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4 years ago
This man died a couple of weeks ago after a long year of cancer, leaving his wife and her 3 young children whom he adopted. This drawing appeared on his Facebook page. I can't decide if the drawing is in amazing bad taste or a nice tribute to him.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Thanks for the suggestion.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
..when I went to the Brasil Central Mission, Aug 1968-Nov 1970 Does anyone know of a database of missionaries from that era? There's this one: which hasn't been updated since 2011 I think. I contacted the guy whose name is in the top left section, Paul Pehrson and asked if he knew any more complete lists. (it was a few weeks from the time I emaile
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
In my daily perusal of Salt Lake City obituaries, I saw one of a young man, who is just 40 years old.(young to me). There's a very lengthy obit and he apparently had a very succesful life with lots of business success. He was a great husband, father, co-worker, etc and served a mission which is listed as follows: "He honorably served a Spanish-speaking mission for the Church of Jesus Chri
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I live in sort of downtown Salt Lake City, and see lots of missionaries while shopping, riding bikes, and one day 4 of them were walking around the Farmers Market on 400 So, buying stuff. (No ties but you can still tell). Also, I mentioned this a few weeks ago; they knocked on my apartment door one night and asked if I had water, and I gave them each a bottle. (I was at the door in my Fruit of
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
The original version of this video, which was played in Visitor's Centers from about 1964. So to answer this question, you'd have to be kind of on the 60's++ age range. There is an article about it in today's Provo "Daily Herald" and the guy who was the featured star in the first one, Bryce Chamberlain. I ran into the article as I was looking for an obituary in the DH for a very dis
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
....Just after I went to bed last night, I was looking at my phone and I got a notification from my sister in Idaho, who is 77. She's an active mormon and and active pro you-know-who and she's really ramped up both mormon and you-know-who posts. The mormon notification last night said "Please Join this FACEBOOK group" although now I don't see anything now that shows the group. It sai
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Here's a little more info on this story, and I promise this is last time I post regarding this.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Brazilians believing in Flat Earth isn't new. I was there from November 1968 to November 1970 and we would run into many Brasileiros who wanted to make sure we knew that the earth is flat. Occasionally they were the same people who told us that the moon landing was fake. Our zone leaders et al said "Just don't respond to them".... which was easier said than done.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I was in 6th grade back in 1960 and our teacher was brand new to being a teacher. He was there because his brother was a principal at another school (or something on that order). There was a group of us, 5-6, who were being noisy or rude or something and I don't remember the details. Mr. C took all of us (boys) to another room and he spanked us over his knees. Didn't hurt much and we went b
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
This comes from Reddit, which I use occasionally but their ex-mormon groups are generally awful. Who knows it its real or not
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Here's an article about the boy and the drunk driver. This article is from the DesNews and when you look at it, remember that it's like going to Sunday School. Most of the articles feature CHURCH doctrine and happenings etc. THere's always an article about Russ traveling cross country an
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
...and someone close to this family started a account to raise money for the family. (I can't use GFM?) It's always interesting to read comments from people who donated. Here's my favorite. I don't know if the person knew the family or not but the attached comment is just mean.. "I can only imagine how difficult this would be for a parent. Although to us it seems tragic, we've got
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I'm proud to admit that I've never seen Real Housewives and I think it's been on forever. When I lived in Las Vegas there was several groups of my co-workers who watched several versions of this and then would discuss it on the next day. And the fact that there are so many mormon women who would love to be on this show (so they could pay tithing on prize money) makes a better reason not to see
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I can't think of anything that I've heard about in the church recently that gives me more creepy feeling that this story. Ugh.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Thanks for the suggestions. I just wrote a short paragraph and showed it to their mama, and she said it would be fine. The 10 year old has a tablet and his mom texts to him regularly so we used that!!
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
....whose cousin died this week. My daughter was married and is now divorced from an odd guy whose whole family of 4 brothers and his parents are odd. One of the brothers had 3 kids from his current wife, plus a few from the first. They had a 9 year old son who had some type of seizure disease and they found him dead when they went to wake him up for school on Monday. My daughter has 2 ki
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Nope, and I was preparing to get mean with them if they started, but I just closed the door and they left, I assume.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I'm sitting home, trying to decide if I need to get back in bed. I've been sick since yesterday and have barely left the house. Knock at the door, I thought maybe it was daughter since she knows I'm sick but it wasn't. It was the missionaries (yes). Two young guys, who look about 18 years old, which is where they start I guess. They had pamphlets and I expected them to launch their spiel bu
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
memikeyounot Apparently, this is the 21st anniversary of being named something/something by a group that lists colleges that have a reputation for being "stone cold sober". Can you believe that? (said in a sarcastic voice)
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I think I’ve posted this before, not sure. When I was probably a junior in high school, back in the late 60’s, my mother was a Young Women’s teacher/counselor…she may have been the president. She worked as a seamstress for a men’s clothing store in Murray UT. One year for Halloween, they were having a party at church and the woman who was her boss had a bunch of Halloween costumes and h
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Somewhere in my collection of photos is one of me filling my 1969 Plymouth Roadrunner at a local gas station. That would have been about 1971. I don't know how whoever took the picture got the car and me and a signboard for gas at <1.00 a gallon (I think it says $.70 but I'd have to find the photo.) IIRC, the Roadrunner got about 9 miles per gallon; beep/beep
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
My parents got their endowments etc when I was about 14. My younger brother and I were sealed to them that same day. I remember that I had never seen anyone, let alone my parents wearing garments. Mom made sure we never saw her wearing them and my dad was already so modest it was almost laughable. I went to the temple for my endowments before I my mission; no one had ever said what garments lo
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Maricopa County AZ assessor arrested for adoption fraud scheme. The only thing I want to know; is he a member of a church that wants people to have kids (or buy them) so they can increase the membership roles. I don't know anything about this guy but he looks very mormon. I'
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I have a vague recollection of it being so you could or did tie the hat so when took it off during one of many times that you did that, the hat didn't drop to the floor. Then you'd have to bend down to pick it up. That could be wrong.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Does the sit on the stand with him in GC? Or does she sit down on the first row with Sheri?
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
I love this: loved Torinos and driving fast in anything. Also loved sneaking on church early.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
Or, a good answer would have been a couple of pieces of Red Vine licorice.
Forum: Recovery Board
4 years ago
It is DMBA Deseret Mutual Benefit Administrators. I'll be interested in hearing answer to this question.
Forum: Recovery Board