can never be un-rung.
Their excommunications, courts, nasty letters, and threats are losing their ability to control. In fact, most who are threatened go online, find the truth, and laugh. They leave on their own terms now. They learn that those men are nobodies. They have no special priesthood powers. In fact they are leaders of a religion that's headed for its death bed. There's no cure. The best thing is to let it die. The tyrants have had their day. Knowledge really is power.
>>>PEOPLE HAVE DIED HORRID, UGLY deaths, severe DEPRESSION, HOPELESSNESS over them professing to "KNOW" all this @#$%& is true! They don't get to walk that back!<<<
Well said, well said. Amen and Amen.
Re: "Nothing is known about..." Well, this is what I KNOW!
All we'll said but they do try to bully and scare you when you leave by telling all your family and neighbors that your leaving right?. I try to talk to my Tb hubby and he still defends it and says the internet lies?.. Really?? and my daughter is going to the temple soon so it's scary to tell her because her new soon to be family is all tb to the core and bishops. Sorry back to your "I know" they can't lie about their history it is slowly coming out!! Finally
"Recovery from Mormonism - www.exmormon.org"