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Posted by: Senoritalamanita ( )
Date: July 22, 2013 08:58PM

I just learned today, that the former "Cult Awareness Network" was drummed out of existence through a hostile bankruptcy takeover by the Church of Scientology.

The original "Cult Awareness Network" was founded after 909 members of Jim Jones cult [The People's Temple] drank cyanide-laced koolaid in the jungles of Guyana in November 1978. The cult awareness network provided support to cult members and their concerned families, as well as handing out exit-information for those wanting to flee a cult.

In 1996 the original Cult Awareness Network was shut down during the hostile takeover by Scientology. The Church of Scientology bought it's name and its assets, calling itself the "New Cult Awareness Network."

Apparently the New Cult Awareness Network considers itself a "champion of human rights and freedom of religion."

So if you're concerned about how your relative is being brainwashed by the cult of Mormonism, don't call the hotline. The person you may be talking to is probably a Scientologist!

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Posted by: Chicken N. Backpacks ( )
Date: July 22, 2013 11:43PM

Wow--if that's not '1984' I don't what is....

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Posted by: earlyrm ( )
Date: July 22, 2013 11:49PM

The only reason you should call them is to talk about how much Mormonism is a cult (things which easily parallel Scientology). Basically, be a troll...

Hidden knowledge until you enter the temple! (Xenu vs Handshakes)
Controlling every aspect of your life! (Missions vs communal living)
Obsession with finding new members! Tithing! The list goes on and on.

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Posted by: s4711 logged out ( )
Date: July 22, 2013 11:53PM

Fox guarding the hen house...

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: July 22, 2013 11:59PM

It's like christian operatives running "pregnancy centers".

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Posted by: inmoland ( )
Date: July 23, 2013 12:01AM

They're also behind Narconon, often confused with Narcotics Anonymous.

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Posted by: SL Cabbie ( )
Date: July 23, 2013 12:25AM

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Posted by: AFT ( )
Date: July 23, 2013 12:36AM

I know WAAAYYYY too much about Scientology. I worked for high end scientologists and have met many of the "famous" ones. They have their own language. Mormons call everyone who's not Mormon "gentiles." Scientologists call them "public." Or, if there are only Scienos present, they'll refer to them as "raw meat." Gays are "1.1" which is "covert hostility" on the Scieno tone scale, which is a rating of life energy. The lower you are on the scale, the less alive you are. Although, like TSCC, they tend to say they "never taught that"(about gays being 1.1).LOL They WERE however extremely active regarding Prop. 8 (Gay marriage) here in California, as they believe that mankind's duty, and strongest urge is "Survive!" So, they believe that being gay keeps the race from continuing by not having children and they are killing the species. They are oddly proud of their "Rainbow" groups, which are groups of gay Scienos. Sort of like being a black Mormon BEFORE 1978. Or after, for that matter.

I always referred to it as a religion based on "tattling." One of their favorite LRH quotes is, "If it's not written down, it's not true." So, if your boss promised you Friday off, but you didn't get it in writing, you're screwed. If you, say, saw someone steal something from work and mention it to your boss, you'll be made to write the whole thing down in a "KR" or "Knowledge Report." This report WILL be read to the person you accused, so you are much less likely to report wrong-doers, for fear of being ostracised by the workplace.

If ANYONE has questions regarding Scientology, feel free to ask me. At least, when you leave TSCC, you just leave. With Scientology they send you a "deadbeat bill" which you have to pay off before you're allowed to leave. AND, if you don't pay it, they'll sue you for it! And Members get calls two to four times per week asking for money and promises of money. I watched my boss selling off her family possessions just so she could pay for her auditing and classes.

Hey, she's an OT8 now (the highest rating). The president of Scientology (besides being insane) is only about an OT5. Can you imagine a President of TSCC NOT having a temple recommend?LOL Sort of the same thing.

Again, if anyone has questions, feel free to ask me. I most likely know the answer (not conceited...they just tried REALLY hard to "teach" me, so I have lots of info).

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Posted by: caffiend as guest ( )
Date: July 23, 2013 01:23AM

I'm a' Level X Operating Cretin and on a first name basis with Xenu. So there!

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Posted by: SL Cabbie ( )
Date: July 23, 2013 02:55AM

I don't have a lot of time to spend on Scientology (Damn, the spell checker threw up when I didn't capitalize it; there's a bit of "paranoia feed" for you); debunking revisionist LDS History takes up most of what spare time I have...

I do like to keep up with what's taking place with the Xenu crowd, however; there are useful parallels that offer higher levels of common ground that permit seeing the operating forces and dysfunction. So what I take from what you're saying is that it's a "particularly intellectually incestuous crowd" (I see the COB and the "BYU Orbital Platforms" the same way); they have to reinforce their delusional operant reality in order to keep their demon doubts at bay.

I'd love to see you do a post on the subject that's worthy of archiving, and shoot, I"ll volunteer for "troll duty" if this site comes under attack... (big smiley face)

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Posted by: Senoritalamanita ( )
Date: July 23, 2013 11:36AM

My father was a scientologist.

Just a minor correction to your post, AFT. "Publics" are public Scientologists, who practice Scientology but live at home with their families, go to work every day ... etc.

Those Scientologists who join Sea Org, however are not public Scientologists. They sign a billion year (literally) contract to dedicate every waking moment to the cause. They are more of the administrative part of the organization [human slaves, grunts]. They live at the different headquarters, scientology-owned buildings. Any infraction, such as talking back, is viewed as a crime against their religion. They are severely punished if they disobey.

Perhaps you are referring to the term WOGS, which is their pejorative term for non-Scientologist. L. Ron Hubbard used the term wog to describe the ignorant unenlightened outsiders. It is short for "Well and Orderly Gentlemen."

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Posted by: lucky ( )
Date: July 23, 2013 02:26PM

AFT Wrote:

> Hey, she's an OT8 now (the highest rating). The
> president of Scientology (besides being insane) is
> only about an OT5. Can you imagine a President of
> TSCC NOT having a temple recommend? LOL Sort of
> the same thing.

..... but for some reason I can imagine the leader of the MORmON church being a REAL MORmON.

.... who is completely uninspired and uninspiring.......

.... and somehow the top MORmON leaders can get up and implore young MORmONS to go on full time missions when they did not go themselves, or wanted to quit early on when they did go ......

The last thing I ever said to a very hateful MORmON family member was an observation about how LDS Inc would not let his own non member mother, who we both knew to be a very honorable women, into their Hell house LDS temple, but they would let the biggest POS local shyster in there.

Not a lot of appeal in such a screwed up organization for me.

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Posted by: lucky ( )
Date: July 23, 2013 12:52AM

epic fail, scam awareness in zion Utah

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/23/2013 12:53AM by lucky.

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Posted by: siobhan ( )
Date: July 23, 2013 09:26AM

I will state again that scientology, moism and the OTO are all derived from the same source.

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Posted by: Senoritalamanita ( )
Date: July 23, 2013 02:31PM

What source, Siobhan?

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