Subject: |
For all you amateur doubters - Joseph Fielding McConkie doesn't like your questions. |
Date: |
Apr 19, 2007 |
Author: |
Check out this excerpt from an article in the current
online issue of BYU Magazine entitled "Finding Answers" by
Joseph McConkie. I just love stuff like this! Keep up the good work McConkie! |
Subject: |
Re: For all you amateur doubters - Joseph Fielding McConkie doesn't like your questions. |
Date: |
Apr 19 09:44 |
Author: |
John Larsen |
I have read most of McConkie’s other writings. They are
typical of how a good mind goes bad. The reasoning is usually of some complex
form of “first assume it’s true.” The man obviously is intelligent; however,
he has devoted his intelligence to this post-modern epistemological defensive
wall that could contain any belief. You could replace Mormonism with any
absurd belief and his same argument would be used to defend it. |
Subject: |
Try to see the silver lining here, people. |
Date: |
Apr 19 12:48 |
Author: |
Bro.R.H. |
McConkie is tacitly admitting that he can't answer 'challenging'
questions about his religion. That's an admission of failure on his part and
an indication of just how valid those challenging questions are. He defends
himself (and the church) by the age-old Mormon tactic of the ad hominem
against the originator of the question (the young woman's husband who has the
'spirit of doubt'). He attempts to dignify this tactic by making the
unsupported claim that those who ask challenging questions always have an
ant-Mormon agenda. |
Subject: |
Could this be the start of a new trend on an old idea |
Date: |
Apr 19 09:27 |
Author: |
Anubis |
"Well we can't answer any questions about church
history because the real church history is "Anti" and that just leads
to more questions....SO you have to find your own answers...." |
Subject: |
You just pushed my hot button! |
Date: |
Apr 19 11:39 |
Author: |
thatsmeinthecorner |
I believe that is the most dangerous philosophy the
church has. Don't they realize that asking questions is good? It's not only
good it is essential! It is through asking questions that Einstein, Galileo,
Copernicus, Darwin, and other great scientists had their breakthroughs! |
Subject: |
Synopsis: Step one: bury head in sand; Step two: keep it there. |
Date: |
Apr 19 08:38 |
Author: |
Uncle Mo |
I am assuming this guy is son of Bruce and grandson of JSF. Good lordy, nuf said. |
Subject: |
My bishop said something similar |
Date: |
Apr 19 09:03 |
Author: |
Truthseeker |
When I started asking him questions on issues that created doubt, he said "It's pointless me trying to answer these questions you'll only come back with more and the list will be endless". |
Subject: |
Re: My bishop said something similar |
Date: |
Apr 19 09:09 |
Author: |
Just wondering |
The TBM g/f said this to me the other day when I presented
an expansive list of serious doubts about church history and church doctrine.
Her response to the issues was: |
Subject: |
You aren't considering tying the knot are you? In which case be prepared |
Date: |
Apr 19 11:24 |
Author: |
LongGone2 |
for interesting conversations like: |
Subject: |
This guy was my bishop at BYU. He was pompous and self-righteous. n/t |
Subject: |
I took the liberty of drafting some questions that would be acceptable to Jr. McConkie... |
Date: |
Apr 19 10:46 |
Author: |
Casio |
1) Is Gordon B. Hinckley an extremely great prophet or
just a great prophet? |
Subject: |
Sooooo, we need to pray about what to pray about. Do we need to |
Date: |
Apr 19 11:16 |
Author: |
LongGone2 |
pray to know what to pray what to pray about? This could keep
us going through eternity---and for us baby producers will give us something
to do while awaiting labor..... |
Subject: |
There may be one, but I have not yet met... |
Date: |
Apr 19 11:54 |
Author: |
dimmesdale |
someone from this McConkie clan who wasn't insufferable. |
Subject: |
arrogant (swearing) |
Date: |
Apr 19 17:53 |
Author: |
holy mackerel |
Mail Address: |
You are so right about those guys. |
Subject: |
Where do I Send The Bill? |
Date: |
Apr 19 11:59 |
Author: |
SL Cabbie |
Mail Address: |
This one, |
Subject: |
Bastard! |
Date: |
Apr 19 12:15 |
Author: |
Deanna Emberg |
I remember when I was asking questions - these questions
troubled me deeply, I was scared of the answers, and I was desperate to keep my
crumbling testimony! The answers, if they proved true and could satisfy my
heart and mind would indeed have strengthen my faith and commitment to the
church. I hate it when seemingly knowledgeable people claim, they "have
the answers but what good would it be to share them" - what bull! I
hated that approach when I was questioning and I hate that approach as it is
seen time and time again by TBMs coming here and it was all over the
FAIRboards. I remember my old stake president told me that my questions resembled
lists found on "anti-Mormon" websites, and I remembered thinking,
"if all the website list the same questions, maybe that is because there
really are no good answers" For the records, I pretty much came up with
the list on my own. If so many people are asking the questions, maybe it is
not the questions that are "wrong" maybe they are the exact right
questions - the lack of answers is telling. |
Subject: |
Made perfect sense---I didn't run into this, but I could find |
Date: |
Apr 19 12:22 |
Author: |
LongGone2 |
no true believer who even understood my questions, let alone answer them. The line when I left was "the devil is making you ask these questions." Their disconnect has gotten a bit more sophisticated---just as stupid, mind you. |
Subject: |
Re: That is sooo typical, |
Date: |
Apr 19 12:28 |
Author: |
toss doubt |
If you are unable to come up with satisfactory answers to the questions, just reframe the question and blame the asker. The Mormon Church is interested only in blaming the victim, never in accepting responsibility for their penishood holder's actions. |
Subject: |
This part blew me away. |
Date: |
Apr 19 13:36 |
Author: |
Dbradhud |
>I have a letter on my desk from a mother who told
me a tragic story about the behavior of a man who had been called as a
priesthood leader. “How,” she asked, “can I explain to my daughter that callings
in this Church are inspired and at the same time explain the behavior of this
man?” |
Subject: |
Remember the church's guiding philosophy: "It's YOUR fault". |
Date: |
Apr 19 15:25 |
Author: |
Southern Man |
Don't ask difficult questions, or ANY questions, for that matter. If you do, you have the spirit of contention. There is no such thing as a sincere question about any aspect of church history or doctrine. If you were living the gospel, such questions wouldn't even enter your mind, so the fact that you've asked such a question means you've done something to drive away the Spirit. The church is perfect, and you aren't. And always remember: it's YOUR fault. |
Subject: |
Re: For all you amateur doubters - Joseph Fielding McConkie doesn't like your questions. |
Date: |
Apr 19 17:01 |
Author: |
bona dea |
Mail Address: |
What is wrong with a simple and honest answer such as, "I don't know." ? |
Subject: |
I had a little bit of vomit come up the back of my throat when I read... |
Date: |
Apr 19 17:56 |
Author: |
urineandthumbin |
>"What commandment is it that you don’t want
to keep?” or “What blessings would you like to quit receiving?” |
Date: |
Apr 20 04:45 |
Author: |
Brigantia |
Mail Address: |
A question is a question. Answer a question with another
question and one is filibustering and avoiding the real issue. Con-men use this
tactic, salesmen use this tactic, politicians also but not schools or
universities, where expansion and validation of the thinking mind is
nurtured. |
Here is a chat with a Mormon missionary online demonstrating how the church
will not answer questions:
Subject: |
Here's my discussion with the Beta Chatline... |
Date: |
Apr 28 13:34 |
Author: |
Mr. Eyepatch |
Rachel: |
Subject: |
Once again - It's not the question you asked that
matters - It's the question you should have asked. |
Subject: |
Re: Here's my discussion with the Beta Chatline... |
Date: |
Apr 28 14:06 |
Author: |
notamomo |
Unbelievable! How can they say they've never heard that
before? Have they been under a rock? They are missionaries for crying out
loud, how could they not have heard? So a) they are lying or b) Urine is
right and we are talking to some kind of clever computer program. How robotic!
"I have never heard that before." Just, WOW! |
Subject: |
Way to go Eyepatch! You asked one simple question, they
refused to answer you straight, you kept asking, telling them they were
gaming. You showed them without even trying! Cool! n/t |
Subject: |
How did they not know? |
Date: |
Apr 28 14:40 |
Author: |
Sarah |
I didn't know about Helen Mar for a LOOOONG time. In fact,
when I first heard about Joseph and polygamy, I thought they were lying. |
Subject: |
Actually the chance is very good that she had never
heard about JS marrying 14 year old girls..... |
Date: |
Apr 28 14:40 |
Author: |
Tahoe Girl |
I was a member for 47 years, took all of the religion
classes at BYU (hate to admit that now!), studied a LOT about church history,
and really thought I knew everything about it. But it wasn't until last
summer when I started searching this site and other authentic mormon history
sites that I heard about JS marrying Helen Mar Kimball, the other teens, and
the women who were already married to other men. I knew about polygamy in the
church's past, but had heard only the lies about the men marrying only women
who were older and needed taking care of. |
Subject: |
Does the following make Mormonism sound like a cult?... |
Date: |
Apr 28 15:14 |
Author: |
JBryan |
"If Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, then God will
not let corrupt men lead his Church, and Joseph's actions, whether or not we
understand them, are sanctioned by God." |
Recovery from Mormonism - The Mormon Church |