Subject: |
Who really controls the Mormon Church: Its
"Prophet" or Its Board of Directors? |
Date: |
Jan 02, 2007 |
Author: |
steve benson |
"Primus”, asked a question about who actually has
been in charge of at the top of the Mormon Corporate Cult pyramid (with
particular emphasis on the time period when Howard W. Hunter was its
president). |
Subject: |
The interviews with Oaks and Maxwell have proven... |
Date: |
Jan 02 22:30 |
Author: |
Max (not logged in) | be very insightful as it relates to several topics
you have posted. |
Subject: |
But why the big "power play"? |
Date: |
Jan 02 22:30 |
Author: |
NumLock |
It's pretty set who is going to become president
next...the senior member of the quorum of the twelve. |
Subject: |
My new phrase is: "A prophet is only a prophet,
when what he says doesn't make the church look bad". Instead of the
normal cop-out phrase made by apologists. |
Subject: |
Handle the Prophet |
Date: |
Jan 03 01:52 |
Author: |
thor |
When I attended BYU in the 80's, Ezra Taft Benson and
entourage came to campus to make a pronouncement that would be binding on the
entire Church as then-president Holland put it. Benson then gave a right wing
talk about the Constitution. I was surprised when there was little press
coverage on the event and even more surprised when it was not mentioned in
the Church News or Ensign. Then it hit me that Benson had been manipulated by
his handlers. They had approved of his special messages to the women, men, and
children of the Church and those had been distributed widely. But they did
not think his John Bircher mentality would make good press. So they whisked
him to BYU and made him think he was giving a talk to the whole Church. Then
they made sure there was no distribution of the talk and it was never heard
of again. I was a true believer at the time but I could still see he was
being handled. And so it continues. |
Subject: |
Re: Handle the Prophet |
Date: |
Jan 03 04:23 |
Author: |
Reinventing Grace |
>>>Then they made sure there was no
distribution of the talk and it was never heard of again. <<< |
Subject: |
The ETB address to which "thor" refers was,
in fact, handled quite skittishly by the Corporate Church . . . |
Date: |
Jan 03 05:16 |
Author: |
steve benson |
even though my grandfather was president of the Mormon
Church when he delivered it. |
Subject: |
Wouldn't that be the input of corporate lawyers and
wasn't this the period |
Date: |
Jan 03 11:38 |
Author: |
LongGone2 |
during which the federal government was examining
universities and churches for compliance with the Civil Rights Act. I know
there were moves in the late 70's to remove ALL federal support funds--even
from individual students--who attended universities which had official
policies which were anti-black and anti-female. |
Subject: |
So what you are actually saying is |
Date: |
Jan 03 04:08 |
Author: |
rt |
that the church is not led by the prophet alone, he
doesn't receive revelations all the time, his counselors are supposed to
actually counsel him and the presidency and the 12 must act in unison. Is
that a correct summary? |
Subject: |
What I am saying is what I said: The Mormon Church is
all about corporation, not revelation. Not that this should be shocking, of
course. |
Date: |
Jan 03 04:11 |
Author: |
steve benson |
Mormon Cult presidents\prophets do very little
prophesying. |
Subject: |
Gordon B. Hinckley seemed to have more power than most. |
Date: |
Jan 03 06:22 |
Author: |
Rubicon |
I always thought Gordon B. Hinckley used the unique
opportunity of the whole First Presidency under Kimball hitting the skids to
carve out an extra large chunk of power. |
Subject: |
Howard W Hunter said the church isn't ran by one man
when he became prophet |
Date: |
Jan 03 06:17 |
Author: |
Rubicon |
I remember when Howard W. Hunter gave his first general
conference talk as prophet and he said the church isn't ran by one man but
the Quorum of the Twelve and First Presidency run the church as a group.
Howard W. Hunter was feeble and quite out of it when he became prophet. |
Subject: |
What about the handling of church finances? |
Date: |
Jan 03 09:37 |
Author: |
javanorm |
I would naturally assume that the power structure is
similar. However, I remember someone posting a while back on what seemed to
be credible information listing the "Prophet" as sole proprietor of
the financial holdings of LDS, Inc. (I think this information came from
Britain, where churches are required by law to be more open about their finances
than they are in the US, but my memory on that point may not be reliable). I
doubt this proprietorship (if it actually exists) is a trump card for the
"Prophet" on financial matters; if it were, he would surely be able
to use it to hold sway on matters of doctrine as well. But I wonder whether
it is a chip that a skilled Prez could use to tilt the balance of power in
his direction. |
Subject: |
But BY did listen to his counselors |
Date: |
Jan 03 09:58 |
Author: |
Uncle Mo |
steve benson wrote: |
Subject: |
The character of BY's counselors |
Date: |
Jan 03 10:31 |
Author: |
Uncle Mo |
Let me also add that BY's counselors Heber C. Kimball and
Jedediah Grant like BY were uneducated folk preachers that could hardly form
a grammatically correct sentence and routinely used profanity in their
sermons. In other words, garbage in, garbage out. But hey, they were the
Lard's anointed. |
Subject: |
JS didn't listen to his counselors. |
Date: |
Jan 03 10:43 |
Author: |
ava |
William Law was in the first presidency and drafted the
Nauvoo expositor. |
Subject: |
Question about Handlers |
Date: |
Jan 03 16:21 |
Author: |
Zim |
Steve: |
Subject: |
Categorizing ETB's handlers and their respective
responsibilites . . . |
Date: |
Jan 03 17:22 |
Author: |
steve benson |
Let’s go down the list: |
Subject: |
my tbm dad worked with plenty of church officials
during this time.... |
Date: |
Jan 03 18:04 |
Author: |
danboyle |
and he said to us at dinner one night, while ETB was still
alive, "Gordon B Hinckley has been running the church for a long
time" |
Subject: |
It was obvious to us in the peanut gallery that Gordo
had been running things since the Kimball era. |
Date: |
Jan 04 15:50 |
Author: |
Rubicon |
I think it's obvious that Gordo has been the man ever since
he became the "Special Advisor" to the First Presidency when
Kimball, Tanner, and Romney hit the skids health wise. |
Subject: |
When some of the people on RfM slam Steve Benson |
Date: |
Jan 03 18:10 |
Author: |
cl2 |
because he is "exmo" royalty, I have to chuckle
as some of what Steve was doing all those years--speaking out--was one of
those things my husband and I were listening to. To have someone from the
mormon ROYALTY speaking out was very eye-opening. It was OBVIOUS to us that
ETB wasn't well and there was no way he could be running the church. Steve
had a lot more to lose than most of us to speak out and him speaking out has
probably helped a lot of the rest of us find our way out--so I never think
twice about him seeming to be exmo royalty. |
Subject: |
Yes, this is excellent material |
Date: |
Jan 04 09:24 |
Author: |
John Andersen |
It shows how the denial and deception work at the very
highest levels. |
Subject: |
It takes major caholis to do what Steve did, that's why
most GA descendents tow the line. |
Date: |
Jan 04 15:59 |
Author: |
Rubicon |
Being in Steve's position basically means being disowned
by your family, becoming a huge enemy target for the church members, having
former friends turn on you. Not nice stuff. |
Subject: |
History often repeats itself |
Date: |
Jan 03 18:19 |
Author: |
NoToJoe |
Its great having first-hand accounts on this board. Thanks
for the post. |
Subject: |
Not every family has a Steve Benson though |
Date: |
Jan 04 09:25 |
Author: |
John Andersen |
Steve is a role model of courage. |
Subject: |
Hinckley family members talk and have talked, believe
me . . . |
Date: |
Jan 04 15:10 |
Author: |
steve benson |
Whether they will be able to eventually do so
publicly--considering their individual circumstances and personal
realities--is not certain, but certainly hoped for. |
Subject: |
Re: How Mormon Church handlers actually handle the
Mormon Church prophet . . . |
Date: |
Jan 03 18:20 |
Author: |
anon |
My parents were converts and I am so incredibly grateful
to not have my name attached to any mormon "royalty". As if leaving
wasn't hard enough, but to also have that? Steve is seen here as now
ex-mormon royalty, but at what price? It isn't one I would want and I really
feel for him. I think he would rather be known for his work and who HE is,
than his heritage. |
Subject: |
Thank you for writing |
Date: |
Jan 03 18:39 |
Author: |
Kentucky Crimson |
I always look forward to your posts regarding these behind
the scenes looks at what really goes on. |
Subject: |
I had my first glimpse of this with SWK... |
Date: |
Jan 04 01:13 |
Author: |
Deenie, the dreaded single adult |
I recall a gen. conf., toward the end of SWK's reign,
where they led him up to the podium, and he began rambling about how much he
"loved all the members in the Salt Lake Valley." As soon as he said
this, they hustled up & whisked him back to his seat. |
Subject: |
It's all about *continuity*, Deenie...whether or not
they are |
Date: |
Jan 04 16:17 |
Author: |
dunn and did that |
wearing their *Depends*, or not. :) |
Subject: |
Re: How Mormon Church handlers actually handle the
Mormon Church prophet . . . |
Date: |
Jan 04 07:25 |
Author: |
better not say |
Steve, your posts helped my husband and I get out of the
church a few years ago. Thankyou. |
Subject: |
Re: How Mormon Church handlers actually handle the
Mormon Church prophet . . . |
Date: |
Jan 04 09:35 |
Author: |
Robert |
It's hard for me to have sympathy for a man who was evil,
harsh and a racist. I got so sick of the Mormon royalty crap. I believe the
leaders are terrible people. |
Subject: |
So is anyone going to take a stab at Deenie's question? |
Date: |
Jan 04 12:15 |
Author: |
anon |
I'd like to hear opinions on why it's so all-fired
important that 90-something-year-old men not appear to be getting old and
frail like 90-something-year-olds always do. Why is their age-appropriate
illness/deterioration such a tightly guarded secret? Even when I was TBM, it
would have seemed to me that to hide that made the rest of their claims (some
of which I was having trouble twisting around in my mind into a
semi-comfortable niche) less credible. But then, I was always very bothered
by the sugar coating of history and such. I always figured I could handle
being told a not-so-pretty truth better than I could handle that vague
feeling that I was being manipulated and being frustrated at why I was having
so many forbidden doubts. (Talking about being told the truth as far as
church history type topics are concerned, not whether "this dress makes
me look fat," in which case I'll take a little sugar coating, thank you.
:)) On this board, I hear being lied to and deliberately deceived as reasons
that commonly rank very high as to why we dumped the whole mormon ball of
wax, and I know this definitely played a big role in my exmormonism. |
Subject: |
I completely agree. Case and point all the issues that
the pope JPII was going through a few years ago. |
Date: |
Jan 04 15:31 |
Author: |
ava |
As the overall population ages and lives longer, they
really should think about changing this policy. |
Subject: |
Because there's been this whole mythology built up that
the way the Lord chooses the next prophet is |
Date: |
Jan 04 17:43 |
Author: |
Mark (was "Still Active") |
by taking (killing off) the current one (and as needed
taking out any intermediate apostles in line to become prophet so that the
one He wants is first in seniority when He takes the current one). So if the
current one's still around, even if feeble, it must be (by this reasoning)
that God still wants him there leading the Church, so heaven forbid that
anyone would acknowledge that he's no longer mentally capable. And thus they
put on a facade for SWK, ETB, and others who have become simply figureheads. |
Subject: |
On the flip side, though, TSCC is a "corporate
sole"... |
Date: |
Jan 04 15:45 |
Author: |
on the flip side |
And, as such, it is almost like having a "king"
sitting on a throne: the man's OFFICE (of the president) is what is
incorporated! |
Subject: |
Re: How Mormon Church handlers actually handle the
Mormon Church prophet . . . |
Date: |
Jan 04 17:37 |
Author: |
kolobotomy |
About 18 yrs ago I lived in a downtown SLC ward where
Steve's aunt (ETB's) daughter lived. ETB would leave his apt where he was
presumably "resting comfortably" and visit. He always was invited
to speak. One time he began his remarks "God bless the Boise temple
workers" and then commenced to address us as if we were those beloved
folk. After a few minutes he finished (or was preempted) and was reseated.
One of the earphoned security guys leaned forward whispering to the bishop
who then stood to inform the congregation that ETB was going to be visiting
the Boise temple and was just practicing his remarks. It was more than clear
to everyone there that he had no idea where he was or who we were. The spin
never stops. |
Subject: |
Thanks for your post. Your description is the same kind
of confusion that I also saw manifested by my grandfather, both in public . .
. |
Date: |
Jan 04 17:40 |
Author: |
steve benson |
and in private. |
Recovery from Mormonism - The Mormon Church |