
1st presidency message for August 2005: Hinckley leaves out the details in Parley P. Pratt's death


Jul 16 16:44 2005  


Polygamy Porter   

Hinckley leaves out the details in Parley P. Pratt's death, which may have fueled the hatred involved in the MMM deaths.

(Mormon Ensign Church Magazine Article August 2005, Official Church Publication.  1st Presidency Message),4945,2043-1-3156-1,00.html

Hinckley blathers on about how great old Parley Pratt was and all of the missionary work that he did.

Then he quickly mentions his death in Arkansas: In 1857, while serving a mission in Arkansas, he was shot in the back and killed by an assailant.

In typical Mormon fashion, he leads the unwitting reader to feel anger about the death by mentioning that he was shot in the back

Anyone here know the REAL reason this son-of-a-bitch was killed?

Look here:

The "assailant" was none other than the HUSBAND of a woman that Parley Prick seduced into being his NINTH polygamous wife. IMO, Parley got what he deserved.

Parley P. Pratt was sent to explore a southern route from Utah to California in 1849. He reached San Francisco from Los Angeles in the summer of 1851, remaining there until June, 1855. He was a fanatical defender of polygamy after its open proclamation, challenging debate on the subject in San Francisco, and issuing circulars calling on the people to repent as "the Kingdom of God has come nigh unto you."

While in San Francisco, Pratt induced the wife of Hector H. McLean, a custom-house official, the mother of three children, to accept the Mormon faith and to elope with him to Utah as his ninth wife. The children were sent to her parents in Louisiana by their father, and there she sometime later obtained them, after pretending that she had abandoned the Mormon belief.

When McLean learned of this he went East, and traced his wife and Pratt to Houston, Texas, and thence to Fort Gibson, near Van Buren, Arkansas. There he had Pratt arrested, but there seemed to be no law under which he could be held. As soon as Pratt was released, he left the place on horseback. McLean, who had found letters from Pratt to his wife at Fort Gibson which increased his feeling against the man, followed him on horseback for eight miles, and then, overtaking him, shot him so that he died in two hours.

Pratt's death was several months before the mormons launched the bloody massacre on the wagon train on September 11th, 1857 at Mountain Meadows, Utah . This wagon party originated in Arkansas. Mormons wanted vengence for the death of their prized Parley Polygamous Prick.

More deaths possibly attributed to JS and his "restoration of all things"



The proverbial "rest of the story..."


Jul 16 17:01



There are so many of these incomplete stories, there should be a fifth standard work: "The Rest of the Story."

Poor fricken mormons--all they get is the first, faith promoting part, but not the parts that give a complete story.



Brigham Young was very pissed about his death, compared it to the death of JS


Jul 16 17:12


Polygamy Porter

In the Territory of Utah, Brigham Young declared, concerning Elder Pratt’s death, “Nothing has happened so hard to reconcile my mind to since the death of Joseph.” (“Reminiscences of Mrs. A. Agatha Pratt, January 07,” F564, #16, LDS Church Archives.)

Tell me Briggie was not full of vengeance.



Brings to mind how Mormons like to wail about Haun's Mill.


Jul 16 17:20



They're quick to say it was a horrible massacre (and it was) but what they fail to say is that a few nights before, elements of the Missouri Militia came under a surprise attach by elements of the Mormon Militia, who killed one and badly mutilated another (leaving him for dead). I believe our boy Pratt had a hand in this one. The Mormons pulled back leaving Haun's Mill undefended when the Missouri Militia came back for blood.

This from memory. Don't have the link at this moment.



Re: link


Jul 16 17:41



This isn't the link I was referring to, but it makes good reading.



Wow, they're getting brave.


Jul 16 17:47



I'd like to see them do a biographical piece about how Helen Mar Kimball was a worthy sister of Zion without mentioning that she was married to Joseph Smith when she was 14.



Re: 1st presidency messge for August: Hinckley leaves out the details in Parley P. Pratt's death, which may have


Jul 16 18:37


Dan McKenzie

The following description is from the back of this book which is sold at Deseret Books.Take Note of the very last line.

The Essential Parley P. Pratt
by Crawley, Peter L
Hardcover Book
Online: In Stock
Locally: 1 Store
Our Price $19.95

One of the first members of the LDS church, Parley P. Pratt would eventually become one of Mormonism's most famous and widely-published defenders. He converted in late 1830 and was named to the original Quorum of Twelve Apostles five years later.
Strong-willed and largely self-educated, he served several church missions, participated in the church military campaign against Missouri, quarreled with Joseph Smith over finances and narrowly escaped excommunication, founded the Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star in England, married several plural wives in Illinois, immigrated to the Salt Lake valley, and continued to fill additional overseas missions.

Pratt is best known for his fiery apologetic writings -- A Voice of Warning, Key to the Science of Theology -- and for his autobiography, which was published posthumously in 1874 by his son, who also ghost-wrote most of it. Pratt nevertheless defined Mormon doctrine and theology for much of the church's first hundred years. He was killed in 1857 in Arkansas by the estranged husband of one of his polygamous wives.



Sweet Jesus! It even says that on the Dezbook website!! (link inside)


Jul 16 21:39


Polygamy Porter



Ahh that makes sense now... That book is published by Signature Books


Jul 16 21:45


Polygamy Porter

You can always count on them for painfully true books.



So, even though Signature Books is known for its "painful" honesty...


Jul 16 23:07



do you think that Deseret Book would accept or reject a book review that (as part of such a review) slightly "amplified" the details of the killing of Parley Parker Pratt by that distraught un-divorced husband of Pratt's wife #9 ???



We shall see! I just posted a negative review. I really doubt it will get published. nt


Jul 16 23:25


Polygamy Porter




Hector's bigamist wife fingered some of the Fancher-Baker party as participants when it passed through SLC, so the story goes. None of F/B were at the scene of "murder", they were already on the road to Utah!N/T


Jul 16 19:06


Sagebrush Willie




It must be also noted that that deceitful wife of Hector McLean


Jul 16 23:18


It must be noted

had already reached Utah from Arkansas by way of the equivalent of a chartered jet ride!
(She was "expressed" to Utah, with the help of Orrin Porter Rockwell: the latter being sent to get her there, in a hurry!)

The McLean lady was present at a Church-Presidency "pow-wow" in North-Central Utah (away from church headquarters, where they had some kind of Camp David-like retreat).

The "timing" for such a "meeting" is suspect, right out of the gate!

It seems clear that Brigham Young had a very advanced notice of the party of Arkansans (mingled with Missourians), who had slarted out on their course for California through Utah!

Brigham is known to have made some very inflammatory speeches, while up there (Logan, UT?) with the other "big whigs". (MRS. McLean Parker was in attendance, by that point, having been "expressed" to Utah...way, way ahead of the ex-drawn wagon party of the Fancher-Bakers).

Brigham said something to the effect that THAT was (the beginning of) the day of the Lord's the 3rd and 4th generations: clearly murder was on his mind!




 Gordie never knew his Mormon history.......


Jul 16 23:22


Leo Harrington

HELL, Leonard! Don't you know that a good corporate man closes both his ears and eyes, on occasion: even on command!

Such are the ways of a good-golly, Gordon Corporate Man.



It is sort of like the movie Legacy.


Jul 16 21:50



The movie Legacy was based off of the diaries of Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner. Legacy portrays her as a faithful follower of Joseph Smith. What Legacy leaves out is the fact that 1) she was a plural wife of Joseph Smith and 2) she was married to Adam Lightner, a non-Mormon, at the time that she was married to Smith.

When will the lies stop?



"The lies will continue until the tithing revenues improve" nt


Jul 16 21:54


C.O.B. Accountant




Robert, she WAS a good, faithful follower of Joseph Smith!


Jul 16 23:24



She followed him right into the bedroom...and often!



So, Parley P Pratt deserved to die? Unbelievable ... n/t



UNBELIEVABLE....but true!


Jul 16 23:53


yes, it's true the way...Hector McLean stabbed PPP (Parley Parker Pratt) with an Arkansas "toothpick" (similar to a Bowie knife), as the former caught up to Pratt.

After Pratt fell, mortally wounded, McLean--still in a heated rage---finished him off, with a gunshot, it is told.

Some say that McLean aimed his gun at Pratt, as he rode abreast of him, on horseback, but that his gun mis-fired: whereupon, he--McLean--lunged at Pratt with his huge knife and gave the fatal (knife) blow.

I am not certain of the details, but Pratt was never "shot in the back". This is Church propaganda, with the object of garnering sympathy for the fallen Apostle!

Wife thieves and horse thieves, it seemed, could "reap" the same fate, back there in Arkansas!




Did you even bother to read the opening post,


Jul 17 08:33




The point is Hinckley is lying. Again.

By his account, Pratt is on a mission--the image conveyed to the good Morg readers is he was peacefully preaching the gospel, and suddenly an "assailant" shot him in the back. Which plays into Hinckley's whole rap about how the mid-19th century was nothing but a hot-bed of anti-Mormon violence.

The truth is somewhat different. It was no assailant, but rather a husband who had been victimized by Pratt's adultery. And far from being anti-Mormon, the justice system had told this husband there was nothing they could do to Pratt.

Like other bouts of anti-Mormon violence in the 19th century, it wasn't justified but can be understood once put into context. Much, if not most, anti-Mormon "mobbery" was a direct result of what they did and how they characterized their neighbors.



Besides Seducing The Wife, There Was The Small Mater of Kidnapping Her Children . . .


Jul 17 04:47


SL Cabbie

Who were in McLean's custody. They attempted to spirit the children back to Salt Lake (where they'd already made a clean getaway to) . . . their plot was uncovered, and McLean pointed in Parley direction for their date with history . . .

Who's speculating hard about the identity of "Sagebrush Willie" above . . .


GBH recent comments on death of Parley P Pratt..


Jul 17 16:33



My TBM wife read the August First Presidency message by GBH to the family, which highlighted the BOM conversion of Parley P Pratt. In it he states: " In 1857, while serving a mission in Arkansas, he was shot in the back and killed by an assailant." What?? He was first stabbed, then shot in the neck 10 minutes later. Assailant? Try the former husband of one of PPP plural wives who was outraged by his wife leaving him to join the cult, then marries the dude that duped her, then the two of them truck out to New Orleans to snatch the kids.

Everything the church leaders say is whitewashed and the dumb sheep keep tagging along. Of course I had to point out the facts around his death. I didn't add my commentary just the facts. Little by little. Anyway, got me interested in a few more facts about this devote follower of JS.

He married 12 wives and had sex with them all. Oh, but he was just caring for the widows and the orphans....yeah right.

Consider this.

2nd wife divorced him.

Ninth wife left him.

10th wife, Ann Agatha Walker married him at 17. After he died she married another dude, at BY urging. 6 years later this dude, Joseph Ridges, married the 17 year old daughter of Ann Agatha and PPP, his freaking step daughter! Ann Agatha left Ridges. Can you imagine, marrying your wife's daughter. Sick, very sick.

Over 4 years he married 8 young women. Their average age was 24.5. His average age at each marriage was 38.5. The youngest t was 17 at the time he was 40.

Now, you tell me. Knowing nothing about the details of these women, only their ages and his age, what does this look like? Does it look like someone who is marrying to be a father and husband to the fatherless and widowed? And what about the other argument that they needed righteous men to care for them? Pratt was never home. The women and to fend for themselves, so how were they better off? This is about 1 thing only, sex.

The church is whitewashing it’s polygamous past as fast and furious as they can.

However, there is too much data out there for them to hide.

To you TBM lurkers, just look at the data. For now, don’t bother to read books or accounts. Look at the ages of the women and the ages of the men. Look at the numbers of young women marrying older men. You can’t look at the numbers and still believe any explanation the church leadership gives about polygamy. It was about one thing and one thing only, sexual satisfaction. And there isn’t a man out there that hasn’t fantasized about having sex with beautiful young women. JS simply took advantage of his power and place in time to make the ultimate male fantasy a reality in a guilt free environment.

It is just that simple.



Thanks. I was wondering how to counter this article from GBH. It is a deceiving statement that an 'assailant' killed PPP.


Jul 17 17:29


read it too

I am finding out more deceitful information is given in talks then the average member can understand. It is only when a member understand the real facts of the story do they see the INTENTIONAL deception of LDS leaders.

GBH knows exactly what happened and why.
He is deceiving people. Yes, he knows what he is doing and will continue the deception. That is why informed members cannot remain silent. They must inform others of this manipulation of history for the purpose of fraud.

This includes money laundering to build a great and spacious mall, conference center, trade center, and other such unholy and impure edifices. Their continual deception and altering history to con money from members must be exposed.

Thanks for the reminder.



Death of Parley P. Pratt


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