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Posted by: Nona ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 01:55PM

I don't really know how to explain this, but I'll give it a go. I wonder if any of you have noticed this behaviour in mormons, or if it's just me, and the mormons I know.

Basically, I attend church weekly, and one thing I notice, that really annoys me is how a lot of mormons seem so angry whenever there's a scientific development that prevents one of the bad consequences of a sin.

For example, mormons are angry that teenagers are being given birth control. Most people would think surely it's a good thing, but according to mormons it's a bad thing because it means teenagers can have sex without risking pregnancy. I just don't get this mentality. It's as if they want the people who don't follow their ideal lifestyle to suffer?

Mormons seem angry at the prospect of a cure to HIV. Similar situation with the contraception issue. Surely a cure to HIV seems like one of the best things science could discover, but no, for a lot of mormons, it seems they WANT promiscuous people to get HIV.

A common one that comes up in church is when scientists discovered a few years ago that alcohol in small quanities can actually be beneficial to your health. Again, instead of the mormons being happy about this, a lot of them simply seemed annoyed that these people are drinking alcohol and not getting hurt? Why are mormons the only people who don't see that as a good thing?

It just seems a lot of mormons have their list of sins, and punishments that are supposed to come with them. If the punishment doesn't happen, they seem to get annoyed. It's almost seems to me as if they're jealous of the people that can sin and "get away with it".

I don't think I've explained this very well, but have any of you noticed a similar attitude in some mormons?

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Posted by: helamonster ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 02:26PM

Think about abortion, for example. These folks *pretend* it's all about being "pro life". But if you know their views on capital punishment, and social safety-net programs for poor or underage mothers, you quickly surmise it isn't about life at all. It's about punishing a woman for her "slutty" behavior by making sure she has to deal with the consequences.

This is the kind of crap that has turned me against religion entirely.

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Posted by: Scooter ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 03:03PM

it's all about punishing the sinner and her child. no other rational is possible. If you are going to force her to carry the baby to term, then you have to provide services. To not do so is just being plain vindictive.

been saying so for decades.

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Posted by: WiserWomanNow ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 04:34PM

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Posted by: Itzpapalotl ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 02:37PM

+1 to helamonster

I think it's because since they don't get to ex[erience these things without some kind of consequence (confessing to the bish, disfellowshiping, loss of TR, etc...) they don't want other people to "get away with it."

What kills me about the HIV thing is back in the late '80s, there was a Mormon boy who contracted HIV from a tainted blood supply (he was a hemophiliac). There was a TV movie titled "Go Towards the Light" and Linda Hamilton played the mother.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/26/2011 02:39PM by itzpapalotl.

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Posted by: Hane ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 08:27PM

itzpapalotl Wrote:
> +1 to helamonster
> I think it's because since they don't get to
> ex[erience these things without some kind of
> consequence (confessing to the bish,
> disfellowshiping, loss of TR, etc...) they don't
> want other people to "get away with it."
> What kills me about the HIV thing is back in the
> late '80s, there was a Mormon boy who contracted
> HIV from a tainted blood supply (he was a
> hemophiliac). There was a TV movie titled "Go
> Towards the Light" and Linda Hamilton played the
> mother.

I remember that one! Around that time, a hemophiliac who contracted AIDS from transfusions said that he got more support and medical advice from the gay community than from the hemophiliac community, which at that time burying its head in the sand because AIDS was a "gay" disease. Totally ignoring the fact that blood-to-blood transfer is the EASIEST way to transmit HIV!

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Posted by: Hane ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 08:30PM

And I just learned on NPR the other day that coffee seems to be a factor in promoting prostate health and preventing prostate cancer.

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Posted by: Stray Mutt ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 02:56PM

They've submitted to a world where certain fun things have horrible imaginary consequences. It causes envy when others do those fun things without harm. Not only does it provoke envy, it also challenges their imaginary world. But rather than questioning their beliefs, they turn off their brains and retreat deeper into make believe. "Oh yeah? Well God will punish you in the afterlife!"

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Posted by: Stray Mutt ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 03:15PM

Being able to point to actual, here-and-now, unwanted consequences makes it easier to teach religious behavior to young people -- particularly if they're not particularly convinced about the hell fire part of it. So if actual possible consequences are eliminated, rats, there go the motivators.

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Posted by: helamonster ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 03:59PM

It's also about control, plain and simple.

The mormon mentality is that if mormonism can't control an individual's behavior, then that person should be destroyed.

They can't use Danites anymore, but they can rig social circumstances to produce some similar results...

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Posted by: SoCalNevermo ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 02:58PM

I would think that with their lip service to "family values" they would want to encourage only potentially loving parents to have children. Instead they seem to consider children as a just "punishment" for unauthorized sex.

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Posted by: Eldermalin ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 04:54PM

It is even the case for ecclesiastical punishments not being severe enough anymore.

(Only slightly exaggerated quote)
"What you were only put on probation for 3 months for fornication? Back in my day they were excommunicating teens for that and announcing it publicly from the pulpit and I got disfellowshipped for masturbating to porn."

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Posted by: The StalkerDog™ ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 06:05PM

I mean, who cares if they get- or pass on- cervical cancer, right?
They DESERVE it, b'god, fer bein dirty old filthy SINNERS!!!!!!!!!!!

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Posted by: Tristan-Powerslave ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 08:58PM

The StalkerDog™ Wrote:
> I mean, who cares if they get- or pass on-
> cervical cancer, right?
> They DESERVE it, b'god, fer bein dirty old filthy
> SINNERS!!!!!!!!!!!

These are the same kinds of parents that won't let their daughters be on birth control to regulate their periods, or to be simultaneously on accutane to deal with their bad skin. They automatically think that they'll start having sex, and/or they think that if anyone else finds out that people will think that their daughters are promiscuous & that they're bad parents.

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Posted by: Itzpapalotl ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 09:11PM

Then if the girl does for hwatever reason end up having sex while in Accutane without birthcontrol, you bet any religious nuts will blame the horrible birth defects on the girl's fornication.

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Posted by: Anon for this one ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 06:44PM

Well, except for those of us who got HPV and other things from our eternal mates. Pisses me off that I am dealing with that now. Cryosurgery, LEEPs, always worried about full-blown cancer, drugs I shouldn't have to take.

I saved myself for marriage and was faithful during marriage. If my mother had a chance to get me an HPV vaccine and didn't because I wouldn't need it since I'd be marrying a temple worthy guy and we'd be faithful and then this happened, I'd be livid. But yet, I know mormons who refused to let their daughters get the vaccine for that reason. And supposedly by the time they're an adult it's not as effective. How assinine can it get?

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Posted by: blacksheep25 ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 06:48PM

I have experienced this as well. When I chose to live an alternative lifestyle which involved drinking and pre marital sex, my family predicated that I would pay for my sins. So far my punishment has been a beautiful son, a great fiancee, a great career, and I am the first person in my family to graduate from college. So much for "wickedness never was happiness". I didn't get addicted to alcohol, or become a prostitute. Now where is a vengeful God when you need one???

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Posted by: AIC ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 08:44PM

AMEN...there never was one.

It is true "Wickedness NEVER was HAPPINESS" look at MORGdom...surely something is wrong there!

The mormons don't get it! They want it, but can't have why should anyone else.

A TRUE Born Again X-tian would know this too. know how MORGdom tells us that the wine the jews drank was BS!

There were 3 types of WINE

*** Sweet Wine = which ranged from authentic grape to juice to appetizer wine

*** Then Wine...I mean Christ gave wine at the can grape juice get better doesn't, but we ALL know good wine is good because of how aged it is!

AND OHHHHH, Christ the Saviour drank wine...and that is why the Pharisees called him a wine-bibber who supped and ate with drunkards.

*** Red Wine we have at the store

And here is the clincher

Prophet Smith was a wino...

Heber J Grant made the WOW part of "worthiness" to make "the pay to play" that MORGdom calls tithing to stick, once Lorenzo SNOW got tithing going to get the Church out of Brigham Youngs MESS!

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Posted by: thedesertrat1 ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 08:36PM

RE: coffee!!!
My DW recently acknowledged that coffee calms me down and the lack thereof seems to increase my internal tension.
Different body types respond differently to different foods and drinks. So there!

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Posted by: AIC ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 08:52PM

SOOOO true.

You may be hypothyroid.

I have a low thyroid and coffee was prescribed me after meals especially meat meals.

It is soooo sooothing to my brain.

I remember how long it took me to comply because I am stupid to put my health on the line for silly rules that are just annoying.

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Posted by: Lucky ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 08:51PM

I wanted to post a bigger response but just let me say for right now that MORmONS are sick twisted EVIL (yes I said EVIL and I mean it) ppl. they would poison the world and make it a bigger hell hole for the sake of being right about their foul EVIL religion.

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Posted by: AIC ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 08:54PM

Wicked whatever it takes to keep the people dependent on you and far away from God as possible.

Be sure to fill up the coffers boys...whatever it takes $$$$$$$$$

We wouldn't want them to know the truth now cause then we would be of no use.

Hmmmm I seem to recall this similar issue between the pharisees and Christ....


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Posted by: Trollahstatus ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 08:53PM

Yep, same reason why Mormons/Christians hate the morning after pill. Heaven forbid that a girl who already regrets what she did can take something completely harmless to give her the opportunity to improve her life.

They attack it by calling it an early abortion, but Plan B can't be considered an abortion by any logical means! These are people who claim that life begins at conception - arguable at best, but even if you assume that's true, emergency contraceptive prevents sperm from meeting egg - therefore, conception has not occurred, therefore you're not "killing" anything!

In the end, it all boils down to behavior that they don't approve of, and trying to shove their way of life down our throats.

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Posted by: AIC ( )
Date: May 26, 2011 09:02PM

Are there any mormons using birth control i.e. estrogen?

If so they are aborting too...the pill is an please tell them to quiet!

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