Subject: | 10 Years of RfM |
Date: | Nov 18, 2005 |
Author: | Eric K |
Mail Address: | |
It was 10 years ago, during Thanksgiving
in the US, that I put up a first page and typed "Recovery from
Mormonism". It was on an ISP in Chattanooga TN and was a personal
web page before registering a few months later. The site
was originally designed to last a year to pay forward those that had
helped me recover from my Mormon experience. I never anticipated 10
years. There have been and continue to be many volunteers who help behind the scenes to keep this running. It is because of them the site is still online. The Exmormon Foundation is an outgrowth of ex-Mormons' desires to help others out of the corporation. It is odd to me that such a small experiment changed my life. I am a quiet individual living in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains with a web site that has now become a collaborative effort which has reached thousands around the world. Who could of ever imagined? Eric |
Subject: | Thank you doesn't say enough |
Date: | Nov 18 07:14 |
Author: | runtu |
I don't know what I would do without this place to
vent, to share, to laugh, and to cry with other people who are going
through the same things I am. Thank you for showing me I'm not alone. |
Subject: | I cannot thank you enough for all that this site has done for me. |
Date: | Nov 18 07:18 |
Author: | Jenson |
I have been visiting here for over three years now.
It has changed the way that I view the world and it quite literally
saved my life during some times of deep dispair. When my finances
finally recover from the wreckage the church created I hope to
contribute to the foundation. Best wishes. |
Subject: | Thank You , Found this place 7 years ago. Helped more then anything to get over Mormonism and made some friends along the way. N/t |
Subject: | Thank You Eric |
Date: | Nov 18 07:49 |
Author: | Cezoram |
It was roughly 9 years ago that I typed
"religion" into a Yahoo search box and found you. That was the
very first step into a much broader, brighter, freer world. Without you
and similar helpers, who knows what ridiculous things I might still be
doing? Thank you. |
Subject: | Thank you for all you have done for us, Eric |
Date: | Nov 18 08:06 |
Author: | Matt |
It is above and beyond. :o)) |
Subject: | Re: 10 Years of RfM -thank you!!! |
Date: | Nov 18 08:14 |
Author: | Dawne |
One of our older computers here is almost constantly
logged on to your website. Your site has been of great help to several of us and has speeded up our recovery. A big thanks! |
Subject: | The Internet is dramatically affecting Mormonism and the ExMo Board is at the forefront of that change. n/t |
Subject: | It changed my life. I owe so much to this site. Thanks, Eric. nt |
Subject: | Here's to another ten years n/t |
Subject: | I'd also like to mention your exmo e-mail list |
Date: | Nov 18 08:45 |
Author: | anon for this |
that helped me begin my information quest. I had
left the church long ago just because it felt so wrong. But I had no
idea about the rotten history and the scope of the ecclesiastical abuse
under the p-hood. Reading your e-mail list helped me get the big
picture. The very first exmo site I found was William Shunn's humorous flight story. It seems like ancient history. Internet is wonderful. I'm also paying back / forward by maintaining a site since 1998. Mormons in my country call me "Satan's industrious lackey". I take it as a compliment. |
Subject: | Thank you! |
Date: | Nov 18 08:52 |
Author: | on_my_way_out_2 |
Your site has provided me with a knowledge that I am NOT alone as I first thought when I realized the church was a giant hoax. I spend countless hours reading posts, posting and contemplating how I can get my wife and kids out. Thanks again Eric! |
Subject: | Thank you! Gracias! Danke schoen! Merci! |
Date: | Nov 18 08:58 |
Author: | Ken Taylor |
I'm glad you started it, and I'm glad you and others
kept it going. I certainly has helped me - beyond words. Happy Birthday to all of us! |
Subject: | Thanks from one of the foreign beneficiaries!!! ;-) n/t |
Subject: | You're a man of vision, Eric. |
Date: | Nov 18 09:05 |
Author: | cheeseburger |
Thanks ever so much. I wish that this site had been
around when I first left the church. What a difference it has made even
so! It's a relief to have somewhere to go to explore religion in general
and try to lay to rest any issues from a mormon past. Thanks again. Really. |
Subject: | BIG thanks Eric and ALL admin. NT |
Subject: | Goes to prove the saying; "Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come". |
Date: | Nov 18 09:58 |
Author: | Dane |
You were listening and acting on those impulses that
were crying out from the depths of where we all have been. The
collaborative energies needed a place to romp, vent, discover and
validate. Thank you for establishing that vehicle. Thank you for holding to the vision and the quest and setting firm guidelines that hold the focus. |
Subject: | From Singapore - Thanks Eric ! |
Date: | Nov 18 10:36 |
Author: | Johnny Ho |
Good job Eric. I probably would still be hanging on to the mormon church if not for this site. Thanks! |
Subject: | this sight can never go away, THANKS Eric K....nt |
Subject: | thank you from berlin |
Date: | Nov 18 10:57 |
Author: | gay frazier |
not only have i benefited in dealing with some
latent mormonisms in my happily non-mormon life, but i have enjoyed the
layout of this website more than any of the others i have drifted into. thank you and keep up the good fight! gay |
Subject: | Weighing in as a Nevermo |
Date: | Nov 18 11:00 |
Author: | Lilith |
Its not only ex-mormons this site helps and saves. You here have helped me to understand the 'mormon' in my life and how the teachings of this church deeply affected our relationship. Without this site, Id have experienced a lot more pain due to lack of understanding. So thanks to you for starting this board...and a special (good mormon word, that) thanks to Stray Mutt who had a deep affect on me with his common sense and compassion. I'd have not met him if not for this site... |
Subject: | Re: Weighing in as a Nevermo |
Date: | Nov 19 00:14 |
Author: | kairos |
Really grateful for whatyou did and continue to do- i salute you eric and all on the admin side- you guys are doing a terrific service! god bless !! |
Subject: | add my thanks, too... |
Date: | Nov 18 11:07 |
Author: | et in Utah ego |
You are a true hero, Eric. People like you--and
those "behind the scenes"-- help make the world a better
place. That's pretty much the highest praise I can think of. |
Subject: | Eric--You D'Man! |
Date: | Nov 18 11:16 |
Author: | Al the Areligionist |
I was inactive before the internet, but without this board I would not have made the effort to have my name removed. This board showed me the way! Thank you much! |
Subject: | You're a giant among exmos worldwide. |
Date: | Nov 18 11:24 |
Author: | Cheryl |
We bless your diligence and sense of humanity. Thank you. |
Subject: | Re: I was here nearly 10 Years.. Thnks! nt |
Subject: | Re: Yeah baby.... |
Date: | Nov 18 11:26 |
Author: | SD |
and some of us really crazy ones have been with you since the beginning. Thank you Eric. I owe you my freedom and my life. |
Subject: | THE ends of the earth shall inquire after thy name, and fools shall have thee in derision, and hell shall rage against thee; |
Date: | Nov 18 11:29 |
Author: | brian-the-christ |
Jeezus! God was talking about YOU, Eric! If these words are used by Morgbots to justify a crook like Joseph Smith, just check out what FAIR Lots of reference links to here...which is a speshule testimony to your effectiveness. You've got them shaking and quaking. It's almost like a revival in JS' day! Thanks, Eric! |
Subject: | Thank you, this site helped me tremendously. /nt |
Subject: | Thanks for providing a window to the world outside Mormonism! |
Date: | Nov 18 11:36 |
Author: | SusieQ#1 |
This place is like water well in the desert. It
fulfills so many needs. Those of us who live with and love Mormons have a life line here! I have learned more about Mormonism here than I did in over 35 years as an immersed, believing member! |
Subject: | Words like Thank You |
Date: | Nov 18 12:04 |
Author: | Saucie |
don't seem adequate enough to express my gratitude
for how this place has changed my life for the better. Thanks to you Eric and all your crew for the invaluable gift of truth that you've given freely. |
Subject: | Thank you Eric! |
Date: | Nov 18 12:18 |
Author: | nw gal |
In 1999 I turned to the internet hoping to find another soul out there who felt as I did about Mormonism. I was sure I was the only person in Utah County who saw through the lies of TSCC. Finding the Recovery Board was such a relief to me. Because of this board my husband and I found the courage to leave the church and Utah. Life has been wonderful ever since. My deepest gratitude to you. |
Subject: | Thanks. |
Date: | Nov 18 12:22 |
Author: | Low Key |
and all my other aka's say thanks too. Except for that anon-for-this-one aka. He's too shy to say thanks, but he is thinking it. ;-) |
Subject: | Thank you, Eric. |
Date: | Nov 18 12:33 |
Author: | Makurosu |
I quit Mormonism about five years ago, and this
board played no small part. In addition to the facts I had already
researched, I needed the validation of others who had escaped from that
religion to feel more comfortable about leaving myself. This board was a
crucial part of my leaving the Church, but also the long period of
healing that followed. Eric may not know this, but he is the only ex-Mormon from the board I've ever met in real life. He really is a very quiet, mild-mannered person. Thanks for everything, Eric. |
Subject: | Eric,you are the new Martin Luther! |
Date: | Nov 18 12:38 |
Author: | Freya |
Instead of posting your theses on a church door at
Wittenberg, you created this board where everyone can post. Now the whole world can see what's wrong with Mormonism, the lies are exposed to broad daylight, and the sins of the leaders are shouted from the rooftops. Mormonism is NOT God's one true church! That is our proclamation to the world from this board. |
Subject: | thank you and congratulations! you are doing a holy work here. =) n/t |
Subject: | Like a stone cut from a mountain, RfM has rolled forth . . . |
Date: | Nov 18 12:55 |
Author: | steve benson |
Who woulda thunk? Thanks, Eric. For so many around the world desperately trapped in the clutches of the Mormon Cult, this site has been a lifesaver. |
Subject: | HUGE Thank You!!! |
Date: | Nov 18 12:56 |
Author: | Happy_heretic |
Eric, I have been here for almost as long as you have had this sight (okay TAKE 2 YEARS). IT has become a second family for many of us. Peace, Hap |
Subject: | Happy Anniversary! And thanks for the work you do :-) n/t |
Subject: | 10 yrs ago I wouldn't have dared look at this site: Oh how things change. thanks. n/ |
Subject: | the first time I discovered this site (already a non-believer), I was appalled at RFMer's attitudes..... |
Date: | Nov 18 13:21 |
Author: | Scott Tippetts |
At that time (1998?), I was already a non-believer,
having independently discovered the fraud of Joseph'sMyth on my own. But
despite my awareness of the Cult's falseness, I was nevertheless
appalled at what I thought was an immature, venomous attitude of this
board. I think I even posted a single critical post telling those here
to grow up and get on with it, like I had. [although in fairness, I was also highly sympathetic to, and comforted by, the personal 'Why I Left' accounts on the biographical board here.] Then, after being away from this board for 3-5 years, I 'discovered' it again by coincidence, and found that my opinion of this board was now different... Developments in my personal & familial situations had made me better able to relate to the justifiable bitterness, anger (righteous indignation), and frustrations voiced here. Unlike my first encounter here (1998) as a non-believer, at my second arrival here I benefited from what the board had to offer for my own recovery process & timeline. When the student is ready, the teacher appears. And though I am here very little these days anymore, I am grateful for having been heavily involved in 2002-2004. A big heartfelt Thanks, Eric. --'Langdon' |
Subject: | 10 x what every body has said |
Date: | Nov 18 13:36 |
Author: | jujube |
Eric, Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. When I first found RfM, I couldn't believe my good luck or my eyes! It indeed changed my life. In my darkest days, this board was sometimes the only understanding friend I had. My friends and family chastised me for spending so much time here but they didn't understand what the board understood. And RfM helped me immensely through some very rough spots. I especially like the layout of the site and format of the BB. Other bulletin boards confuse me but this is very simple and straightfoward. Please don't change. Get that paypal tip jar going. Plenty of us here want to help lighten your financial load. This is a wonderful service you and admin provide. Many thanks to all of you for your hard work, time and $$$. And here's to many more years of RfM!!! |
Subject: | You save me, and my two girls from a life of Mormonism. |
Date: | Nov 18 14:40 |
Author: | antishock8 |
How can I ever thank you enough for your website? I can't. Last night, I sat on my couch and spent the evening bullshitting with my kids about various things, and all I could keep thinking over and over again was how lucky they are not to have to be raised in that cult. They're free, and this website was the catalyst that led to that freedom. Thank you. |
Subject: | Thank you, Eric. |
Date: | Nov 18 14:42 |
Author: | Route66Kid |
About three months after you put the original RfM
page up, I found it. Three months later I was an ExMo. Almost two years
later I made the contribution of my story (#79). I have ponied up funds
for the maintenance of this site when solicited, money much more well
spent than 10% of my annual gross I paid to the LDS country club. TBMs said this place would fold up in a couple of months. Several of those critics are now regulars here or have been. Here's to ten more years of Recovery! Peace! |
Subject: | Because of you and your efforts, I have awakened... |
Date: | Nov 18 15:05 |
Author: | Enigma |
Thank you so much. Despite the fact that I am still
trapped in the cult (wife still holding me hostage), I would rather be
held hostage with the knowledge of the truth than remain in ignorance
and live a lie. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. Hopefully someday I will join you on the outside... Enigma |
Subject: | Where would I be without RfM? Still wondering alone in the wilderness of faith n/ |
Subject: | Sorry I missed the first 8... but... |
Date: | Nov 18 15:21 |
Author: | Cr@ig P@xton |
I'm sure there are those that wish I'd never
discovered RFM... But seriously... thanks... so many stand on your shoulders... Craig |
Subject: | Then rfm must be true. Thanks. n/t |
Subject: | You changed my life, Thank You!!! n/t |
Subject: | You woke a sleeping Giant, thank you NT |
Subject: | Eric, because of you, I got the last third of my life back. Words can never thank you enough, nt |
Subject: | I'm Proud To Have Known So Many Giants . . . |
Date: | Nov 18 16:56 |
Author: | SL Cabbie |
Walking through this thread I see people I've loved
and people I've loved and still crossed verbal swords with . . . Many
I've met in person . . . And others I haven't, yet . . . It's good to have something to look forward two . . . Shoot, somebody even flattered me by signing Denial Peterson to a post mocking ol' Dan'l BooBoo himself . . . Both were my "creations," not that there's a lot of imagination involved, but I had to 'fess up to those to ADMIN when I sought some guidelines about how to avoid having my posts deleted . . . Note to the impersonator-of-the-impersonator: I don't mind; just don't make a habit of it . . . A good needle gets dull from overuse . . . And a Cabbie plug for the link BTC put above to what one FAIR-minded--at least it's been alleged he has a mind--sort thinks about "anti-Momon activists" . . . I hope everyone reads it (wearing appropriate bullchip protection, of course)... The story of Thomas Murphy is but one in a long series of assaults on reason that the LDS Church has proven is intrinsic to its very nature . . . Thanks Eric. This place doesn't keep me out of bars since I still have to pick up in them, but I find the company here a whole lot more stimulating . . . |
Subject: | I have to add my thanks, I will always be grateful for RFM!!! n/t |
Date: | Nov 18 16:57 |
Author: | utahgirl |
Subject: | Thank you so much, Eric! |
Date: | Nov 18 16:58 |
Author: | Breeze |
It's been fun, educational, heart-rending,
hilarious, crazy-making, and a growing experience for me. I was a convert who had left a few years before I came here. I took my 2 kids out with me and hung out here so that I could be armed with knowledge when the ex family started putting pressure on the kids. That hasn't happened, but armed am I! You've done a great job. Keep it up! Jenny |
Subject: | Happy anniversary |
Date: | Nov 18 17:18 |
Author: | looking in |
You've really reached people all over the world. In
my little corner of Canada, I doubt I would have taken steps to have my
name removed if I hadn't chanced upon your site. You've performed a great service! |
Subject: | Re: 10 Years of RfM |
Date: | Nov 18 17:41 |
Author: | wjd |
A day doesn't go by that I think on the miracle of having a website that has such fantastic information available to anyone who wants it. It's a miracle, and I thank you for it. |
Subject: | Thanks from the belly of the beast |
Date: | Nov 18 17:48 |
Author: | greenkat |
I would be in the psych ward after last week's
adventures if it wasn't for the kind words and realistic perspective
from this board. May Mother Earth send sunshine and peace to you. |
Subject: | I have been out 22 years, found this site recently--It has helped me a lot! thanks so much! n/t |
Date: | Nov 18 18:09 |
Author: | Bonnie |
Subject: | On behalf of all the anonymous posters; thanks! nt |
Subject: | Thank you Eric! |
Date: | Nov 18 19:24 |
Author: | javanorm |
And thank you Susan I/S, Concrete Zipper, and anyone else whose hard work keeps this board going. |
Subject: | THANK YOU |
Date: | Nov 18 19:39 |
Author: | DonkeyBone |
Thank you Eric! I know you didn't intend it, but you have probably done more good than anyone in the history of Mormonism! |
Subject: | Here's to you, Eric K! |
Date: | Nov 18 20:29 |
Author: | doxigrafix |
And a hearty toast to common sense winning out over stupidity, con games, sexist propaganda, and bull$hi! in general as we edge ever closer to the chasm of theocracy (shudder)! |
Subject: | Thanks Eric and all the heroes who keep the board running. |
Date: | Nov 18 21:07 |
Author: | síóg |
It's hard to understand how much RfM has helped me
given I had been out of the cult for nearly thirty years when I found
it. But sharing our experiences as we do here helped me heal. Even
though I knew it was a fraud, I hadn't been able to name just how many
ways it had warped my spirit. Finding others who had similar experiences
let me examine my own more completely. What's more, I've printed out countless threads and taken them to my never-mo therapist because she treats many mos and exmos, so even when people don't come here, they are helped indirectly. Thank you. |
Subject: | Thanks to this board and the posters here I realized that I was not alone in my feelings and it was OKAY! n/t |
Date: | Nov 18 21:26 |
Author: | NumLock |
Subject: | Thank you, thank you from a nevermo. I might never join that cult now, after all I learned here. n/t |
Subject: | And did you ever think back then... |
Date: | Nov 18 22:25 |
Author: | Star Buck |
... that women you've never met would be professing
their undying love to you. Well, I love you, man! I've been here half
those years (under a couple of screen names) and it may have saved my
life and definitely saved my sanity. Thank you SO much for all you and your group do! |
Subject: | The learning goes on and on |
Date: | Nov 18 23:05 |
Author: | sheepshank |
...I learn something new, useful, honest and worthy
of note every time I tap into this site. This site has helped with not
only the knowledge, but offers a wonderful outlet for those with
knowledge to impart. Thanks for offering the forum for the exchange of
critical ideas and support!!!! |
Subject: | This site, I'm sure... |
Date: | Nov 19 00:05 |
Author: | Jane Aubrey #1 |
....kept me from going over the edge! Some, may argue that point with me. lol Thanks so much for providing a place to let off the steam, exchange thoughts and also for the laughs. :-) |
Subject: | Congrats and thank you! n/t |
Date: | Nov 19 00:07 |
Author: | cbiatwt |
Subject: | I can't imagine what leaving Mormonism would have been like without this site. Um abraco para voce! n/t |
Date: | Nov 19 00:12 |
Author: | FeelingOfFreedom |
Subject: | RFMs Decade of Destruction! - Do the world another favor and make it two decades. n/t |
Date: | Nov 19 00:51 |
Author: | RBL Jr |
Subject: | Thanks so much . . . . |
Date: | Nov 19 01:12 |
Author: | imaworkinonit |
I've been out nearly 6 years now, and have been on
the BB off and on for 5.5 of those. I read every one of the stories of
people that left (I think there were about 130 then). The information available and comradery here are great--as well as the disagreements :-) . . . . it's healthy for a change to have a free exchange of ideas. Anyway, thanks a lot. This site has been like therapy for me, providing me with information and moral support when I needed it. |
Subject: | What THEY said!!! thank you Eric! n/t |
Date: | Nov 19 01:14 |
Subject: | This Canadian ex-Mo expresses his great thanks to you and the other RfM volunteers. This website has been a great source of liberation and healing. May it continue for many years! n/t |
Date: | Nov 19 02:03 |
Author: | FreeAtLast |
Subject: | My experience has been somewhat like Scott Tippetts'... |
Date: | Nov 19 02:20 |
Author: | missinglink |
My path to awakening was actually through (and the affiliated but the bios on this site
were *very* helpful for me, since I have never been overtly harmed by
the Morg. I was/am one of those for whom its one-size-fits-all program
works reasonably well. So I needed those stories to see through the lie
of it being the one and only true path. Like Scott, I was at first rather appalled by the general tone of many RfM threads. But there is always gold to be found, from those wonderful "On this day in Mormon history" posts that Baura so studiously posted for ~1.5 years, to the lengthy essays by Bob McCue, Tal Bachman and others. So my sincerest thanks to Eric and the staff who keep the board going and also to all the posters who keep it growing! Here's to another decade of truth! |
Subject: | From the bottom of my heart, thank you |
Date: | Nov 19 02:33 |
Author: | chester |
I ran into this bulletin board in the fall of '96
and have been watching it from time to time ever since then. It was a
great comfort to me to discover other people that had the same doubts
and misgivings about the church, which eventually helped me develop the
courage to acknowledge my beliefs and leave the church. My life is changed forever, in no small part to this forum. I will be forever grateful. |
Subject: | I've now been here as long as I attended SM saying huh a lot. This has been way more enlightening and fun! n/t |
Date: | Nov 19 02:45 |
Author: | Nightingale |
Subject: | Awesome, Eric! |
Date: | Nov 19 04:11 |
Author: | Troy |
What else can I say? Someday, someone needs to write
a book about our obscure little history as exmos, and how we've
influenced the world around us. Cheers! Troy |
Subject: | On behalf of the Rogers family in Australia...THANKYOU!!!... |
Date: | Nov 19 07:32 |
Author: | ausgaz |
This board was such a help on the journey out of the morg. You have
helped 6 Aussie mormons on the upward path to exmo! The dedication of
the people who make this board happen never stops amazing me! "I cannot say the smallest part which I feel" LOL. Cheers, Garry. |
Subject: | Thank you ... |
Date: | Nov 19 09:47 |
Author: | bob mccue |
You are one of our pioneers. I am confident that without the support of communities like the one you created, I would not have been able to make the changes I have. And in my own little way, I too am trying to pass along the benefits I have received. I continue to believe that this movement will become a force to be reckoned only to the extent that individuals raise their voices in whatever way that can. There will be few great projects, but there are many individuals voices that speak in different ways and places. We consistently underestimate what our small efforts may amount to when combined with the small efforts of others, and so too many of us do not act. Thank you for being one of those who has shown the way. Best, bob |
Date: | Nov 19 09:51 |
Author: | Lon Morgan |
Eric, your site has been a huge help to us in our
exit from mormonism. We can't thank you enough. Folks, it's time we all made a significant contribution to help with the expense of running this site. Eric, please post instructions on how we may donate to your efforts. |
Subject: | A Christian friend of mine... |
Date: | Nov 19 09:57 |
Author: | toto |
...told me about this site ten years ago at the time when I left the church. After a seven or eight-year absence, I came back last month and was floored that I can't look back to e-mails posted over a month ago. Weird. And exciting. The topics and issues are still the same, but different people, except a few names remain the same. Mostly I've enjoyed being able to reconnect because of the current Mo-dilemmas I have. Thank you for ten years and for still being around. |
Subject: | "Fly" if anyone remembers... |
Date: | Nov 19 15:02 |
Author: | toto |
...would love to say thank you as well. You helped both of us. |
Subject: | Thank you from me! |
Date: | Nov 19 14:19 |
Author: | Alee |
Thanks to all who help run this site. I'm so glad it is here...I never would have found the information I needed to really truly get me on the path of of Mormonism without this site, I'm sure. All the knowledge and information expressed here has been so helpful. Keep it going, and I'll do my best to refer others here to learn as I did :) |
Subject: | Thanks Eric... |
Date: | Nov 19 15:55 |
Author: | Porcupine |
I don't come here much anymore, but this site was
instrumental in my leaving the church several years ago. I wouldn't
listen to friends who tried to talk logic to me, but I DID
"listen" to what I read here. For whatever reason. I guess I
was too stubborn (at first) to admit to anyone that I'd been duped. Thanks from a SE TX exmo...Porcupine |
Subject: | This website gave me the knowledge needed to take control of my life for the first time ever. n/t |
Date: | Nov 19 15:56 |
Author: | eric eldredge |
Subject: | Thanks Eric- I've really enjoyed this site. |
Date: | Nov 19 16:00 |
Author: | activejackmormon |
This site as been on my favorites list for four years now. |
Subject: | You guys rock!!! Thanks, Eric for getting (and keeping) the whole thing going!!! n/t |
Date: | Nov 19 18:37 |
Author: | Shmee |
Subject: | Congratulations and thanks |
Date: | Nov 19 18:56 |
Author: | molly mormon |
Eric, Susan and CZ. Marg |
Subject: | this site is amazing and I am most grateful for the support and help here - thank you eric! n/t |
Date: | Nov 19 19:06 |
Author: | brontebell, 2lazy2login |
Subject: | Thanks Eric K. |
Date: | Nov 19 19:35 |
Author: | anonymous this time |
Eric, Thanks for all of your hard work. Our paths actually crossed many years ago at the U.of U. metallurgical engineering department. Funny that your efforts should have had such an effect on my life from so far away and after so many years. Thanks again. Must stay anonymous for this one. |
Subject: | 10 yrs!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! |
Date: | Nov 19 20:26 |
Author: | Kate |
Add another 7 Aussies who will be forever grateful
for Eric and those that run this site. Happy Birthday guys & may you have many more years to help other families like ours Cheers! Kate & Simon |
Subject: | Happy Tenth Anniversary, and we should throw a serious party . . . |
Date: | Nov 19 21:07 |
Author: | winter |
On the 14th anniversary, when RfM will have been in
business for longer than JS hisself. And will have saved more people than he duped. Live long and prosper. winter |
Subject: | Thank you from Pennsylvania! |
Date: | Nov 19 22:07 |
Author: | DebbiePA |
I found RfM in the spring of 1997 when I first got
the Internet. I had AOL and went into the Mormon Q&A chatroom cause
I was struggling so much in my unbelief and I wanted to see if anyone
else had the same problems. The Mormons in that chatroom were
unbelievably nasty when I talked about my problems but one brave soul
kept typing in over and over, I came here and the rest
is history. In those days, I could read every post every day, and I did.
I cried as I read the exit stories. Being away from the hub of
Mormonism, I had no idea people acutally left the church and weren't
struck down by lightening. I didn't think anyone felt the way I did, but
here you all were. Of course, I did leave the Morg (big thanks to Ether if you're still out there for giving me that final push when I needed it!), and I've left my disfunctional marriage and now my 4 kids are out, too. What a joy this freedom is. I know I eventually would have left, with or without RfM, but this place was a haven when I had nowhere else to talk about my apostacy. I've made friendships here that I know will last forever. Thank you Eric, and all those posters who were here for me over the years. I will always love you all. Debbie |
Subject: | Thank you Eric. n/t |
Date: | Nov 19 22:16 |
Author: | Charley |
Subject: | Thanks Eric. I couldn't have left without the help of this site. nt |
Date: | Nov 19 22:58 |
Author: | LauraD. |
Subject: | Re: 10 Years of RfM |
Date: | Nov 20 03:58 |
Author: | A Talking Cat =) |
Thanks, Eric; without this site, I'd probably still
be questioning weather or not the cult is true and hoping it isn't... Thanks. =) |
Subject: | Thanks for 10 years of helping exmos! This is a major achievement... |
Date: | Nov 20 05:07 |
Author: | Timmy Teaboy | any measure. Most important to me is the fact
that RFM has been so successful in helping Exmos, doubting members and
disaffected nevermo neighbors realize that they are not isolated and
strange for seeing the obvious truths that TBMs persistently deny. Without RFM, many would feel outnumbered and intimidated by the TBMs that surround them, whether in their families, or neighborhoods. RFM has made it possible for people who see that the emperor is naked to hear from other people who see the same thing and realize that they are not the crazy ones, but rather it is the people who insist on seeing fine imperial garments that do not exist who have lost a few marbles along the way. Thanks again for everything! |
Subject: | Thanks for the ride, Eric |
Date: | Nov 20 07:37 |
Author: | Cousin Exmo |
From doubting high priest to thankful exmormon, this
site helped every step of the way. You're #4 on Google today. Thanks to
your site, those within and outside of mormonism have a better chance to
learn the truth. Cuz X |
Subject: | If it weren't for RFM, I would still be in a cult. |
Date: | Nov 20 08:26 |
Author: | Latter Daze |
Enough said. :) THANK YOU!!! |
Subject: | Thank you..... |
Date: | Nov 20 09:23 |
Author: | wings |
When I was excommunicated from the church nearly 30
years ago, the issues were Black PH, and ERA. Fawn Brodie was the only
book I had accidentally read that turned the lights in my brain on, with
the farce of Joseph Smith glaring in the glow. I could not pretend. I
lost a marriage, family respect, my children were tormented and we were
shunned. My life was forever changed. For 25 years I knew no others like me. Finding this site a few years ago gave me some peace. I realized I was not alone. I saw others who fought the same fights with ERA and Black PH here. I realized one could actually resign now. We non believers were many in number. Thank you. It takes a strong, brave person to be true to their convictions while stones are cast at you. You are admired by many. wings |
Subject: | Adding my thanks to the list |
Date: | Nov 20 10:17 |
Author: | HTBO |
I jumped off the sinking ship of mormonism many
years ago and felt so alone in my thoughts for so long. Thanks to
everyone who produces and contributes to this website! I can't wait to see what the future holds! Best wishes! |
Subject: | Re: 10 Years of RfM |
Date: | Nov 20 14:43 |
Author: | 2cents |
This site changes the emotional dynamics of
intimidation by numbers. That can make a big difference. Add information
sharing and its a potent combination. There is a reason Midgley and similar nitwits are afraid and rave against it, especially where they are smart enough to know they aren't saying anything intelligent. My congrats, and similar thanks to Eric. |
Subject: | Re: Thanks for your diligent work. |
Date: | Nov 20 15:12 |
Author: | Wease |
My decision to leave the church almost cost me my
marriage, and I have been ostracized by many in my family. Was it worth
it? Yes and no, but I do like the path that I am on, and I have regained
"my" life. Hopefully, I will be the base that neutralizes the acidic indoctrination that my children are being taught. In time when they ask their own hard questions, I will be there to share what I BELIEVE TO BE TRUE. Thanks. |
Subject: | Thank You Eric and Volunteers |
Date: | Nov 20 15:16 |
Author: | ExSister |
Ten years and growing stronger...........Let's
celebrate. I've been here 3 years and resigned 2 years ago. I was a virgin poster before this board. I was reading for months before posting. But I was sure I needed to resign after years of being inactive. Thank You ExSister |
Subject: | This BOARD was that one thing that saved my wife, and marriage, from turmoil when we left |
Date: | Nov 20 16:51 |
Author: | Shiz |
After years of her crying that I was not as faithful as I should be, with our disagreement about being active in the church as source of conflict between us, I one day just suggested to my wife that if she had any issues, then to check this website out and see what other people had to say. She spent the next three days reading everything. I even took the kids out for the day to the park to give her time to absorb it all. In the end, she simply said that we will never go back. And we have not. |
Subject: | A wonderful source of truth, sanity, historical accuracy..... & comfort. Thank you! n/t |
Date: | Nov 20 17:16 |
Author: | Helen C. |
Subject: | Thanks, this my favorite place on the web. (nt) |
Date: | Nov 20 17:24 |
Author: | ALL3NEPHITES |
Subject: | I stumbled upon this site 10 years ago |
Date: | Nov 20 17:41 |
Author: | Adios |
Thank you Eric. Yours was the first site I found
and it was what got me started. I remember when it was just the stories
and there weren't that many, but boy was I relieved to find people who
felt the way I did. I was inactive at the time, and completely disgusted with mormonism; your story and others plus the information and sources for learning the real story of mormonism brought me out of a toxic cloud that I'm so grateful to have escaped. My life is my own because of your website and you should feel proud for what you have accomplished. Thanks, also to everyone else who has contributed over the years. This community redirects and saves lives. |
Subject: | Another big thank you |
Date: | Nov 20 18:13 |
Author: | Elwood |
I've been hanging around here for 6 years or so. My family and I have been out of Moism for about 5 years, and this site was a big help. I don't know what the secular version of a godsend is, but that's what this place is. Thanks Eric, admin, and those that contribute here. |
Subject: | From Small and SImple Things Do Great Things Come To Pass...Thanks! |
Date: | Nov 20 20:00 |
Author: | ALMA the Younger |
Subject: | Re: 10 Years of RfM |
Date: | Nov 20 20:17 |
Author: | nao crer |
You have made a difference in a lot of people's
lives. You have helped people who really needed help. There are not a
lot of people that can say that. |
Subject: | "I love to read the Lampoon, I'm going there some day...." |
Date: | Nov 20 20:23 |
Author: | PtLoma |
Because of your efforts, I have been able to give "further light and knowledge" to over a dozen former LDS members who have now resigned for time and eternity. Bravo to you and Kathy WUT! |
Subject: | Thank You Eric. This site was an important part of my recovery! n/t |
Date: | Nov 20 20:45 |
Author: | Gary |
Subject: | One person can make a difference. You and RfM helped me stay mostly sane through a very rough period of my life years ago. Thanks Eric! n/t |
Date: | Nov 20 21:13 |
Author: | Mark Cross |
Subject: | Thank you! |
Date: | Nov 20 21:38 |
Author: | Brittany |
Dear Eric, It was your site that allowed me to see the truth. I lurked on the site for about 4 months and what I learned was a big shock. Then I began to post some messages and respond to others. I have found this to be a lifesavor, to be able to check out the site and learn more about the truth, and to hear other people who have gone through the same thing. Thank you for your great gift to the world. Morgan Brittany (Last Name withheld for now) |
Subject: | A heartfelt THANKS from So. Cal. n/t |
Date: | Nov 20 21:55 |
Author: | Eddie |
Subject: | Suddenly I wasn't alone when I found RFM. This site means the world to me! n/t |
Date: | Nov 20 22:31 |
Author: | Alison_is_free |
Subject: | I check in at least once a day. |
Date: | Nov 20 22:39 |
Author: | Nolongerin |
At times this board has been an interesting read, and at times, it's been a lifeline. Thank you, Eric! |
Subject: | THANK YOU ERIC!!!! |
Date: | Nov 20 22:46 |
Author: | knownot |
I've been hanging around this place off on and since
like 1998 or so. It's interesting to see the same patterns in lurkers,
eventual RFMers. I remember the old page - Freedom from Mormonism or something like that. Woohoo!!! The World Wide Web and THIS PAGE have put a serious dent in the scam known as Mormonism. Thanks again! |
Subject: | Long live RfM!!! Thanks, Eric K. and company! n/t |
Date: | Nov 20 22:49 |
Author: | sugar |
Subject: | I simply don't have the words. |
Date: | Nov 20 23:07 |
Author: | Wag |
Thanks, more than I can say. --Wag-- |
Subject: | Thank you. And may we all continue to spread the good news of this exceptional website n/t |
Date: | Nov 20 23:42 |
Author: | Mindbender |
Subject: | This board was the best thing I ever found on the Internet, I refer people to it all the time.n/t |
Date: | Nov 21 00:01 |
Author: | KC |
Subject: | Thank you |
Date: | Nov 21 00:37 |
Author: | elvislives |
Thanks from the Martins in TX. I found this site at
BYU and covertly followed it in their very computer labs for a year and
a half. This site opened my eyes when I was ready for it. Thank you. Ben Martin |
Subject: | Re: 10 Years of RfM |
Date: | Nov 21 01:21 |
Author: | shanedog |
Hey, thanks so much you guys :) |
Subject: | Re: 10 Years of RfM |
Date: | Nov 21 02:55 |
Author: | Cadet |
Just want to add my thanks to Eric and all those who help keep this site running. Its presence has saved my sanity on more than one occasion. Thanks also to the regulars who have made this such a great community. I raise my glass to the next ten years! |
Subject: | Re: 10 Years of RfM |
Date: | Nov 21 03:05 |
Author: | Walking in Darkness |
I've been out of the Morg for over twenty years but
didn't realize that I still HAD ISSUES with Mormonism until a friend
recommended RFM. She is a nomo. I realized after coming here that I
still felt alone because I had never discussed with other Exmos my
feelings on leaving the church of my birth. I still experienced a sense
of loss of community and felt like the Lone Ranger because my large TBM
family still treated me like a leper. Didn't realize how many others had
a similar story until I came here. My gratitude to Eric and others for
assisting in my recovery. I'm pretty DAMN CLOSE. |
Subject: | Re: 10 Years of RfM |
Date: | Nov 21 19:31 |
Author: | Simon Southerton |
Eric, Sincere thanks for all of your efforts. This site has made a REAL and positive difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. For it must needs be, that there is opposition in all things. If not so ... righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad... 2 Ne 11 The Mormon Church can be a much better force for good in the world if it honestly faces the problems with its own doctrines. When will the church stop insisting that members believe that the Book of Mormon is an historical account of ancient America and that the Book of Abraham is an account written by Abraham? To any fair-minded person who honestly faces facts, belief in these claims must be done by compromising many of the values the church teaches, namely honesty, truthfulness and integrity. While ever the church resists the avalanche of opposition to these false claims, they will face falling rates of commitment and dwindling attendance. When will the church do what is right and let the consequence follow? Thank you Eric for your honesty and integrity and having the courage to stand for something. Simon Southerton |
Subject: | THANKS |
Date: | Nov 21 19:50 |
Author: | Fubeca |
You may have done "more save the morg itself,
to bring about truth, reason and freedom into the lives of former
TBM's" Praise you! |
Subject: | First found this in early 1996, made the difference in 2000 |
Date: | Nov 25 17:57 |
Author: | alex71va |
I first found this site in early 1996 and I was
appalled/shocked by all the stories on this site. I came away knowing
that there were many people who left offended/hurt. Now as I re-read the
stories I'm surprised at how I overlooked the doctrinal issues and
scoffed, "of course they had doctrinal issues, but I know that
deep-down they were offended or just too weak to live the gospel, and
they are just making excuses." Then in late 1999 I was kinderhooked, which means that I learned that according to the church's official history, that Joseph Smith pretended to translate some bogus plates from Kinderhook, Illinois. That was the beginning of the unravelling of my belief in Mormonism. Though it was "tough luck" to go through such a painful journey, I am very grateful it happened to me at age 28. Looking back my only regret is that I wish I would've walked away immediately upon discovering it was all bogus. |
Subject: | Can't add more than my own deep gratitude. Thanks for all you do. nt |
Date: | Nov 25 18:50 |
Author: | Tavah |
Subject: | Re: Can't add more than my own deep gratitude. Thanks for all you do. nt |
Date: | Nov 25 20:01 |
Author: | Somewhere in AZ.............. |
Subject: | Thank you for the kind responses |
Date: | Nov 25 19:01 |
Author: | Eric K |
Mail Address: | |
We will be around awhile :-) I appreciate the kind words. It has been quite a journey for me. Eric |
Subject: | I add my thanks, too! This site helped a LOT. (n/t) |
Date: | Nov 25 19:55 |
Author: | Dr. Shades |
Subject: | Althogh still a TBM I wish to thank you for a place to vent.... |
Date: | Nov 26 05:35 |
Author: | PHIL |
which never existed b4. |
Subject: | Congratulations, Eric! |
Date: | Nov 26 08:48 |
Author: | LifeIsGreatNow |
I found this site about 8 years ago shortly after I
first went on the Internet for the first time and after I had been out
of the Church for about 3 years. I am so glad you had the vision, Eric. I am also very grateful for all of you volunteers who have made the continuance of this site possible - THANK YOU! I've gained a lot of knowledge here which has served to smooth and also to expedite my emotional exit from this cult. |
Recovery from Mormonism - The Mormon Church |