
For all you amateur doubters - Joseph Fielding McConkie doesn't like your questions.


Apr 19, 2007



Check out this excerpt from an article in the current online issue of BYU Magazine entitled "Finding Answers" by Joseph McConkie. I just love stuff like this! Keep up the good work McConkie!


In finding answers we must find the balance between agency and inspiration. Building upon this foundation, let me teach you a very fundamental but often overlooked principle relative to getting answers to prayers and to questions that trouble you.

Few things facilitate getting the right answer like asking the right question. Let me illustrate.

A young woman came up to me after a meeting at which I had spoken a few weeks ago. She asked if I could help her with a question dealing with the Old Testament. I told her I would be willing to try. She asked the question, and I did not have an idea in the world how to answer it. I told her so and then asked why the answer to such a question was important to her. She indicated that her husband had raised the issue along with other like questions. Each question he was asking carried with it the spirit of doubt. His questions were intended to challenge, not to build faith.

The real questions here were these: If I had been able to answer each of the questions with which this man was challenging his wife, would it have accomplished anything more than require him to come up with more questions? And why was he so anxious to discredit God and find foolishness in scripture? Perhaps he ought to be asked, “What commandment is it that you don’t want to keep?” or “What blessings would you like to quit receiving?”

I recently received a note from a former student. He requested help in answering questions common to anti-Mormon literature. I know the answers to these questions, but I also know that my answering them will make no difference whatsoever unless there is a change in the purpose and spirit of those asking them.

My questions are these: Is there really a shortage of evidence that Joseph Smith is a prophet? Are the unanswered questions in the Old Testament the real lion in our path?

I have a letter on my desk from a mother who told me a tragic story about the behavior of a man who had been called as a priesthood leader. “How,” she asked, “can I explain to my daughter that callings in this Church are inspired and at the same time explain the behavior of this man?”

While I share her hurt and embarrassment over what took place, I cannot help but wonder if she is not asking the wrong question. Surely her faith and that of her daughter cannot be so fragile that the misdeeds of one man would call the truthfulness of the whole gospel plan into question. At issue is whether our faith should rest in the infallibility of priesthood leaders or on the assurance that if we keep our covenants the Spirit of the Lord will always be our companion.

Again, often what stands between us and answers to our prayers is our failure to ask the right questions. The role of the Holy Ghost is as important in determining what we pray about as it is in bringing the answers we seek."




Re: For all you amateur doubters - Joseph Fielding McConkie doesn't like your questions.


Apr 19 09:44


John Larsen

I have read most of McConkie’s other writings. They are typical of how a good mind goes bad. The reasoning is usually of some complex form of “first assume it’s true.” The man obviously is intelligent; however, he has devoted his intelligence to this post-modern epistemological defensive wall that could contain any belief. You could replace Mormonism with any absurd belief and his same argument would be used to defend it.





Try to see the silver lining here, people.


Apr 19 12:48



McConkie is tacitly admitting that he can't answer 'challenging' questions about his religion. That's an admission of failure on his part and an indication of just how valid those challenging questions are. He defends himself (and the church) by the age-old Mormon tactic of the ad hominem against the originator of the question (the young woman's husband who has the 'spirit of doubt'). He attempts to dignify this tactic by making the unsupported claim that those who ask challenging questions always have an ant-Mormon agenda.

The question about the priesthood holder with a 'behavior' problem is one that deserves to be answered in good faith, given what Mormons are taught about the power of discernment by those who hold the priesthood. Yet McConkie implicitly attacks the 'spirit' of the mother who asked the question by referring obliquely to the old 'the church (or in this case the priesthood) is perfect, the members aren't' defense. IOW, the mother was exhibiting a lack of faith by even having to ask the question, since anyone with The Spirit would know that when behaving badly, the priesthood holder was acting only as a man, not a man of the priesthood.

Think about it. Any religion that has to erect a facade of such flimsy logic as "you must ask the question in the right spirit" is saying that all of its answers to such questions are conditional. IMO, that's a pretty strong indicator that it won't withstand the light of reason. McConkie is basically saying that those who value reason are not welcome in the church unless they keep quiet.



Could this be the start of a new trend on an old idea


Apr 19 09:27



"Well we can't answer any questions about church history because the real church history is "Anti" and that just leads to more questions....SO you have to find your own answers...."

The Mormon church retraining members to become a bunch of pseudo politicians?





You just pushed my hot button!


Apr 19 11:39



I believe that is the most dangerous philosophy the church has. Don't they realize that asking questions is good? It's not only good it is essential! It is through asking questions that Einstein, Galileo, Copernicus, Darwin, and other great scientists had their breakthroughs!

As a mother, I feel it is so important to help our kids always question. I always ask them, "What do you think?". I also like to bring up that sometimes things are established as true only to be proved later that it is wrong. I am so grateful that my kids will grow up questioning so they can expand their minds and live up to their full potential.





Synopsis: Step one: bury head in sand; Step two: keep it there.


Apr 19 08:38


Uncle Mo

I am assuming this guy is son of Bruce and grandson of JSF. Good lordy, nuf said.



My bishop said something similar


Apr 19 09:03



When I started asking him questions on issues that created doubt, he said "It's pointless me trying to answer these questions you'll only come back with more and the list will be endless".



Re: My bishop said something similar


Apr 19 09:09


Just wondering

The TBM g/f said this to me the other day when I presented an expansive list of serious doubts about church history and church doctrine. Her response to the issues was:

"I could give you answers to your questions but I'm not going to- it would be pointless because you'd just find something else to criticize. You need to pray and fast for answers."




You aren't considering tying the knot are you? In which case be prepared


Apr 19 11:24



for interesting conversations like:

"What happened to the front end of the car?"
"If I answer that, you'll just have more questions."

"Uh, dear. We had $10,000 in savings yesterday. What happened?"
"If I answer that, you'll just have more questions."

"But you've had a head ache for 3 weeks straight. What's wrong?"
"If I answer that......[well, you get the picture--I promise you that that kind of thinking doesn't bode well for the long-term]



This guy was my bishop at BYU. He was pompous and self-righteous. n/t


I took the liberty of drafting some questions that would be acceptable to Jr. McConkie...


Apr 19 10:46



1) Is Gordon B. Hinckley an extremely great prophet or just a great prophet?

2) Will I gain additional blessings if I pay more than 10% of my gross income as tithing?

3) Shouldn't we just ignore all questions that make us feel uncomfortable about our faith in the leaders of the Church? Aren't the doubts that give rise to such questions simply tools of Satan?

4) How many women under age 18 did the Prophet Joseph Smith sleep with and did he not essentially violate his own revelation on plural marriage when he failed to raise up seed with those women? (Oops, I just received a painful electrical shock indicating that Jr. McConkie does not approve of this question. I must never ask a question like this again. Ouch! That really hurt!)




Sooooo, we need to pray about what to pray about. Do we need to


Apr 19 11:16



pray to know what to pray what to pray about? This could keep us going through eternity---and for us baby producers will give us something to do while awaiting labor.....

And does that work at BYU? "No, prof! I did not get that question wrong. You asked the wrong question!"



There may be one, but I have not yet met...


Apr 19 11:54



someone from this McConkie clan who wasn't insufferable.

Just notice the first paragraph:


Who do they think they are? Just because the father/grandfather made up some book with so many mistakes in it that he had to be chastised. Even now, any scholar of the scriptures can find dozens of cases where he pulled things out of thin air (some would say 'inspiration,' but, I'm sorry...his inspiration isn't any better than mine. And I've found dozens of assumptions that don't make a whit of difference to the world. He just made them up.




arrogant (swearing)


Apr 19 17:53


holy mackerel

Mail Address:

You are so right about those guys.

"Gather round me you [idiots], bask in the knowledge of my gene pool. Here is yet another pearl of wisdom that I will allow you to partake of."

It must make you feel like something special to have people follow you around and imagine that you function on a higher plane than everyone.

Why is it that some of these guys seem as humble as can be, and others (McConkies especially), seem to exude this condescending attitude that is not very subtle?

Memo to McConkies (and others): Stop pretending your shit doesn't stink.



Where do I Send The Bill?


Apr 19 11:59


SL Cabbie

Mail Address:

This one,
>I know the answers to these questions . . .

Required three bullchip filters and a flush job all by itself . . .

I did figure out your problem, Mr. McConkie . . .

You don't know the answers, and you don't know you don't know.

Who visualizes McConkie and "Ask Gramps" doing a ward skit
About the residents of an Alzheimer's ward





Apr 19 12:15


Deanna Emberg

I remember when I was asking questions - these questions troubled me deeply, I was scared of the answers, and I was desperate to keep my crumbling testimony! The answers, if they proved true and could satisfy my heart and mind would indeed have strengthen my faith and commitment to the church. I hate it when seemingly knowledgeable people claim, they "have the answers but what good would it be to share them" - what bull! I hated that approach when I was questioning and I hate that approach as it is seen time and time again by TBMs coming here and it was all over the FAIRboards. I remember my old stake president told me that my questions resembled lists found on "anti-Mormon" websites, and I remembered thinking, "if all the website list the same questions, maybe that is because there really are no good answers" For the records, I pretty much came up with the list on my own. If so many people are asking the questions, maybe it is not the questions that are "wrong" maybe they are the exact right questions - the lack of answers is telling.

I'm ranting. I hope that made sense.



Made perfect sense---I didn't run into this, but I could find


Apr 19 12:22



no true believer who even understood my questions, let alone answer them. The line when I left was "the devil is making you ask these questions." Their disconnect has gotten a bit more sophisticated---just as stupid, mind you.



Re: That is sooo typical,


Apr 19 12:28


toss doubt

If you are unable to come up with satisfactory answers to the questions, just reframe the question and blame the asker. The Mormon Church is interested only in blaming the victim, never in accepting responsibility for their penishood holder's actions.



This part blew me away.


Apr 19 13:36



>I have a letter on my desk from a mother who told me a tragic story about the behavior of a man who had been called as a priesthood leader. “How,” she asked, “can I explain to my daughter that callings in this Church are inspired and at the same time explain the behavior of this man?”

>While I share her hurt and embarrassment over what took place, I cannot help but wonder if she is not asking the wrong question. Surely her faith and that of her daughter cannot be so fragile that the misdeeds of one man would call the truthfulness of the whole gospel plan into question. At issue is whether our faith should rest in the infallibility of priesthood leaders or on the assurance that if we keep our covenants the Spirit of the Lord will always be our companion.

Maybe I'm reading between the lines here, but that first paragraph sounds like code for "a priesthood leader molested a girl." So the mother asks a pretty obvious question: how can I explain to my daughter that God would call a child molester into a position of authority? And the answer she gets is that she and her daughter have too fragile a testimony?

Makes me want to throw up. This is a prescription for continuing abuse in the LDS church.



Remember the church's guiding philosophy: "It's YOUR fault".


Apr 19 15:25


Southern Man

Don't ask difficult questions, or ANY questions, for that matter. If you do, you have the spirit of contention. There is no such thing as a sincere question about any aspect of church history or doctrine. If you were living the gospel, such questions wouldn't even enter your mind, so the fact that you've asked such a question means you've done something to drive away the Spirit. The church is perfect, and you aren't. And always remember: it's YOUR fault.




Re: For all you amateur doubters - Joseph Fielding McConkie doesn't like your questions.


Apr 19 17:01


bona dea

Mail Address:

What is wrong with a simple and honest answer such as, "I don't know." ?



I had a little bit of vomit come up the back of my throat when I read...


Apr 19 17:56



>"What commandment is it that you don’t want to keep?” or “What blessings would you like to quit receiving?”

The sad part: He really believes what he is saying. This is NOT a spoof. God help us all.



Apr 20 04:45



Mail Address:

A question is a question. Answer a question with another question and one is filibustering and avoiding the real issue. Con-men use this tactic, salesmen use this tactic, politicians also but not schools or universities, where expansion and validation of the thinking mind is nurtured.

Questions are intelligent enquiry, often without motive, simply requiring a plain answer - not much to ask?

I don't need words putting in my mouth - there are too many there already :-)


Here is a chat with a Mormon missionary online demonstrating how the church will not answer questions:



Here's my discussion with the Beta Chatline...


Apr 28 13:34


Mr. Eyepatch

Hello, how may I help you?

Hi. I've live around Mormons my whole life and thought they were good people.

I just heard something bad, and I don't think it's true, so I came here to get a straight answer

Great, what is your question?

Did Joseph Smith marry a 14 year old girl?

I have never heard that before.

Who would I need to talk to to see if it's true?

That is a good question, one moment...

I am checking that out for you, sorry about the wait.


Have you ever met with missionaries from our church before?


The missionaries share our basic beliefs with people and invite people to pray and ask God if what we share is true. They could also answers questions you may have, so that would be one option of someone you could speak to.

I'm not looking for the pressure of a meeting...that's why I came here. I just want an answer. I don't trust the person who told me this...he doesn't like Mormons.

I know that there is a lot of false information about the Church, and a lot of truths that are twisted...

Is it true about the 14 year old girl?

but I also know, that the ages for marrying at in those times were different then they are now, which is why I hesitate to confirm or deny it when I don't know the facts, but I do know...

that Joseph Smith was a good man, called by God to be a prophet on the earth.

He was a man full of intergity and honor.

This guy said that Smith married several teens, and that 14 was the youngest.

Is this true?

I don't know, but I do know that whether or not it is true, Joseph Smith was a prophet. I know that because I have read the Book of Mormon and found out for myself.

The Book of Mormon is the answer here.

Who do I need to talk to to get a straight answer? Thanks

Have you heard of the Book of Mormon?

I came to ask a question about J. Smith

Just looking for info.

The answer is in the Book of Mormon. If you really want to know the truth you can read it and ask God specifically if Joseph Smith was a prophet and if the Book of Mormon is true...

I guess that I'll have to search the web for info...I thought I could get a straight answer here, but it looks like I can't :^(

Check, also, If the Book of Mormon is true then Joseph Smith was a prophet because he translated by the power of God

Just looking for info on a specific question. Not about the book of mormon.

If Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, then God will not let corrupt men lead his Church, and Joseph's actions, whether or not we understand them, are sanctioned by God.

Did he marry a 14 year old girl?

I understand, but I think that is the root of your question...

Not into playing games...just looking to answer a question. Did he marry a 14 year old girl?

whether he married a 14 yr old girl is secondary to the real question which is whether or not Joseph Smith was a prophet. I can see why this answer would frustrate you and I am sorry I don't know a more specific answer to your question.

You guys are evasive...which makes me think that this guy is right, and you guys are embarrased about it.

I'll search the web...sorry I wasted my time.

I'm not trying to be evasive. Your friend may be correct in some of his fact. Some of the things he told you about Joseph marrying a teenager may be true

Are they true or not? Why are you playing games with me?

but I wouldn't base my whole faith in whether or not it is true on one friend.

I honestly don't know if he married a 14 year old girl.

That's why I came here...can you help me?

I have never heard that before

Who can I talk to?

I though this was an info chatline?

Forget it...I'll search the web. Bye.

Sorry I don't know everything, but there are biographies of the prophets,



Once again - It's not the question you asked that matters - It's the question you should have asked.



Re: Here's my discussion with the Beta Chatline...


Apr 28 14:06



Unbelievable! How can they say they've never heard that before? Have they been under a rock? They are missionaries for crying out loud, how could they not have heard? So a) they are lying or b) Urine is right and we are talking to some kind of clever computer program. How robotic! "I have never heard that before." Just, WOW!



Way to go Eyepatch! You asked one simple question, they refused to answer you straight, you kept asking, telling them they were gaming. You showed them without even trying! Cool! n/t



How did they not know?


Apr 28 14:40



I didn't know about Helen Mar for a LOOOONG time. In fact, when I first heard about Joseph and polygamy, I thought they were lying.

Of course, when I did find out about Helen Mar and that she wasn't exactly thrilled to marry him but did it for the eternal salvation of her entire family (oops, there goes the whole jesus thing!), I was so sick I left.

Maybe you just opened the door to get her out.

I can't believe that people don't know what I know now, but I have to remind myself that I just learned, and that just a year ago I would have been just as lame.

Keep spreading the word, and wear tall tall boots!

(And I can't believe how everything turns to the BOM! Have you read? Have you prayed? Doesn't matter what he did if the BOM is true!)



Actually the chance is very good that she had never heard about JS marrying 14 year old girls.....


Apr 28 14:40


Tahoe Girl

I was a member for 47 years, took all of the religion classes at BYU (hate to admit that now!), studied a LOT about church history, and really thought I knew everything about it. But it wasn't until last summer when I started searching this site and other authentic mormon history sites that I heard about JS marrying Helen Mar Kimball, the other teens, and the women who were already married to other men. I knew about polygamy in the church's past, but had heard only the lies about the men marrying only women who were older and needed taking care of.

There are a lot of other things I didn't know until last summer either (too many to mention here), but I really had thought I knew so much. Turned out it was only what the morg wanted me to know, instead of the whole truth.

Hopefully some seeds of doubt are being planted at this missionary chat site.



Does the following make Mormonism sound like a cult?...


Apr 28 15:14



"If Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, then God will not let corrupt men lead his Church, and Joseph's actions, whether or not we understand them, are sanctioned by God."

In other words Smith could have been out raping 5 year old boys BUT...if the Book of Mormon is true then that really doesn't matter. It's all sanctioned by Gawd!



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