Subject: From the Flip-Flop-It Prophet: Hinckley defends historic doctrinal Mormon racism but says he doesn't understand the basis for it (Plus, other GBH gems on . . .
Date: Apr 11, 2006
Author: steve benson
women, prophetic revelation, LDS group-think, garments, the Book of Mormon, LDS Christianity, full-time missionary aversion to sex, politics, Internet smut, the 1950s, other churches, coffee and--last but not least--God's wife).
We Thank Thee, Oh God, for Mumbo-Jumbo
Below are extraordinarily egg-faced excerpts from an exchange between David Ransom, of the Australian Broadcasting Company news show "Compass," and LDS Church president Gordon B. Hinckley.
First, Hinckley's defense of Mormon racism against Blacks:
Blacks Didn't Deserve the Priesthood in the Past but Hinckley Doesn't Know Why DR: Now up until 1978 I understand Blacks were not allowed to be priests in your Church? Gordon B. Hinckley: That is correct. Although we have Black members of the Church. They felt that they would gain more in this Church than any other with which they were acquainted and they were members of the Church. In 1978 we (the president of the Church) received a revelation under which all worthy men would receive all the blessings of the Church available to them as well as to any others. So across the world now we are teaching the Gospel to Blacks, Whites, everyone else who will listen.
DR: So, in retrospect, was the Church wrong in that? |
Gordon B. Hinckley: No, I don’t think so. I don’t see that anywhere. I’ve been to Africa. I’ve been to other places. I don’t see any evidence of that any more. There’s some misconception of course that among some people. But I don’t see much evidence of that any more.
Continuing on the subject of Mormon prejudice, here's what Hinckley had to say about not giving LDS women the priesthood:
"Happy" Mormon Women Don't "Agitate" for the Mormon Male Priesthood
DR: At present women are not allowed to be priests in your Church. Why is that?
Gordon B. Hinckley: That’s right, because the Lord has put it that way. Now women have a very prominent place in this Church. They have there own organisation. Probably the largest women’s organisation in the world of 3.7 million members. And the women of that organisation sit on Boards. Our Board of Education--things of that kind. They counsel with us. We counsel together. They bring in insight that we very much appreciate and they have this tremendous organization of the world where they grow and if you ask them they’ll say, "We’re happy and we’re satisfied."
DR: They all say that?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Yes. All except, ah, oh, you’ll find a little handful one or two here and there, but in 10 million members you expect that.
DR: You say the Lord has put it that way. What do you mean by that?
Gordon B. Hinckley: I mean that’s a part of His program. Of course it is, yes.
DR: Is it possible that the rules could change in the future as the rules are on Blacks ?
Gordon B. Hinckley: He could change them, yes. If He were to change them that’s the only way it would happen.
DR: So, you’d have to get a revelation?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Yes. But there’s no agitation for that. We don’t find it. Our women are happy. They’re satisfied. These bright, able, wonderful women who administer their own organisation are very happy. Ask them. Ask my wife.
Gordon B. Hinckley: Are you happy? (to his wife . . . )
Mrs. H: Very happy! (laughs)
On the matter of how Hinckley gets revelation directly from God to run the Mormon Church, Hinckley says the Church actually doesn't need much of it:
God Reveals Things to Hinckley By Whispering to Him, Hinckley Thinks God Hears Him When He Prays, He Thinks It's "the Real Thing," but He Can't Say For Sure How Often He Gets These Revelations
DR: As the world leader of the the Church, how are you in touch with God? Can you explain that for me?
Gordon B. Hinckley: I pray. I pray to Him. Night and morning. I speak with Him. I think He hears my prayers. As He hears the prayers of others. I think He answers them.
DR: But more than that, because you’re leader of the Church. Do you have a special connection?
Gordon B. Hinckley: I have a special relationship in terms of the Church as an institution. Yes.
DR: And you receive--
Gordon B. Hinckley: For the entire Church.
DR: You receive?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Now we don’t need a lot of continuing revelation. We have a great, basic reservoir of revelation. But if a problem arises, as it does occasionally, a vexatious thing with which we have to deal, we go to the Lord in prayer. We discuss it as a First Presidency and as a Council of the Twelve Apostles. We pray about it and then comes the whisperings of a still small voice. And we know the direction we should take and we proceed accordingly.
DR: And this is a revelation?
Gordon B. Hinckley: This is a revelation.
DR: How often have you received such revelations?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Oh, I don’t know. I feel satisfied that in some circumstances we’ve had such revelation. It’s a very sacred thing that we don’t like to talk about a lot. A very sacred thing.
DR: But it’s a special experience?
Gordon B. Hinckley: I think it’s a real thing. It’s a very real thing. And a special experience.
On the subject of intellectual freedom, Mormons are allowed to question, but they really prefer the higher road of conformity:
The Mormon Church Has Only a Few--Specifically, "One Or Two"--Dissidents
DR: There does seem to be [among Mormons] . . . an uncritical acceptance of a conformist style? Gordon B. Hinckley: Uncritical? No. Not uncritical. People think in a very critical way before they come into this Church. When they come into this Church they’re expected to conform. And they find happiness in that conformity. |
DR: But not allowed to question?
Gordon B. Hinckley: If what?
DR: They’re not allowed to question?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Oh, they are allowed to question. Look, this Church came of intellectual dissent. We maintain the largest private university in America.
DR: And that continues to this day?
Gordon B. Hinckley: 27,000 students.
DR: And that dissent continues to that this day?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Oh, absolutely, absolutely. We expect people to think for themselves. Now, if they get off and begin to fight the Church and that sort of thing, as one or two do now and again, we simply disfellowship them and go our way. But those cases are really very, very few.
Then there's the magical Mormon underwear, which Hinckley admits to wearing for what he thinks might be its possible protective properties:
Hinckley Sports "The Spirtual What?" (His Term for the Garments) Because, Among Other Things, He Thinks They're Comfy and Just Might Shield Him from Harm
DR: Um, look, I don’t want to be indelicate here but this, um, American ‘60 minutes’ program did deal with this business about the spiritual undergarments. I must ask you, what are they? And do you wear them?
Gordon B. Hinckley: The spiritual what?
DR: The spiritual undergarments?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Oh, well, that’s simple--Many people wear particular types of clothing. Many religions. The Jews do. Vestments of various kind worn by other Religions. It isn’t an unusual thing at all. It’s sacred. We regard it as such. It’s a token as it were of our membership in the Church and our eligibility to go to the Temple.
DR: And the sacred undergarments protect you?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Oh, I think so. Yes.
DR: Do you wear them?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Yes.
DR: All the time?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Yes.
DR: And, and have you--
Gordon B. Hinckley: They’re very comfortable.
DR: Have you ever received protection from them?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Protection from them? Oh, I think so. I’m 86 years of age and going on 87 and I’m still here.
About the Book of Mormon, Hinckley says there's really not all that much historical proof for it and, well, the gold plates are missing:
People Didn't Write Much Anciently That We Can Figure Out and, OK, We Don't Have the Gold Plates Anymore
DR: Now the Book of Mormon tells about Christ’s dealings with ancient people in America. I know that’s a long story, but can you put that in a nutshell for me?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Well, He said when during His ministry other sheep I have which are not of this fold, and that they those He would visit following His death, following His resurrection. We believe He appeared to the people on the American continent and ministered to them for a brief period. Talked to them much the same as He talked to people in Palestine. Just as the Bible is a Testament of the Old World, so the Book of Mormon is a testament of the New World.
DR: So, Jesus went to America and taught there. Is there any historical proof of this?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Oh, I don’t know there are many confirmatory evidences of that civilization. The record of theses people, we think, is a testament or remembrance of that occasion. Yes, to that degree. But not a lot. Most people didn’t write very much that we’ve been able to decipher. Now.
DR: But this information came to--?
Gordon B. Hinckley: The Book of the Mormon.
DR: Er, through Joseph Smith?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Correct.
DR: Now, I understand these revelations came on golden plates. Can you tell me something about that?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Yes. This was a book written in the language of the Egyptians on golden plates and they were hidden away in a hill in western New York and Joseph Smith was led to that hill and those plates were delivered to him and he translated from those plates what has become the Book of Mormon. Here it is. You can hold it in your hands. You can heft it. You can read it. You can feel the spirit. You can try to explain it. But when all’s said and done, it’s there.
DR: So, where are the plates now?
Gordon B. Hinckley: The plates are not here. The angel who delivered them took them back.
Are Mormons Christian? You bet, Hinckley says:
The LDS Church is Christian and Other Churches Are, Too--As Long As They Say They Are
DR: . . . [H]ow does your faith sit with other Christians?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Let me say first that the Book of Mormon becomes a second witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in Jesus Christ as the Savior and the Redeemer of the world. We carry the name of the Savior and the name of the Church. We are Christians in a very real sense.
DR: And others are not?
Gordon B. Hinckley: And others are if they chose to call themselves such.
DR: But--
Gordon B. Hinckley: The term "Christians" in a generic vein.
DR: Do they need, though--
Gordon B. Hinckley: A group of people who believe in Jesus Christ.
DR: Do they need though to believe in these new revelations to be truly Christians?
Gordon B. Hinckley: They will get great satisfaction [if they] believe in, in these new revelations. They will have in their hand a second witness for the reality and validity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
DR: So, how do you respond to those who say that you’re not really Christians?
Gordon B. Hinckley: I simply say that’s a that’s a misconception. We are Christians in a very real sense. And that’s coming to be more and more widely recognized. One time people everywhere said we’re not Christians. They’ve come to recognize that we are and that we have a very vital and dynamic religion, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.
On the subject of Mormon missionaries out in the field, they simply do not give in to sexual or television temptation:
"Nothing Happens" When Mormon Elders Are Distracted By Girls or TV
DR: After you leave here, you’ll go out and you’ll talk to 450 young missionaries. Does it bring back memories for you?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Oh, yes indeed. As a missionary in the British Isles about 65 years ago. It was a great experience, a tremendous experience.
DR: Tough?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Oh, yes. You know the English. They’re tough, but they’re wonderful.
DR: I meant the rules that apply. I understand that, um, as a missionary you, er, you can’t, er, be alone with a member of the opposite sex. You can’t watch television, no listening to music, apparently--other than listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. No swimming. No dating. It sounds like a tough call.
Gordon B. Hinckley: You’re looking at it the wrong way. You’ve got the wrong end of the telescope. You have to look at it the other way. Here they are. They’ve consecrated two years of their lives. To go in, out and serving other people. To doing their missionary work. They concentrate on one thing. As their whole objective is to teach the Gospel. They don’t bother with these other things. They don’t get in the way of them. They are consecrated and devoted to this great work of teaching the Gospel. They don’t need to be bothered with these other things and they’re not. You don’t miss them when you’re in this work. Really you don’t. You just so [inaudible] all fired up over teaching the Gospel to people and nothing else matters. It’s strange to you, David, but it’s so.
DR: You can tell it’s strange, I know. If they are distracted by TV, by music, by girls, what happens?
Gordon B. Hinckley: What happens? Nothing happens. They just go forward with their work. When they go home they get back and, er, social life. There’s plenty of time for a young man. He’ll take care of those things naturally. He’ll be back in school, most of them. And, er, he’ll date, he’ll go on into marriage. And they’ll be happy and productive citizens.
And another thing--the Mormon Church doesn't get involved in politics:
The LDS Church Doesn't Have Anything to Do with Politics--Just Moral Issues
DR: . . . {I]n Australia, as in the US, I understand you [inaudible] government on social issues. Especially in the name of protecting the family. What sort of things would you like to change as far as Australian society is concerned?
Gordon B. Hinckley: I don’t know much about, er, your social structure here. I’m only, I only come as a visitor and so I can’t say very much but I was sorry to read that the great emphasis being put on gambling down in, er, Victoria? Victoria, yes.
Institutionally, the Church speaks out on moral issues. Other than that we draw a strict line of separation of Church and State. The Church institutionally does not get involved in politics. Does not endorse candidates, does not endorse parties. We encourage our people as citizens of the land to exercise their franchises individuals. And to be active in these things, but as an institution the Church maintains a strict line of separation of Church and State speaking out only when there is a moral question at issue.
Oh, and about that dang Internet:
Despite Internet Sex, the Mormon Church is Full of Wonderful Young People
DR: You put forward an opinion, I understand here, about the, the sex on video and about, um, the Internet and the effect that may have on society?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Oh, yes, all of these things are downgrading. There isn’t any question about it. These are one of the causes for what’s happening. The illegitimate birth way up, er, dropping out of school up, many things. We put great emphasis on education, for instance.
DR: And you believe the reason for this is a sexually permissive society?
Gordon B. Hinckley: It’s a permissive society in which we live, yes. And, unfortunately, parents are largely responsible for that. They’ve taken an indifferent attitude towards the action of their children. We’re trying very hard and I think we’re succeeding in maintaining the traditional family life. And we have a great, huge number of young people who’re growing up in the faith and who are just wonderful.
On the subject of other churches, Mormons are a blast from the past and couldn't be nicer:
Mormons Love the 1950s--and They Don't Talk Badly About Other Religions, Either
DR: Just looking at the [LDS] missionaries as I came in today, it reminded me very much of the fifties. The sort of values of the fifties in Australia.
Gordon B. Hinckley: Yeah.
DR: Do you agree?
Gordon B. Hinckley: It's cleaned up. The shirts on. White shirts, ties, suits. Conservative dress. Does remind you of the fifties. Contrast that with what you see today and you get the whole picture.
DR: Do you think the fifties were a better time?
Gordon B. Hinckley: I think the fifties were a good time and I think this is a great time. I don’t think we’ve retrograded across the world. I think there are many good people everywhere. And our appeal is to those people. We don’t down grade any Church. We don’t speak disparagingly of any Church. We simply say to people of other Churches, bring all the good that you have and come and let us see if they if we can add to it. Now that’s all there is to it.
On coffee, fill it to the rim with "Milo:"
"Nobody"--That's Right--Nobody "Needs Coffee"
DR: . . . [Y]ou do condemn so many things that are commonly accepted. For example no sex before marriage. No tobacco, no alcohol, no gambling not even coffee.
Gordon B. Hinckley: Yeah, that’s right.
DR: And very, very strict.
Gordon B. Hinckley: That’s wonderful. And you live longer. And you’re happier. And you’re healthier.
DR: What’s wonderful about not drinking coffee?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Oh, ah, coffee has all kinds of caffeine in it, other things. You don’t need coffee. Nobody needs coffee. You can get along without it, David (laughs).
DR: Not even early in the morning for an interview like this?
Gordon B. Hinckley: I had a cup of Milo.
DR: And that worked?
Gordon B. Hinckley: That worked.
On God's marital status, Hinckley's, well, not quite sure:
The Mormon Prophet Can't Say With Certainty If God Actually Has a Wife
DR: . . . God has a wife?
Gordon B. Hinckley: I don’t know, but I suppose so. As we have a Father, I assume we have a Mother.
DR: I understood your teachings said that God has a wife?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Yes. Well, we . . . yes, we have a Mother in Heaven. We believe so. We’re sons and daughters of God.
Thus saith the Lord.
And if that's the case, then God help us.
("'Compass' Interview with President Gordon B. Hinckley, Australian Broadcasting Company, aired 9 November 1997, at
Subject: We thank thee o god for a prophet
Date: Apr 11 04:57
Author: kuma
to waffle and squirm and equivocate in these latter days.
Now there is a man of god calling the world to repentance with the power and authority one would expect of a prophet of god.
GBH "assumes" and "supposes" that god has a wife. He must not have read any church teachings on the subject.
GBH "thinks" god reveals things to him.
When the interviewer asks if people need to believe in the new revelations that the mormon church teaches, god's representative here on earth, in the ultimate fulfilling of his calling to lead us to god says,
"They will get great satisfaction."
There's some melchezidik priesthood authority for you. I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it.
If GBH would only show this type of leadership and conviction at general conference, I believe inactivity would be non-existent in the mormon church.
Thanks for posting this Steve.
Subject: Not only that...
Date: Apr 11 05:23
Author: Ashworth
But when GBH is asked about God's wife, he says maybe he has a wife. Then the interviewer says, uhh, isn't it in your doctrine. And on GBH's next response, he changes it to say he KNOWS he has a wife. Oh, okay.
Subject: His answers remind me of...
Date: Apr 11 11:22
Author: Otremer
one of those prognosticating "8-balls" one turns upside down to read answers, except his answers aren't quite as clear. The rank and file of the Mormon Church could save themselves a lot of time, money and useless conferencing were they to go to the local mall and purchase a prognosticating 8-ball. All questions of doctrine and destiny could be answered with a flip of the wrist. As every man is supposed to have a seer stone, why not an 8-ball? It could even answer if questioned about its veracity. 'Cumon, just have faith unto an experiment.
For those with a higher tech frame of mind I'd suggest one of the internet chat bots as an alternative to the Mormon Prophet. Maybe somebody could create a Prophet, Seer and Revelator chat
Subject: Hinckley on revelation: "It’s a very sacred thing that we don’t like to talk about a lot. A very sacred thing." If there is one thing...
Date: Apr 11 05:10
Author: Peep Stoner
that I've learned to recognize in Mormon leaders, it is the fact that whenever someone gets too close for comfort in terms of forcing a Mormon leader to either confess the fraud of it all or to baldly lie, they'll pull out the old "sacred" card to shut down the dialogue.
When DR continued to probe Hinckley on the true nature of revelation, it's obvious that Hinckley was feeling backed into a corner and used the "sacred" card to get a free pass out of the corner.
Sheesh! The main job description of a prophet is to talk about his "revelations" to anyone and everyone, whether the listener is inclined to believe it or not. And now here's Hinckley telling the world that the revelation process is something too sacred to discuss. Give me a break! The truth is in what he hoped to avoid saying, namely that he's no better than anyone else at getting revelations and that most of the crap that Mormon leaders pass off as revelation are just no-brainer policy decisions or, worse, policy decisions that are evidence of no brains.
Subject: Of all the lunatic things...
Date: Apr 11 11:56
Author: none
... that's the one that I found most striking
When it serves their purpose, a Prophet is a some one who strides out to do battle with the forces of evil and pronounces God's Word ( registered trademark ) with overwhelming force.
Now days this seems to be reserved for the comic book heroes of their white washed past. It doesn't seem to apply to any of their 15 current 'seer, prophet, and revelator' types.
Their first Prophets delivered a stream of muck that was crazy enough to get them locked up today. So they spend their time in a game of hide-and-seek with the reality of what those scumbags spewed out and they keep their own spewings to important topics like the acceptable number of ear rings that a young woman can have in each ear.
Subject: So this reporter is asking the prophet of god for a revelation. He's basically begging to hear god's word..
Date: Apr 11 13:20
Author: dick
And the prophet, who's job description is to announce revelations, actually has the ear of the media
availaBLe to him to spread god's message and he tells the reporter that god's revelations are "too sacred" to talk about?
If only Joseph Smith had kept the revelations to himself, this whole mormon thing never would have started.
Subject: Let's see, Joseph Smith's experience in seeing Elohim and JC in the woods isn't too sacred...
Date: Apr 12 21:19
Author: Peep Stoner
In fact, Hinckley wrote a whole booklet about that and missionaries will do anything they can to get into your house to talk all about it, even if it is just one of several inconsistent versions.
What else isn't too sacred to talk about?
There's the sacrament ritual that represents the sacrificed blood and flesh of Jesus. That's not too sacred to perform and discuss in public.
Then there's all those special dreams and visions that the other 19th century and early 20th century prophets seemed to get and be eager to talk about.
What is too sacred to talk about?
One such topic is the fact that Hinckley's revelations are based on committee recommendations, PR advice and whatever pops into his head that seems like a good idea at the time. That is too sacred to talk about.
Another too-sacred-to-discuss topic is the temple ceremony. Why are funky handshakes, green aprons, pledges of loyalty to the LDS Church, a movie on the creation story from the Bible and POGP and standing around in a circle chanting "oh god hear the words of my mouth" too sacred to discuss in public??????
I guess the Church's detailed financial statements are sacred too, since they are never discussed in public.
The Mormon concept of sacredness is truly a weird thing to behold!
Subject: Oh wow... what a "prophet" huh?
Date: Apr 11 05:20
Author: Ashworth
First of all, whenever a real controversial topic comes up, Hinckley just says, "I don't know." What the hell kind of leader is that?
Subject: So there has to be "agitation" in order for there to be a revelation?
Date: Apr 11 10:46
Author: Bamboozled
Hmmm, the church was being agitated by the US government over polygamy and voila, the Lord provides a revelation.
Wow, the church was being agitated by just about everyone over blacks and the priesthood and BEHOLD, the Lord provides a revelation.
So now, if women of the church agitate enough they may, just may, be able to get the priesthood! Go for it
Subject: Agitation
Date: Apr 11 13:13
Author: Edgar
Those were my exact same thoughts the first time I read the interview transcript.
Hinckley comes out and says revelations don't come from the heavens unless the prophets and apostles get “agitated.”
Basically, the mind and will of God can only be given if the FP and Q of 12 are already discussing the topic in their meetings.
I guess Christ really isn't the head of the church after all. He can only reveal his will if GBH asks about it. There doesn't seem to be any revelation to the
Profit initiated by Christ.
Subject: Re: What the hell is Milo?
Date: Apr 11 11:18
Author: yaanufs
Chocolate malty drink. You can drink it hot or cold.
MILO has been around since 1933.
For some time Nestlé had been trying to develop a chocolate energy drink, but had been having problems creating a fully dry product. It was a research team, headed by Thomas Mayne, who finally hit on the idea of using the latest vacuum shelf drying technology. The following year, MILO was launched at the Sydney Royal Easter Show to instant acclaim and popularity.
In Greek mythology there was a Roman athlete named MILOn who was famous for his feats of strength. Legend has it that he once carried a four-year-old bullock through the stadium in Olympia, Greece! You may not grow as strong as Milon by drinking MILO, but it is a very tasty way to get many of the nutrients you need to grow strong.
Subject: Happiness in conformity
Date: Apr 11 11:27
Author: substrate
Holy crap. Is he serious? "Be like us, and be happy."
Note how he said people practice critical thinking *until* they join the church. Then all bets are off.
Thanks, Steve, for reminding me why I don't like the man or the church.
Subject: Wow, if this was the Pope or any other religious leader, TBMs would be all over it
Date: Apr 11 12:18
Author: dick
He obviously has no clue what god's will is. Or if he does, he isn't telling anyone, which makes him a pretty useless prophet.
Subject: If you're masochistic enough to read the entire interview,
Date: Apr 11 13:26
Author: Laszlo
you can read it here:
Subject: There is really no need for new revelation unless the old revelation is politically incorrect.
Date: Apr 11 13:55
Author: Mormon Inc.
Oh Joseph Smith and Brigham Young got most of the pertinent revelation for the church but of course we need to give dirty ol' Cain the priesthood, get rid of
polygamy, and make the temple ceremony less offensive and scary time to time.
Subject: Embarrassed by Mormonism
Date: Apr 11 14:43
Author: AxelDC
The Hinckster seems to be afflicted with something that I and lots of other Mormons have felt more than once: embarrassed by the bizarre aspects of Mormonism.
He gives the same downplaying of Mormonism, like garments and polygamy, that lots of Mormons give. "Lots of religions have special clothing." So, Mormons are just like everyone else? Is your point that you're not as weird as people think.
Today, I'm a lot more open and honest about Mormonism than when I was a missionary or TBM. I don't have to apologize or hide the embarrassing aspects of the religion. I enjoy telling people exactly how it is, and watching their disbelief at how strange these people are. Now I can tell the story as an outsider with insider knowledge, but no vested interest in furthering the church or protecting my own Mormon-dictated lifestyle.
When I watch Big Love, I cringe at the dead-on references to Mormon culture. Barb Henrickson commented last episode on Mormons checking for "garment lines". My never mo friends didn't get this line, but I knew EXACTLY what she meant. It's a key insight into Mormon culture: spying on your neighbors to see whether they are "good" or "bad" Mormons. Garment lines are an outward sign of your devotion to the church; a way to see if someone is an insider or outsider.
Hinckley acts like he has to hide aspects of Mormonism to keep people from seeing them as freaks. He then goes back to wink at the flock and let them know what he is doing. "We really do believe this, but I can't tell THEM that!"
Cowardice and hypocracy at from the Prophet, Seer and Revelator. So much for preaching it from the balconies. He wants to trade Mormon integrity for acceptance from the outside world. Isn't that what Nephi's dream warned against?
Subject: Hey all you women out there....get a little agitated and see what happens.....
Date: Apr 11 15:57
Author: FCI
Women and the priesthood......
"DR: So, you’d have to get a revelation?
Gordon B. Hinckley: Yes. But there’s NO AGITATION FOR THAT. We don’t find it. OUR WOMEN ARE HAPPY."
Thanks for posting Steve....
Subject: Re: From the Flip-Flop-It Prophet: Hinckley defends historic doctrinal Mormon racism but says he doesn't understand the basis for it (Plus, other GBH gems on . . .
Date: Apr 13 02:42
Author: P_Ken
Yeah... Now if Joseph could have such amazing visions cause he was a prophet of God... why didn't the rest of the ones? Including GBH?
If he came out and said he did, the TBM's would be in awe... of course I think they all do already... But the rest of the world would laugh and think the Morg crazy... Hey, wait... they are!
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