The Nature of the Pattern and the Double-Bind
What The Pattern Is and What the Pattern Does
The Pattern is a method used that subjugates and dehumanizes. It does this by creating a new fabricated world, the direct opposite of this real world.
The Basic Necessities for a Constructive Life Worth Living are:
First, our BODY ... which houses and cooperates with ...
Our SENSES ... by which we perceive the real world, and which in turn sends concrete messages to ...
Our BRAIN ... which can then function in order to question and reason, which leads to Self -control over our own lives ... to make individual choices which are our means of survival as rational, individually aware human beings.
This is an OPEN SYSTEM, where there is always room for growth, expansion, and correction ... trial and error being included in the process of gaining more awareness and knowledge, which makes possible more life and happiness in its most constructive aspects.
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The Pattern destroys the awareness of all the above necessary faculties for the realization of our own individual identity; the most essential parts of us as human beings are missing. Therefore, all that is human and intrinsic to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, is invalidated. The Pattern destroys Identity, along with integrity of mind, and the ability to truly love.
It operates by reversing the order of our natural functions, and by replacement, as follows:
1. The MIND of a controller, whom I call the "Binder," reverses the basic order, and replaces the individual's brain with the Mind of the Binder; as a result, sense perceptions to the brain are invalidated.
2. "FEELINGS" that are attached to the pre-conceived ideas in the Binder's Mind replace individual authentic perceptions and their accompanying emotions.
3. The BODY of the individual is now last in order, and becomes the property of the Binder, and is his to control, replacing Self-control.
This I call a CLOSED SYSTEM, which admits nothing that is not already preconceived by the Binder. To do this, the Binder must continually suppress the integrity of the body, separating the brain and emotions from the real world of sense perceptions ... our means of perceiving the real world.
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The Pattern is a Tragedy in nine scenes, or stages. The main characters are essentially two. The dominant character is an authoritarian male figure called a "Binder;" the other character is called the "Bound," and is dependent on the "Binder."
The Plot.
The Pattern is the method of psychological manipulation the Binder uses to bind another to him. This manipulation, going through three previous stages, reaches a crisis in the Double-Bind (Stage 4). From that point on, the Double-Bind is then reinforced by alternate contradictions that obfuscate and deny the Bound his or her ability to think or feel rationally. The crucial point is reached when the opposites of logical and illogical merge as one. This is followed by the complete fusing of the Bound to the Binder, in a pseudo "voluntary" union of mind, which is the complete loss of the individual identity of the Bound.
What The Pattern does, in effect, is to turn the independent, rational mind around so that the Bound reflects only the mind of the Binder, as in a mirror. It creates a whole new orientation to the world, a conversion from the logical to the illogical ... the Real to the unreal ... from Truth to lie.
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A Tragedy in Nine Scenes
Scene 1. The Situation: An individual has a problem.
This person has a deep seated need and seeks a solution to a problem which is affecting her, or his, quest for well-being and happiness. (I will refer to this character as a woman, but inferring a man, as well; the stages are the same for both.)
Having had no previous experience to guide her, and going into unknown territory, as it were, she seeks out those who seem to know and have solutions that would fit her needs.
Scene 2. A meeting: The Joint Agreement.
The woman is with a found contractor who has designed a way to meet her needs, her main goal has been specified. The contractor states that he has the ability and experience to meet these requirements. His word is accepted and an agreement is made. She contracts to pay for what she, as the purchaser, has ordered. The contractor, in turn, will be working for her, and will be paid in full when he has completed his assignment. The woman is relieved, trusts the contractor, and begins to work so that she will be able to pay him for his labor.
Scene 3. A special meeting is called. The contractor has a problem. "Yes, but..."
"Yes," he knows that he is the contractor "but," in the middle of the project he finds he needs the purchaser's help because an "emergency" has come up, and he must leave immediately to complete a previous assignment. The woman agrees to aid the contractor --- in this particular instance; she is desirous that there should be no unnecessary delays. He leaves, but does not supply her with the necessary means to comply. The contractor returns; she has done her best to keep her promise to help him "but," something is wrong; she has "failed" to do properly what was expected of her. She now is expected, again, to honor her promise to aid him by doing it "right" this time, as the contractor still has "others who need him more than she does."
Identity Crisis
This is the stage of transition; the purchaser is unknowingly becoming the "contractor," and the contractor is becoming the "purchaser" "but..." still claiming to be the "contractor" while most of the work is now being done by the woman; roles are blurred. Other names that identify this transitional stage are "Ambiguity" and "Mind-Bind." It is at this turning point that a deviation from Reason and the Real World to the world of fabrication begins, facilitated by the confusion of roles. This is the wedge that enters the mind which creates Self-doubt and unearned guilt, dividing the mind between "yes" and "no." The principles of Truth and Honesty are being eroded through Ambiguity. Trust in an agreement in the Real World is being reversed and replaced with faith in a capricious "contractor."
The woman is eager for the results of the joint agreement and wants to trust, which she does by having faith in, and clinging to, the contractor's "Yes." She is willing to put forth additional effort since they are half way through the project and she has put too much energy into it to turn back now; if she did, all that she had worked for, so far, would be wasted; her needs would not be fulfilled, plus, she would have to start all over again. She continues to trust and aid the contractor, and to wait for "her turn" to come around ... when the contractor will be finished with unknown "others" who have been given priority status. She wants to honor her word. After all, she thinks, if she had been able to do the work "right," as expected of her, it wouldn't have had to be corrected or done again and the delays would have been avoided, therefore, it was her fault. She decides to work harder to do it right --- this time.
Scene 4. A confrontation takes place.
The woman, still trusting in the word of the contractor and thinking she has waited patiently long enough, asks him to take his share of the contracted responsibility of finishing the project. He responds, My other clients are more in "need" than you, implying, You want to be the center of the Universe! How can you be so selfish? You want to be "first."
The Double-Bind This is the Double-Bind; she would be damned if she didn't continue to take responsibility for the project and at the same time, she would be damned if she did take the responsibility, i.e., she would be labeled "selfish" if she didn't ... (meaning she would be taking his valuable time away from others who needed him more than she did). She would also be damned if she did, i.e., she would be labeled greedy because she wanted more of "things" than she cared about others --- meaning she would be mercenary, more concerned with her own project than she was with needy others; by doing so, she would be making herself "the Center of the Universe" ... putting herself in "first" position. The verdict was "guilty" on both counts, whether she did or didn't take responsibility. The fact that her agreement was with the contractor and not with unknown others, needy or otherwise, has been submerged in unearned "guilt."
The Reversal In the Real World, the woman's insistence that the contractor fulfill his obligations would merely be that the contractor deliver to her, the purchaser, what they had jointly agreed upon. In that respect, she is rightly the center of her "universe," not The Universe. A Binder reverses roles and projects his negative attributes to the Bound; he believes that he is the Center of the Universe, as he is the "authority" figure and "controls" the Project. At the same time that he projects his negative attributes to the Bound, he claims the Bound's positive attributes for himself. He claims to be "Good," the innocent one, and reverses his Bad to the Bound. This is due to the reversal of responsibilities that he overturned by fraud and theft which was followed by a "Guilty" verdict for the Bound --- for not "honoring" her "responsibilities," which were his --- but now, indirectly, he disowns.
Fear and Guilt The Double-Bind can literally create a cross-fire "explosion" in the brain, in that the person can perceive that something is terribly wrong, yet not know what is happening. The result is that the Bound may become mentally and emotionally "paralyzed" by the madness of the two impossible propositions, in that each results in inescapable "guilt." The victim is not able to see that the two "choices" were negative choices to begin with; the woman, in this case, will then choose to go against herself and be for the Binder (obedient) --- in order to be "Good." The fear and guilt of not being nor having the means to be good enough, now fills her mind and heart.
The Double-Bind is, literally, a Rape of the Mind.
Scene 5: The New World Order - The Guardian-Binder
The woman strives harder to become "Good," and receives praise for efforts made to reach her now continually receding goal; however, in her efforts she becomes trapped again because at the same time that she is "Good," she is also "Bad" --- for not reaching the goal as expected of her --- for still not doing things "right," plus, she is "greedy" for pursuing the goal for which she was praised. However, to be "greedy" becomes the lesser of the two evils because it is "a necessary evil," necessary, because the Binder needs to stay in control of the Bound so that she will continue the "work" --- which is now, for him; and "evil," because every action she takes is polluted with her Self --- she still thinks of the work and the goal as hers --- therefore, she is "selfish." The Binder's solution to this dilemma is to assume the role of Guardian and Mentor by admonishing her to continue to try to be "good" (obedient) with the promise of praise as a reward and to try to eliminate her "greed" (selfishness) by not owning the fruits of her labors, i.e., by giving them all to him as his own, for which she may expect more praise.
She is to work and pay for, in advance, with her life and labors, that which has been, and still is, promised, but which she will never receive or own. She is admonished to be patient and to wait for her turn. "Others" keep replacing her earned position in the queue; she continues to be praised as long as she steps back and accepts, in turn, each of his "Buts."
Hope for Herself in the Identification with "Others" To be "Good" she must, unknowingly, keep assuming the role of the "contractor" instead of the purchaser in doing the work he was supposed to do; if she complains, becomes impatient, she is "guilty" of taking him away from "others" who need him more than she does, and is labeled "selfish." What she is also unaware of is that by becoming "Good" she has become one of the "others," and that she must wait until all the "others" have been "given" what they had contracted for; otherwise, she would be "selfish." The rule is: each "other" must not be first; without exception, each must step behind an other in order not to be "selfish." What, in the beginning, was her right to receive, has now become a promise of a "gift" --- to be given to her for her obedience in choosing correctly, i.e., in "choosing" for the Binder and against herself. She has become, unknowingly, an "accomplice" to her own demotion as a supplicant; he is elevated to the status of the Benevolent Guardian of the Bound and of her "Yes"-promise "Gift" --- which will never be reached; it becomes the proverbial carrot on the end of a stick.
The original purchaser/contractor agreement has disappeared by ellipsis.
The Two Faces of a Divided Binder The Binder alternates between two personalities; one is that of the "Good Guardian" who praises (Scene 5), the other is the "Accuser" (Scene 6). In Scene 5, he praises all his workers, the "others," for their obedience in "choosing correctly." This is easy to do, because there is only one choice that is acceptable. Since all workers now reflect the mind of the Binder, it can be expected that the "right" choice will already have been made in advance. In addition, perfection is still expected, so one must continually try harder, because there is always something else that one has failed to do, or that has not been done correctly, for which one receives the label "slothful" and therefore, "guilty." Plus, what you do, must not be for yourself, else you would again be "selfish," and likewise, "guilty." The Bound live only for acceptance and praise for their obedience to the Guardian-Binder. They are to deny themselves completely; they blank-out what they can't understand (the Double-Bind) and enter into a state of "no-mind;" they become de-humanized and experience an undefined feeling of humiliation.
The Binder keeps the Bound continuously in this CLOSED SYSTEM based on a confused "guilty," emotional-feeling level which clouds the possibility of questioning and therefore, prevents the Bound's ability to reason.
Denial Conversely, the Real World is an OPEN SYSTEM of individual rationality, creativity, and an expansion of the Self that owns his or her own Identity as first person "I." The Binder's New World Order is a CLOSED SYSTEM that repeats incessantly a circular Pattern of Double-Binds. The Binder maintains his newly acquired authority by the continual Denial of Reality --- by the denial of all pre-existing facts of the OPEN SYSTEM. This is the stage of obfuscation and omission, keeping all followers "asleep" in a state of "forgetfulness" of the original joint agreement, which has been replaced by the Binder's concealed goal of possession of the Bound and the Bound's possessions. It is as if all events that had happened before the New World Order came into being had never existed. All has been reversed and the "history" of the original agreement has been rewritten with the real facts omitted. The Real World and this fabricated world stand back-to-back, as do the two personalities of the Binder. The new rules are those of the incomprehensible Double-Bind that must never be discovered by the Bound. They must never see that their individuality will no longer exist by its disappearance in being "one" with "others," all being of the same kind, even in having the same adjectival name "Faithful" bestowed upon them. It is a world of cloned quantity instead of unique quality.
"Yes -- but no -- yet is." A Binder is concerned with numbers and must have many followers, many "purchasers," as there are a few that may wake up, begin to question, find answers, and revolt by standing up, no longer suppliant. There is always the danger that they might leave him; plus, there are others who become incapacitated towards the end of their journey through The Pattern. This is a crucial stage for the Binder; some followers who are not completely "asleep" can begin to remember facts that have been suppressed. In the Real World, human beings, by nature, are curious, and curiosity will always raise its head to question when there is perceived to be too great an amount of contradictions. In this case, the "I" begins to re-member its individual Self and begins to question the existence of an almost forgotten contract; the Guardian/Binder, becoming fearful of abandonment, seeks to rescue the Bound by reassurances, "What was, is not, yet is." Or, "Yes," but, no, yet will be." In other words, "Yes," the promise on the end of the stick is still there, "But "No," you don't have it (i.e., you just can't see it), --- "yet, it will be obtained sometime in the future, if you are patient and work hard enough to reach it.
This is another reversal of responsibility and another Double-Bind:
If you seek and do find, you are "guilty" (greedy, "selfish").
If you seek and don't find, you are "Good" (patient, "faithful")
The insidious nature of this Pattern is that as it progresses, previous stages are used to reinforce a present stage. There is an overlapping where the former becomes proof of "guilt" for the later (as stage 3 is "proof" in stage 6).
One Goal Further, the Bound is reassured by the Binder that his goal is your goal. Hence, your obedience will be aiding him not only to reach your goal, but the goal of all who also "need" him. You must not think of yourself in the aspect of First Person; your goal is the same as for all of us; you must help us ... to attain our goal.
One Size Fits All It is a reminder that you must not be the speaker, the center of your own universe. From being the singular First Person "I," the Bound person becomes one of many in the plural, objective, accusative case "us." The Bound becomes part of the Corporate Body Politic "We," as against the Individual Corporeal "I." The Binder holds all plans in his own hands; his plans are your plans and vice versa. This Architect personality is the "Guardian" ... you are all safe in his hands; there is safety in numbers --- you must not be singled out. The single individual becomes an outcast in dangerous territory and is the exception to the rule that there is only One mind for All.
Scene 6. The Other Face of the Binder - The Accuser
The woman still has not completely forgotten the original contract; the memory keeps surfacing unsolicited, and with it the humiliation of being "guilty" for this lack of "self" control, of not being able to keep the "agreement" submerged. (Another Double-Bind: she has been deprived of Self by the Binder, and then is blamed for not having a Self, i.e., "Self-control.") However, when the pain of repression, the emotional and intellectual stagnation gets too great, she musters the courage to speak to the "contractor." She complains that she is required to do too much of the work, and has not received from him what he had contracted to do. At this point, the Binder becomes very angry and accuses her, "It is not I, but you, who are to blame; you chose to do the work (in stage 3); it is not my honor that is at stake, it is your honor." Here, she is punished for being punished, i.e., she did not choose to be the purchaser and the contractor, that was fraudulently accomplished, which was the first punishment. The second punishment was of being "guilty" for not "honoring" a fraudulent agreement. Again, the facts were turned upside-down, her own perceptions invalidated.
The Accuser/Guardian In this New World Order, only her dependence on, and obedience to the Binder can now fulfill her longings. A depression sets in --- she is always "guilty" ... she can never please the Binder. She cannot see the results of her work to her benefit; the work she continues to do suffers as a consequence; she is then demonized ... accused of being "perverse." Perversity cannot be tolerated; if the Accuser's words of intimidation and threats do not coerce her to trust and to continue her obedience to him, then physical force may be applied by the Accuser/Enforcer-Guardian.
The Guardian/Enforcer Scene 7. The Binder in this stage, often uses physical force, or the threats of physical force, to obtain submission when verbal threats and intimidations fail. As the Accuser/Enforcer, the Binder has a compulsion to punish the Bound for her "disobedience" for questioning his "honor." Her defense and assertion to confirm the original joint agreement is condemned as "aggression." He threatens to withdraw the "promise" entirely --- if she doesn't trust him. He is, in this way, accusing her of not being able to trust when he asks What's the matter, don't you trust me? A reversal has taken place; in accusing her, he is the aggressor (the Enforcer) and at the same time he is the "defender" of his "claim" that he is trustworthy (the Guardian).
This dual personality creates a Double-Bind by projection; if she says "No," I don't trust you --- she goes against the Binder and therefore, becomes the "aggressor," plus, she will be "guilty" for not being able to trust. (At this point, the Binder may become very angry and resort to physical violence.) If she says "Yes," I do trust you ... she goes against herself and loses her factual defense and her goals.
He "gains;" she loses. Whichever way the coin lands, "Yes" or "No," he always "wins" --- he thinks. As will be seen, the more he "wins," at the same time, the more he loses.
Don't See this as Punishment In this stage, as Guardian, he says, Don't see this as punishment; I do this for your own good, i.e., see punishment as "Good". The punishment is justified by the "reasons" given by the Accuser in Stage 6, when he reversed reality by the accusation, "I, not you, am "Good," or "You, not I, are "Bad." "You can't be trusted to honor your word." As the Guardian, he says (1) "Punishing you hurts me more than it does you." (2) "I punish you because I love you." Here, the Guardian and the Enforcer merge into One.
Black is "White" Punishment becomes "love;" Black becomes "White." The words of "love" remind the Bound of the Binder's promises; she again feels guilty because she has "failed" --- again. She believes she was the sole cause of her having to be punished. The Binder really cares for me and my goals she thinks, ... and then "repents" of her "wrong doing." She feels shame for having been so "insensitive," "unable to trust," and for being "aggressive." This is the stage of submission to the Binder, the rape of the Bound's emotions which have been reversed to the Binder's projection of the feelings he needs her to have in order to continue the "binding." It defines the Binder's compulsion to punish; in punishing, he is the Accuser/Enforcer which then allows him to be the "comforter," the Guardian-Healer who restores "peace." The Binder causes the Bound to be "evil," punishes the Bound for being "evil," then steps in to become the "Comforter" who "forgives" upon the Bound's confession of "guilt." After all, if the Bound had been completely obedient punishment wouldn't be necessary; therefore, the Bound "asked for it."
This stage is a recurring vortex down into a deep depression which then thrusts upwards allowing the Bound to catch a breath of air, only to sink again.
The Law of Diminishing Returns The Bound must obey, and fraud and force are the means the Binder uses to bind them both together as One. The Binder can only exist by thieving from the Bound. This however, unknowingly, creates a loss to himself by the eroding law of diminishing returns. The more he takes of the Selves of others for nouishment, the less of his own capacity for Self-nourishment remains. The Binder becomes empty at this stage, as he now "feeds" on non-selves --- the Bound person has very little Self left to "give." As a result, she flows through him like water through a sieve, which creates an abyss in the Binder that becomes filled with compulsions, a constant hunger and thirst that cannot be satisfied nor quenched. The Binder then beats a "dead horse" when he punishes the Bound for "withholding" from him what she can no longer "give."
"Voluntary" Union - Love/Hate Scene 8. Here, the Binder and the Bound have become One in a "voluntary" union; "voluntary," because she has "chosen" without choosing. The woman no longer has thoughts or emotions of her own; dead to her Self, she has become dumb to the former and numb to the latter. She no longer lives as a human being in the Real World. In each stage, the Bound's own perceptions and emotions have been invalidated, trapped in a cul-de-sac, which effectively walls off the ability to reason. The Binder, as the Enforcer, has killed what he, as the Guardian, professed to love, then asks, Where is love for me? The Binder, as Guardian, wants his cake, and as the Enforcer, to eat it, too. This is the essence of the Love/Hate syndrome, which leads to stage 9.
Scene 9. Extreme depression and withdrawal ensues for both the Binder and the Bound. The Bound has been emptied and has no more to give, leaving the Binder without the nourishment that had sustained him. If this state is not checked, suicide, or murder/suicide could follow. Binder-expressed, this is "If I can't have it, you can't have it." --- the result of both being Bound together in death as well as in life. Life/Death and Love/Hate merge into one, becoming synonymous --- Love is Life and Hate is Death --- Hatred of the Self kills Love, and this Death kills Life. Psychologically ... or physically.
This whole process could be defined as "Psychological Cannibalism."
"He who would gather immortal palms must not be hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore if it be goodness. Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Self-Reliance"
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Description of Stages in the Pattern
STAGE-EVENT EMOTIONS FUNCTION DESCRIPTION 1. Problem Anxiety Question Fear 2. Agreement Trust Solution Safety 3. Identity Crisis Confusion Mind-Bind Ambiguity
"Yes, but...."4. Reversal Guilt/Fear Rape of Mind Double-Bind:
Damned if do.
Damned if don't.5. Denial Humiliation Blank-out; No-Mind Dehumanized:
"Yes, but no, yet is."6. Accusation Guilt/Shame Binder projects his guilt. Demonized:
"Not I, but you..."7. Punishment Helplessness Compulsion - Subjection Punished for being punished.
"See black as white."8. Bound Love/Hate Brain-washed "Voluntary" Union 9. Death/Suicide Numb
Death of feelings.Dumb
Death of the mind.Psychological Cannibalism.
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This pattern is very convoluted, and is best seen when shown in examples. The next article shows how The Pattern is used in Mormonism.
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Next Page: The Pattern of the Double-Bind in Mormonism
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