Posted by:
Date: June 19, 2012 01:48AM
I think the tipping point may already have passed, the landmark event/decision was the emphasis on temple building.
Here's my analogy - for good or bad, right or wrong: I'm an amateur astronomer, and I think the Mo Church is like the Sun. When the Sun's supply of hydrogen begins to run low - (hydrogen is needed to fuel it's nuclear engine) it will grow bigger, and bigger (to maintain nuclear fusion) and will eventually swallow Mercury, Venus, Earth.
The Sun's increasing size, circumference is really a sign of trouble. The Sun will grow size in it's attempt to fuse hydrogen and other elements to overcome gravity, it's enemy.
Eventually, the Sun's nuclear fuel/fuels will become exhausted, and will then become a Brown Dwarf, after nuclear combustion is no longer possible, and contract to the size of say, The Earth. Professional astronomers: please feel free to correct anything here.
The Mo Church is in it's expansion, Temple building phase. The Church, like the Sun, is running out of fuel, and so it's spending its resources on temples and City Creek to become "bigger". The Mo Church has it's own form of gravity - it's enemy, and that is Africa, non-tithe paying members, non-tithe paying new members, and decreasing size of it's legacy members- tithe paying members along the Wasatch Front.
The Church will explain that the increase in Temple Building is a reflection of it's popularity and increasing membership growth.
However, in keeping with the nuclear fuel metaphor of the Sun, increasing growth in the number of it's operating temples, is in fact a measure of it's dwindling influence and weakness.
The Mo Church believes that there is a positive correlation to the number of temples and tithing income.
While this may be true for the short term, the opposite is true in the long term.
The Mo's will last another couple of hundred years, and will then enter their own type of Brown Dwarf existence. (Brown Dwarfs will forever be hot, till the end of the universe's life. However, they will never again be able to start nuclear fusion once again, the definition of a main-sequence star. They will always be in existence - but will never be able to grow.
The Mos' will be exactly like their Missouri cousins, The Community of Christ, which is in fact a very minor Brown Dwarf, to continue the metaphor.
For those who have become worried about the Sun swallowing the Earth, please don't. This event won't happen for another 4 or 5 billion years.