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Posted by: RPackham ( )
Date: January 03, 2014 11:41AM

Latest in a series.

Me: I have a question about the pre-existence and the Great Council in heaven. Did the spirits there speak any Spanish or French?
TBM: No, of course not.
Me: Any Russian or Japanese?
TBM: Don't be silly. Those languages did not exist before the world was created. They are human languages.
Me: I'm quite serious. Perhaps older languages, such as Latin or Greek or Egyptian?
TBM: I'm certain that the language used in the Great Council was not any earthly language.
Me: So if someone claimed to be a prophet, and said he had a vision of the pre-existence, and there were people in his vision who said their names were Enrico and Dimitri and Jaqueline and Hideiki Nakamura, you would not believe him?
TBM: Right. Those are names from modern languages. Those languages came into being only long after the world was created.
Me: Okay. Now I have a question about the Council. Who presented the two plans for consideration?
TBM: One plan was from Jehovah (who later was Jesus) and the other was from Lucifer.
Me: Lucifer? Was that his name?
TBM: Yes. He later was also called Satan.
Me: But how can that be? "Lucifer" is a Latin word, pure Latin, meaning "bearer of light, light-bringer," and you insisted that nobody in the pre-existence spoke Latin or any other earthly language.
TBM: Well.... I'm sure there is an explanation... I know the Church is true and Joseph Smith was a prophet of God...and I love my mommy and daddy and I'm grateful for my dog and my sisters and brothers.....

Previous posts in the series:
#1: Baptism wording:,1013735
#2: "sun" vs. "son":,1089659
#3: Name of church 1834-1838:,1102694
#4: Bible prophecies:,1121855

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Posted by: CL2 ( )
Date: January 03, 2014 11:50AM

and we were laughing about it. This brought up one of my issues with temple new names. I always thought my temple name would be some "heavenly" language name. Who knows what that language was!?!?

So--if heaven didn't have an earthly language, why is my temple name Lucy?

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Posted by: mysid ( )
Date: January 03, 2014 10:52PM

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Posted by: charles, buddhist punk ( )
Date: January 04, 2014 12:54AM

Excellent post Mr Packham, well done! My loudest and longest laugh of the day on that testimony.

And cl2, just be thankful your temple name wasn't some old timey name like "Euphegenia" or an old foreign name like "Primitiva".

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