The Mosaic Law - Commandments - Stages 1, 2, 3
The Mosaic Law
Parallels with the ancient Mosaic Law and Mormonism's Theocratic Kingdom
The Omission of Love in
The Political and The Personal
We can also find The Pattern expressed in the 10 Commandments with its accompanying oaths and punishments, accredited to, and as given through, Moses, by Yahwah in 1491 BC. In The Core of The Problem - Part 2, "A Brief Overall Description of Omission," the description ended with Stage 7, " ... the euphemistic fusion by way of the (negative) love that says, "Not this (not "yes") / Not that (not "no") ... at the same time;" this is a "cliff hanger" that creates a double-bind for the one who is bound; one can't go up, nor can one go down, which implies, "Never." The bound must stay bound in one place, in a cross-fire position; it creates fear and anxiety. No matter which is obeyed, there is the threat of death. The design of the Ten Commandments is towards the "voluntary union" (Stage 8) of being "one" with Yahwah in mind, emotions, and body, which leads to the "death" of the individual, Stage 9. In Stage 8, one "lives" in Him, for Him, and by Him, becoming one with Yahwah in Fear/Love. Mormons are not encouraged to know about Yahwah's negative characteristics as revealed within the 10 Commandments, which are the invisible bases of Mormonism, in fact, members are commanded to see God as only a "loving" God.
The expression of this in The Pattern is Stage 5, "Thou shalt Not do ... this, or, that" (= "Never"), "But," Yahwah Will do ... this, or that" (= "Yes"), "Yet, you shall do ... this, or, that," i.e., in acting through Yahwah, as, or for, Yahwah. For example, "Thou shalt not have" pride in what you do, but, it is okay for Yahwah to take pride in what He does, "Yet, you can have" pride, as long as it is His pride and not yours, and, if you do it correctly, i.e., if you are successful. If not successful, you have not obeyed; you personally then are to blame for not being "one" with Him, for Yahwah is "perfect."
(See: The Core of The Problem - Part 2, Righteous Pride and Brigham Young.)
The "Not this/Not that" is the negative of the positive "Yes, ..." (you can take pride in what you do), "But No, ..." (what you do is not good enough), "Yet, you will have" pride in what you do, after you prove your obedience and sacrifice, then, you can take pride in being a servant, if you are not the doer. The Shepherd personality uses the positive "Yes, but," of Stage 3, which is repeated in Stage 5 as "Yes, ... But no, ... Yet, will be." The Wolf personality takes over in Stages 6 to 9 with the negative "Not I, but you" (6) and "Not this - Not That" at the same time (7).
Both, are "cliff hangers" that end in the death of the Self. The positive hope of "Yet ... Will be" can only be fulfilled after death = "postponement." The negative "Never" results in a bloody death in this life, for disobedience. Both are based upon obedience and sacrifice VS death. Both create fear and anxiety over a constant life or death threat of a "spiritual" death or a physical death. The ancient Ten Commandments have to do with the negative penalty of a bloody, physical death. The non-bloody "positive" aspect has to do with dying mentally and emotionally to the physical body, before you die. Either way, the body must die, physically, or psychologically; both threats are a part of Mormon doctrine.
As I have mentioned before, these essays are meant to be read in the order written. Because The Pattern is so convoluted, I have found that it is best shown, first, in personal relationships ... in ones own personal reality. The Pattern is a fabulous fabrication that takes us away from personal Identity; it is the "red herring," the scent that takes us away from our reasoning Self. To dis-cover The Pattern which creates a pseudo-self, is to uncover one's real
Self Identity.
The Ten Commandments in Mormonism
The Ten Commandments as expressed in early Mormonism concentrated on the negative "Thou shalt not" aspect. This is evident in reading Joseph Smith's "revelations" in the D&C. It is the "humanitarian" view (what is said), which, on the surface, is against violations to humanity, such as, "Thou shalt not kill." We might say that this is the "milk" view we all agree with ("The Agreement" of Stage 2). However, the punishments for disobedience of these commandments, the fine print of the "meat" facts, are not emphasized; these are included in the "Sundry Laws." Also, Yahwah, who can do all that we are commanded not to do, is also hidden, and invisible. The deepest hidden significance is that each "heart, mind, and soul" is to become one with Yahwah's heart, mind, and soul. As individuals, the command is "Thou shalt not do." However, being one with the mind of Yahwah, we can do all the "Thou shalt nots" through Yahwah, "virtuously and humanely" ... as Joseph Smith confirmed when he said, as "crowns won by blood, by blood must be maintained," I go virtuously, and humanely for a Theo-Democracy ..." (See: The Core of The Problem - Part 3, "Joseph Smith to (and printed in) the Daily Globe.")
All the "Thou shalt nots" are permissible as long as "It is not I who live, but Yahwah who lives through me." "It is His Will, not mine" and therefore "justified." All the punishments that Yahwah imposes upon his subjects, His subjects are free to do to one another, if it is His Will, for the purpose of "saving" them from their selves. The following is what Brigham Young stated in regards to what "Loving your neighbor" really means ...
Brigham Young
Journal of Discourses, Vol. 4, pp. 219-220. "This is loving our neighbor as ourselves; if he needs help, help him; and if he wants salvation and it is necessary to spill his blood, spill it. Any of you who understand the principles of eternity, if you have sinned a sin requiring the shedding of blood, except the sin unto death, would not be satisfied nor rest until your blood should be spilled, that you might gain that salvation you desire. That is the way to love mankind."
The implied humanitarian identity of the "Thou shalt nots" is destroyed by becoming one with Yahwah who destroys the very thing he professes to love ... humanity. What Yahwah says in His Commandments, is not what Yahwah does. Once we become as Yahwah is, we have lost our identity as a human being, and are used in His "army" to destroy what Yahwah hates, and since Yahwah's hate, is "pure," we are commanded to "love" this "pure" hate; we are praised for hating. In Mormonism, we are told not to delve into these mysteries, because "God's ways are not our ways." The fact is, they are not our ways because they are "upside down," inhuman ways ... Yahwah's "love" is first turned into hate, then hate becomes synonymous with "love," a love/hate.
Yahwah's hate is the "meat" of Mormonism ... the killing of what one professes to love, the love of humanity ... of being human. Yahwah was afraid of humanity; therefore it became His enemy.
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Historical Aspects
The origin, or the cause of The Pattern, began to be established in the mind long before the time of Moses. However, the Ten Commandments which were built on The Pattern, and which were later compiled into the Book of the Law, set The Pattern more firmly into the mind through the written word. "The earliest historical narratives were transmitted orally down to about the year 1000 BC." (The Abingdon Bible Commentary, p.100). The written record began sometime after that date, probably between 1000 BC to 900 BC, down to 537 - 500 BC. The date of 537 BC coincided with the written compilation by Ezra (as mentioned in a previous essay above).
Contemporary with the Book of the Law, was the beginning of the Greek philosophers, such as Heraclitus, and Aeschylus; 507 BC was the beginning of the Roman Republic.
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Prologue: The Pattern is circular; it repeats over and over again within stages and within different time frames. For instance, the Ten Commandments also represent the stages of creation, which the bible has designated to be 4004 BC; in this case, one could say that that was the "original" Stage 1, as represented in the written record of Genesis. In the year 149l BC, The Pattern was reinstated through the negative "Not this, not that" of Stage 7 (seven was a sacred number for the Jews). The pivotal number in these Ten Commandments, as seen through Stage 7, was the number four ... the Double-Bind ... of Stage 4.
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The Pattern as it is Contained in The Book of The Law
as seen through Stage 7, "Not this - Not that."
Stages 1, 2 and 3
The Omission of Love
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Stage 1. The Problem and the Punishment
During the 15th Century BC there were other gods and goddesses being worshipped besides Yahwah, or Yahveh. (Yahveh and Yahwah are interchangeable spellings of the same name; another spelling for Yahwah is "Jehovah"). This was not acceptable to Him; His establishment as the supreme God of His New World Order, that of Theocracy, was at stake. He delivered life or death ultimatums to those who did not want to leave their own established gods and goddesses, or conform to His Laws.
The First Commandment
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
Exodus 20:3 ("Thou shalt fear me.")
The punishment for disobedience of this Command was Death. Deuteronomy 6:13-15 reads:
"Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, and serve him, and shalt swear by his name ... (this oath or "testament" made by men, was covenanted by touching one another's "thighs," i.e., testicles) ... Ye shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people which are round about you; (For the Lord thy God is a jealous God among you) lest the anger of the Lord thy God be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off the face of the earth."
Joseph Smith parallel: In Mormonism, if one is not "for" Yahwah, through His servant Joseph Smith (a.k.a., Moses), then that person is "against" Yahwah; (to be against Joseph Smith was to be against Yahwah, and to be against Yahwah was to be for the Self ) ... the violation of which, was the death penalty. Joseph applied this First Commandment and its death punishment for dissenters in his restored Theocracy:
D&C 103:8-10 "And inasmuch as they (thine enemies) are not saviors of men, they are as salt that has lost its savor, and is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men."
This section was being referred to when "first counselor Sidney Rigdon preached his "Salt Sermon" as a warning that Mormon dissenters would 'be cast out and trodden under foot of men.' The enforcers of this revelation signed this warning; dissenters were being warned to 'depart, or a more fatal calamity shall befall you.' Regarding this ... expulsion of prominent Mormon dissenters, Counselor Rigdon told Apostle Orson Hyde at Far West that 'it was the imperative duty of the Church to obey the word of Joseph Smith, or the presidency, without question or inquiry, and that if there were any that would not, they should have their throats cut from ear [to] ear.' " Origins of Power, Quinn, p. 94, with ref.
(Those who have been through the Mormon temple before 1990 will recognized this penalty and the fear attached to it for revealing secret oaths taken there.)
Brigham Young parallel:
Journal of Discourses -- Vol. 4, p. 54.
"As it was in ancient days, so it is in our day; and though the principles are taught publicly from this stand, still the people do not understand them; yet the law is precisely the same. There are sins that can be atoned for by an offering upon an altar, as in ancient days; and there are sins that the blood of a lamb, or of a calf, or of turtle doves, can not remit, but they must be atoned for by the blood of the man."
Joseph Smith identified himself with Moses and the ancient Law.
D&C 28:2 "But, behold, verily, verily, I say unto thee, no one shall be appointed to receive commandments and revelations in this church excepting my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., for he receiveth them even as Moses."
Brigham Young parallel:
Brigham Young associated himself with Moses and extended the same ancient punishments that were meted out for non-compliance to his Book of the Law. It was the basis of Young's rule in his new Mormon kingdom of Yahwah in Utah. Moses was known as "The Lord of the Prophets;" Brigham Young was known as "The Lion of the Lord" and as another "Moses." Young, also, considered himself as an Apostle of Jesus Christ and of Joseph Smith, thus putting Joseph on par with Jesus Christ, as a Savior. As another "Moses," Young represented Theocracy; as an "Apostle of Jesus Christ" he represented Christianity; both together formed Mormonism's Theo-"Democracy," a form of "Love"/Hate.
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Stage 2. The Promise - The Agreement
Mercy ... if you "love" and obey only God, and Punishments if you hate God.
("I'll make you love Me.")
The Second Commandment
Thou shalt not see....
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image (especially, in the day of Moses, the images of Egyptian gods and goddesses that the Israelites had been surrounded by for centuries), or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments." (Exodus 20:4)
Joseph Smith parallel in his Book of Mormon:
Mosiah 13:13
Abinadi the prophet speaks: "And again: Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them; for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generations of them that hate me; ..."
D&C 103:25-26 Joseph's 1834 "revelation" from Yahwah against those who hated him (Joseph).
Yahwah speaks through Joseph:
V. 25. And whomever ye curse, I will curse, and ye shall avenge me of mine enemies.
V. 26. And my presence shall be with you even in avenging me of mine enemies, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.
(Another name for Joseph's "Defenders of God" was "The Avenging Angels," also known as the "Danites," who sought to avenge Joseph of his enemies that hated him and who later took blood oaths in the temple to avenge his death.)
The Mosaic code speaks of the commandment to love Yahwah, to disobey that commandment means death. If one obeys the command to "love" Him, however, He does not promise to give love in return; he offers only the negative promise of "mercy" which creates the pending, tenuous state of a continuous praying (begging) for mercy for a presumed guilt; Yahwah's "mercy" would, supposedly, "save" the supplicant from being destroyed, but leaves the sword of presumed guilt hanging over his/her head. (Yahwah gives, "Not love / Not hate" but, mercy. As we have learned in Stage 4, the Double-Bind creates a never ending cycle of unearned guilt, which necessitates the "need" for mercy. The supplicant is then required to love Him for His mercy ... for not destroying him or her.)
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Stage 3. Identity Crisis: - Hidden Identity / Name change
"Yes," see one thing, "But," say another," with its accompanying punishment for disobedience.
The Third Commandment
Thou shalt not hear, or speak....
"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."
(Exodus 20:7)
"... he shall surely be put to death."
"... heresy or blasphemy must be punished with death, even if the heretic should be one's closest kin." (Ibid, Durant, p. 331, Leviticus 24:11-16.)
The Third Command not only meant that a Jew was not to "take the name of the Lord God in vain," but that he was never to pronounce it. One could see the printed name of Yahwah, but was to say Adonai (Lord), as a substitution for His true name. To use the name of God in any way was blasphemy. (The punishment for this offense was death by stoning.) Lev. 24:11-23; Encycl. Britt. (1985) Vol. 21, p. 979; The Story of Civilization, Durant, Vol. 1, p. 332.
Joseph Smith parallel: "Enoch" - "Baurak Ale"
Joseph Smith's name changes happened in 1832, and again in 1834; each incident occurred during the overthrow of New Testament morality and laws of the Constitution when he was "restoring" the Mosaic Law of Theocracy, echoing Yahwah's need to remain unknown while He was overthrowing other gods and goddesses and replacing them with Theocracy. (It was essential for Yahwah to hide His name; the main reason for this will be a part of another essay.) Part of Joseph's Theocratic Law was the then secret reinstitution of polygamy, in July 1831. On the 24th of March 1832, "Due to rumors of inappropriate behavior with Nancy Johnson, her brothers and their cohorts tar and feather Smith and Rigdon and nearly castrate Smith..." (Origins of Power, Quinn, pp. 617-8). During this month Joseph delivered a Revelation under the name of Enoch ( D&C Sec. 78).
This "temporary necessity" is explained in the preface to this revelation. "It was not always desirable that the individuals whom the Lord addressed in revelations should at the time be known by the world, and hence in this and in some subsequent revelations the brethren were addressed by other than their own names. The temporary necessity having passed for keeping the names of the individuals addressed unknown, their real names were subsequently given..."
In 1834, another of Joseph's revelations was given under the name of Baurak Ale. This revelation followed other threatening events prior to its issuance. During the winter ... January 1833 ... Joseph unofficially "married" Fanny Alger (about 17 years of age, in a secret polygamous marriage which was unknown to Emma and members of the church in general). Approximately 6 months later, during the same year, he established "Mormonism's theocratic prerogatives." Joseph's theocratic "war-like" confrontations in November, inspired by a revelation in August, also worked against him (D&C Sec. 98). Then, in December (1833) he chastised Oliver Cowdery concerning the "two evils in him that he must needs forsake." This referred to Cowdery's transgression of entering into a polygamous or adulterous relationship, even though Joseph had a secret polygamous "wife" for himself at this time. In January, 1834, it was reported, "Smith has four or five armed men to gard
him every night." By February, the "Kirkland high council elects Smith as commander-in-chief of the armies of Israel, and he announces a revelation which commands God's "friends" to "avenge me of mine enemies." This document also commands that Mormon dissenters be "cast out and trodden under the foot of men" by "my friends." (Ibid, Quinn, pp. 620-1) Joseph had many enemies outside and inside his own camp in Kirtland, Ohio, which created a "necessity" to change his name. (Italics are mine.)
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A Summary of the first 3 Commandments
Fear and Serve
1st Commandment: An oath - to fear and serve only Yahwah, with the penalty of death if oath is broken. (Deut. 6:13-15)
See not.
2nd Commandment: See not. No visual, man-made image of anything which can be seen is to take the place of the invisible Yahwah, under various penalties of death, e.g., "cannibalism, cursing, scourging, and the threat of desolation that would be visited upon the fathers and their children to the 3rd and 4th generation" ... should they not obey this Law. (Lev. 26:21-39; 46)
It is also interesting to note that Joseph Smith, in the whole of the Book of Mormon, described God only as a spirit (the invisible God)... (BofM, Alma 18:26-28, 22-5, 9-10). His concept of God later changed to an anthropomorphic God which coincided with his idea of extending physical sex and polygamy into the hereafter, which contradicted Moroni 8:18 in the BofM, "For I know that God is not a partial God, neither a changeable being; but he is unchangeable from all eternity to all eternity."
Also, as Durant noted, the ban on anything man-made that was in, on, or above the earth, "left nothing, in ancient days, for science and art; even astronomy was neglected, lest corrupt diviners should multiply, or the stars be worshipped as divinities." (Ibid, Durant, p. 332)
Hear not. Speak not.
3rd Commandment: Hear not - Speak not - the true name of God, under penalty of death. (This is a form of "hear, or see, one thing, but say another." There is also a history behind this phenomenon.)
The first three commandments invalidate our capacity to depend on our own perceptions. The first prevents thought and reason, by the fear of an ever present threat of death, in a variety of horrible ways; as a result, one functions only at the "fight for life, or, flight from death" level of existence. In addition, one is caught in the paralyzing double-bind of being commanded to love what one hates; plus, there is the threat of the death penalty for breaking the oath to never identify or speak of the cause.
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The Fourth Commandment
Next Page: The Mosaic Law - Stage 4
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