Posted by:
Date: February 27, 2014 03:50PM
Latest in a series.
Me: Please tell me whether this is an accurate statement of Mormon doctrine, from the "Encyclopedia of Mormonism": "Latter-day Saints worship and pray to the Father and offer all other sacred performances to him in the name of the Son, Jesus Christ." Apostle Bruce R. McConkie said: "We worship the Father and him only and no one else. We do not worship the Son and we do not worship the Holy Ghost." Is that really Mormon doctrine?
TBM: Yes, we worship God the Father, in the name of the Son.
Me: Another question: I have heard that Mormons believe that Jesus was the "God" referred to in the Old Testament. Is that correct?
TBM: Yes, before he became incarnate, Jesus was called "Jehovah" and was the God of the Old Testament.
Me: It was really Jesus, then, that dictated the Ten Commandments?
TBM: Yes, as Jehovah.
Me: So it was Jesus, then, speaking as Jehovah, who said "Thou shalt have no other gods before me"?
TBM: That's what we believe.
Me: Then aren't you Mormons violating that commandment of Jesus/Jehovah, by worshiping God the Father rather than the being that said "Thou shalt have NO OTHER gods before ME"?
TBM: I know the church is true, I know that Joseph Smith was....
Previous "stump" posts:
#1: Baptism wording:,1013735#2: "sun" vs. "son":,1089659#3: Name of church 1834-1838:,1102694#4: Bible prophecies:,1121855#5: Languages in the pre-existence:,1127558#6: What is doctrine?,1135995