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Date: April 12, 2012 08:27PM
My daugter forwarded me this email letter from her son whom has been serving a mission in South America less than a year and she was in tears from the words he had said to her. For information, my daughter was raised very TBM by myself and my now ex-wife. She married a very TBM guy and they lived by following all the church standards up until about 6 years ago when their marriage fell apart after about 17 years of marriage. My daughter eventually drifted from the church and is now a very non believing ex-Mormon even though she has not officially resigned as far as I know. Here is the letter she got.......
"Dear Mom,
I honestly don´t know what to say now. I´ve tryed it all. My family is a disaster. I´ve thought about when I come just not notifying any of you and just disapearing. I am sick and tired of the stupid shit. Yes I swear cause I am pissed off. I am sick and tired of my family just going further and further off into the darkness.Yes, this includes Dad. I cry in my pillow for all of you. I pray. I try and I try. But. I´m not going to give up on you, because I love you. Because, like in the recent general conference, the apostles have said that salvation is a family affair.
Now, you must read the following letter I am going to write in all seriousness. I´ve thought a lot about what I could write you, especially durning this last conference. I believe I´ve written it all. Like I´ve said I´ve tryed it all. Now it´s time to tell you what is really on my mind.
Do you REALLY love me?
I asked this awhile back... without reply.
Well I have the answer: No. You don´t. You don´t really love me, but you love the world more. You love the theology of the world, the ideas, the games, the bullshit of the world more than me.
You would rather believe that we come back as an ant than living together as a family forever. This. is why you do not love me. No amount of packages, letters, kisses, etc. will ever make me feel you love me more.
If you honestly and truly loved me, you would want our family to be together forever. Unlike what dad says, that divorce was NOT in the plan of God. Honestly, I was more happy, and had so much joy when my family was together, when we particpated in family home evenings together, we read the scriptures, and prayed. THAT was happiness. Then somewhere along the line it stopped. I can´t remember when but it did. That´s when things went down hill. God wants us to be happy. We just have to follow his council and we are. That´s why there are commandments, and when we follow them there is happiness.
Sometimes god doesn´t answer us because we already know. I knew you knew mom. I saw it. You were happy. You are now the sadest most miserable person I know. and that´s not going to change, unless you follow the principals of god.
A long time ago you were my mother. You loved me, you wanted the best for me, you taught me good principals. Everything I know and believe NOW is because of you. But, now... I can hardly call you my mother. You have no values. You have no principals. You don´t even know if we can live together forever. But I know, and if you keep following this path we won´t be an eternal family. How disfigured your knowledge of the gospel is now. You won´t be damned nor thrown into an eternal flame, but you won´t live with me. How sad will that be? That would be hell. Imagnine, never seeing me again. That´s what the scriptures refer to as hell.
I know what happens after death. I KNOW where I´ll be. You can too, if you actually look for it. I know that you didn´t recieve an answer before. I promise you, that if you ask this time, you WILL get one, if you really want to live with me for eternity.
I know you try and work and provide for this family. But in the grand scheme of things that doesn´t matter. What happens in eternity matters.
Mom, I will always be your son, but at this moment, it is hard to call you my mother.
Someday, you may be able to be my mother again, when you make the changes in your life.
I love you. Someday, I hope you will know and feel that love.
So that was the letter she got and of course she felt so bad after all the things she had done and sacrificed to help her children before and after her divorce and not a penny of help from her deadbeat TBM ex husband (and that's another story). She is single and doing the best she can to take care of her 4 children some with very difficult medical problems. How wonderful the church is when it can cause this sort of feelings between mother and son.