Posted by:
Date: August 02, 2017 01:11AM
Here goes the the thread!
*Polar ice, over-all, is growing. (And polar bear population increasing.)
*Sea levels are fluctuating very modestly, over-all dropping.
*Global temperatures have been dropping. "Global Warming" theorists have explained this as a "hiatus."
*Until the 1970s, a major drop in world temperature was predicted. The "experts" were wrong then, but not now?
*Hacking of the ICPP showed that peer-reviewed periodicals wanted the data revised (temperature records raised) to better establish the argument.
*The Warming hypothesis is based primarily on computer models, with much of the data suspect (I'm being charitable). For example, AL-gore's "hockey stick" graph has been proven to be fraudulent.
*For the 3rd summer in a row, a research ship could not complete its Arctic voyage because of excessive ice.
*Predicted increase in hurricane activity has not happened.
*Many scientists listed in advocates' ads were shown to have no expertise in climate science, and many stated their names were listed without permission.
This link states the case better than I can: don't imagine John Coleman is invited to the proper cocktail parties anymore. I haven't the slightest idea of who thought up the Global Collapse Climate Change hyopthesis, but I'd look to Goldman-Sachs before I'd look to China.
No need to be so hostile, Dave. Can I disregard your invective as just a bad ice cube?
Back to the thread, the OP's moniker as "atheist/cultural Mormon" piques my curiosity, and I hope we can address that.