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Date: March 01, 2012 05:39PM
Prince Claus was baptized by Mormons
In recent weeks there has been much ado about the Mormon practice of people after their death deputy to baptize. The controversy erupted in mid-February when came to light that the Mormons Jewish Holocaust victims, including Anne Frank, were posthumously baptized. This week was also Mahatma Gandhi Deputy baptized.
Font of the temple in Zoetermeer
Vicarious baptism, or "baptisms for the dead" as the Mormons call it themselves, works as follows. First, the personal data of the deceased to be recorded in the genealogical database of the Mormon church. Then the member vicarious baptism would do to a Mormon temple. There goes he or she (depending on the sex of the deceased) a baptism by immersion on behalf of the deceased. The name of the deceased is then added to the standard baptismal formula: "I baptize you for the deceased Klaus Georg Wilhelm Otto Friedrich Gerd von Amsberg in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."
Klaus Georg Wilhelm Otto Friedrich Gerd von Amsberg?
Indeed, Prince Claus was posthumously baptized on August 13, 2004 in the temple of Campinas in Brazil. It was he also confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and he was the office of elder in the Melchizedek priesthood.
Two weeks later, on August 26, 2004, Prince Claus were called for ordinances in the temple of Sao Paulo. This is a ritual washing and anointing, the neophyte (or his deputy) was also the much talked about Mormon underwear gets attracted (in the Anglo-Saxon press irreverently called "magic underwear" called).
Special underwear Mormons in the temple have been
This ablution and anointing prepares for the so-called endowment, a symbolic ceremony in which the inwijdelingen be admitted to heaven after providing four secret handshakes (borrowed from Freemasonry) and the corresponding secret passwords (see the clip from the series Big Love for an impression of the endowment). During this ritual promise the Mormons all their time, money, talents and even their lives if necessary, to dedicate to the building of the Mormon church. For this endowmentceremonie Prince Claus was on 9 November 2004 performed in the temple in Campinas.
After remaining two rituals, called seals. Seals have family commitments in life are made, but which, according to Mormon theology through this ritual also take effect in the afterlife. A Mormon church wedding is such a seal. This promise participants loyalty "to the laws, commandments and ordinances of the new and everlasting covenant" - that is faithful to the church, not to each other (only implied).
But there is more to regulate the afterlife if you want to enjoy carefree as Mormon. The children who come from a temple marriage, remain in the afterlife automatically belong to the family. But if the parents only sealed together after the children are born, they must still be sealed to their parents.
The seal of Prince Claus to his parents was conducted on November 10, 2004 in Campinas. To his wife, Queen Beatrix, a little late in coming because Her Majesty is not dead yet and so far no attempt seems to be Mormon to themselves and to life to her deceased husband to be sealed, for example in the Mormon temple in Zoetermeer.
Osijlaan the Mormon temple in Zoetermeer
Moreover, it is not Queen Beatrix in the Prince Claus waiting to be sealed as his wife, but Baronesa (sic) Gosta Bussche-Haddenhausen, the mother of the prince. Well, if we learned anything from the news in recent weeks than it is that strange things in that Mormon database ...
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