Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2012 11:47AM
...depends on the assclown who is running the show.
I won't go through my whole story again right now, but yes, it depends on who the bishop or SP is. I think the reason my story (which is really my ex-husband's story--I was just commanded to be at the high council court), is so unique because the SP who ran it was the most controlling, depraved, dishonorable, pompous, arrogant, manipulative, corrupt, penishood leader I've ever encountered. I won't mention any names, but he's a Utah Valley gastro doc and in pig latin he would be hynn wemmert. Our court took place in 1986 and I read a few years afterwards that he had been called to be a mission president in Florida. I felt so sorry for any guy who had to serve under him. But when the court happened, he was a new SP and this was his first chance to hold a court. He must have been so excited to show off his bigass power and authority. He was just that kind of guy. In the end, hubby only got a slap on the wrist (probation). But I was so thoroughly humiliated by the ordeal.
But trust me, there have been many times that I've wanted to write a letter to good ol Doc Wemmert and thank him for being the biggest a-hole in the church. I was SUCH a molly mormon at the time and that was the very first crack in the door. When we walked back and got in the car, my husband turned to me and said, "well, I guess they made it perfectly clear whose fault that was." Yes, they did (mine, of course). But then, I swear and this sounds so floweringly mormon, I felt loving arms around me (could it have been my brain kicking in for the first time) and the thought came to my head that what we had just experienced had nothing to do with God. Nothing. If there was a Satan, it was all about him. I knew that God loved me and that even if this was his church, parts of it had become very corrupt and some of the leaders were just plain corrupt. It took 15 years, almost to the day, from that point to the day I got my exit letter when I resigned. It was a very strange journey during those years. But once that door was cracked open, it allowed other information in. It allowed me to start peeking behind it.
In all reality. Hynn Wemmert is the person I should thank for all the good things that have happened in my life, especially in the last 10 years. I would like to publicly thank him here for opening my eyes with his take on a Court of Love.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/30/2012 11:49AM by NormaRae.