A Brief Summary
This is a brief summary of who this group is and why this page is
I joined Mormonism while in college at the age of 20 and was a faithful
Mormon for more than 22 years. I also served a 2 year Mormon mission
in Finland from 1974-1976. I was married in the Washington Temple and
had many church callings over the years. My wife, my children and I began
our journey out of Mormonism in 1993 when we discovered serious errors
in the official church history, the D&C, the Temple Endowment, the
Book of Abraham and last of all the Book of Mormon. It was hard for us
to believe that we had been deceived for all those years.
We met wonderful people in Mormonism. We know many Mormons who are
to their families and are trying to live good lives. Their faith,
is in a god who was once a mortal being who has progressed to godhood and
in believing there are men in Salt Lake who uniquely commune with this
god. These leaders claim that they alone have the truth and claim they
have the right to dictate how members of their organization should live
so the members can be worthy of this god's love. We are glad to be out,
but leaving this type of group is difficult. We have gotten to know a
of former Jehovah's Witnesses who have gone through similar things in
the Watchtower and felt a Web page like this would be helpful.
The purpose of this site is to let people who are or were in an
organization, like Mormonism, know they are not alone in their feelings
and experiences. |