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Posted by: xyz ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 10:58PM

Hahahaha! Nice!

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Posted by: ragingphoenix ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 11:05PM

Holy shit!!

I feel amazed that I was able to witness this whole thing unfold since David posted his paisley shirt blog post...

Seeing each step of the way...

How is your immediate family reacting David?

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Posted by: spaghetti oh ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 11:34PM

Yes, same here.

It's been fascinating!

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Posted by: Mia ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 11:09PM

Michael Purdy is either a bald faced liar, or has no idea what kind of crap the church has dished out to its own members.

I was ex'd. Nobody in my circles even knew I had been raised a Mormon. I lived 50 miles from the closest mormon I knew. I NEVER mentioned to anyone I associated with that I was a Mormon. I hadn't been to a mormon church or function in at least 7 years.

My mother demanded I be ex'd because she didn't like the fact that I was engaged to a nevermo. That was the whole story.period.

I didn't show up to their party. I have no idea who was there, or what they had to say. I could care less.

This was eons before the internet existed (1980?). It was all about my mother seeking revenge on a child she despised, and still does. They followed her bidding.

When I hear people like Michael Purdy spout their ignorant BS I want to vomit. Before you spout out lies Michael, educate yourself as to what these slime balls have been doing for the last 100 years or more. There isn't a paycheck big enough to sell your soul to them.

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Posted by: David Twede ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 11:20PM

When I spoke with Laurie Goodstein on the phone, it felt surreal.

The next calls? from Jon Stewart, Colbert, Bill Maher and Penn & Teller. Oh, wait, I'm just dreaming.

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Posted by: xyz ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 11:22PM

I hope you aren't dreaming and they DO call you! If anyone is a good level-headed person to say what needs to be said, it is you.

Best wishes.

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Posted by: The Oncoming Storm - bc ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 11:22PM


A point I would love to see made in one of these pieces that I haven't seen made yet is this:

"I could understand if the LDS church was upset because I was lying about the church. However, the information provided has been truthful. Before being labelled excommunicated I would at least expect them to substantiate what I have lied about."

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Posted by: Rachel Velamur ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 11:23PM

I'm just glad you made the decision to go public with this - I'm sure it hasn't been easy. But thank you so much.

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Posted by: Mia ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 11:24PM

It' real! Go to the mat for all it's worth. There are so many people supporting you.

I, myself, can't wrap my mind around how many people have been used and abused by the church.

I never in my wildest dreams thought I would see this moment.

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Posted by: thingsithink ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 11:35PM

Someone is likely running it by these folks. Stewart, Maher. Colbert might even send out a "reporter".

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/21/2012 11:36PM by thingsithink.

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Posted by: Susan I/S ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 11:47PM

It is Hubby's favorite show (I end up watching every one two or three times) and then we could put a face and voice with the name. That is even better than our photo album!

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Posted by: Helen ( )
Date: September 22, 2012 12:49AM

Agree 100%

and let's add Lawrence O'Donnell to the list. I'd love to see David on The Last Word.

I love hearing O'Donnell talk about why Romney's Great Grandfather and his FIVE wives went to Mexico.

He says Mitt leaves that part out when he talks about his father being born in Mexico. Lawrence goes on to say they left the United States because they didn't want to follow the law.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/22/2012 12:49AM by Helen.

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Posted by: anagrammy ( )
Date: September 22, 2012 01:01AM


It is pretty stunning how many mistakes these reporters make, i.e., "because you were leading people astray" when all you were doing was telling the truth and pointing.

It's not like you were telling lies to con people into joining your new religion--oh, wait, that was Joseph Smith.


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Posted by: jong1064 ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 11:26PM

That article was the best yet. Way to go, David. I'm sorry you are having to go through this, but you are handling yourself with grace and integrity, which is much more than we can say for the Morg.

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Posted by: thingsithink ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 11:30PM

I'm stunned this story got out so quickly. I still think the Mormon leaders will buckle and try to deep six this. If they ex him its round two and it could be intense.

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Posted by: steve benson ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 11:48PM

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 09/22/2012 01:04AM by steve benson.

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Posted by: Mia ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 11:40PM

I am an avid supporter of what you are standing for.

There was a time in my life when I would have done exactly as you are doing. Unfortunately the internet didn't exist.

You just happen to be in the right place at the right time. I can't tell you how much that means to me.

I am 58. I've spent my entire life either in the church or being persecuted by them. Sometimes both. I've had enough.

It was this last November than I clicked into MT and read it from beginning to end. I then sat my family down and went over all I had learned. My husband and two children left the church with me on Thanksgiving day. I can't tell you how happy I am that we are free of the chains and sick thinking that the church has entangled my family in for 6 going on 7 generations.

I will not have any grandchildren that are Mormon. For that, I have MT to thank. Your efforts are not in vain. In fact, what you do will have an effect on generations of people who have been raised in Mormonism, and people who haven't been born yet.

My grandchildren have yet to be born. They will probably start arriving in the next year or two. THEY WILL NOT BE MORMONS! I can't tell you how much that means to me.

I have a stepson that is TBM. His 1st child is 6 mo. old. So far they are still in the church. It's heartbreaking. I'm hoping that they will eventually see the light and leave.

It's sites like MT that can make this happen.

I tell you all of this so you don't think that your sacrifices are meaningless. They are everything. I would do it myself if I could. Unlike you, i'm not in the right place at the right time.

I'm behind you all the way.

Love, Mia

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Posted by: caedmon ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 11:46PM

Get ready for a spike of hits at MT - time to get more bandwidth.

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Posted by: ducky333 ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 11:48PM

I'm so glad major media is running with the story. It's about time.

David, I don't know you personally, but thank you for your hard work. I wish the best for you and your family. This, as the poet says, is the hard home-run. Godspeed.

Say to them,
say to the down-keepers,
the sun-slappers,
the self-soilers,
the harmony-hushers,
"even if you are not ready for day
it cannot always be night."
You will be right.
For that is the hard home-run....

Gwendolyn Brooks, "Speech to the Young Speech to the Progress Toward"

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Posted by: Raptor Jesus ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 11:51PM

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Posted by: Heresy ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 11:56PM

When I looked on the Daily Beast it was just a column buried in the back.

It's now a got a link on the NYT FRONT PAGE.

Incredible! Good work guys!

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Posted by: onendagus ( )
Date: September 22, 2012 12:09AM

It was in the printed edition too--here is the footnote to the article:

A version of this article appeared in print on September 22, 2012, on page A12 of the New York edition with the headline: Editor of Web Site May Face Mormon Excommunication.

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Posted by: steve benson ( )
Date: September 21, 2012 11:57PM

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Posted by: wittyname ( )
Date: September 22, 2012 12:00AM

For what it's worth, I found the NYT article because it made the front page of Google News, Top story to the right. That's good expsure there.

Bill Maher has a very specific fixation with the LDS church. Hopefully he'll pick up on this story because it is the exact sort of surreal ridiculousness he likes to discuss.

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Posted by: truthseeker ( )
Date: September 22, 2012 12:04AM

I really admire Mr. Twede for boldly speaking out.

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Posted by: MormonThinker ( )
Date: September 22, 2012 12:55AM

My hero.


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Posted by: MCane82 ( )
Date: September 22, 2012 03:27AM

Normally I dont post here that much but I have to say David, you are my hero for doing this. So glad it got picked up by the NY Times.....have posted it on my FB page twice already...I still havent resigned cuz my wife asked me not to since it means something to her but I am borderline now...the Morg keeps shooting itself in the foot and giving me more ammunition to be done with it once and for all

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