Marriage of Joseph Smith and Emma Hale
Joseph Smith and Emma Hale
The Binder and the Bound
Originally, when Joseph published his Book of Mormon, he listed himself as the author, not as the translator of another's book. It has been noticed, also, that in writing the Book of Mormon, he projected his own family members and family experiences into its contents. (See: No One Knows My History, Brodie, p. 43-4: p. 413-15). It is an enlightening experiment to read passages in his book and in his "revelations," in the first person. When read from that view, he reveals himself to be the Binder who is writing and speaking. His relationship with Emma followed each stage of The Pattern; she became the Bound. His personal desires,and The Pattern, inspired the "doctrine" in both his book and in his "revelations;" each contain specific passages that anticipated and followed the stages in The Pattern.
Because this Pattern is so convoluted, I have tried to explain it in different ways, as can be seen in my other previous essays. In this essay, I will be referring to the dual personality of the Binder through the "Shepherd"/"Wolf" analogy. In general, the Book of Mormon could be said to have been written by Joseph Smith's "Shepherd" personality, and the Doctrine and Covenants (the Book of Commandments) written by his "Wolf" personality, each at odds with the other.
Joseph Smith's "doctrine" is a form of de-evolution, i.e., it begins with the image of Jesus Christ as the end of an evolution towards more humanity and love; "Yes, but," then, Joseph begins to reverse that trend backwards to an age of barbarism and hate ... advancing history into the present, which is called by Mormon leaders an "evolution." In that respect, it IS an evolution; it is the evolution of the church, as it evolved within The Pattern; the result, however, is a de-evolution of humanity.
The label of "Christianity" is still applied to Mormonism, but the barbaric Old Testament rituals and meanings are its mainstay. In word, it's claims are "Christian" with a "Shepherd" image. In action, it is the hidden barbaric "Wolf."
The Old Testament is a social, family affair ... human beings belonging to tribes and clans. Joseph Smith's marriage is a microcosm of the Old Testament macrocosm.
A Brief Review of The Pattern:
The Pattern has nine possible stages: Stage 1, Desire/Problem: Stage 2, Promises/Vows: Stage 3, Ambiguity/Identity Crisis: Stage 4, Double-Bind/ Reversal: Stage 5, Absolute obedience/Obfuscation: Stage 6, Accusations/Threats: Stage 7, Abandonment/Punishment (in order to "Save"): Stage 8, "Voluntary Union"/Love-Hate: Stage 9, Fathomless Depression/Numbness (and possible suicide).
The Pattern usually follows in this sequence when first used. However, there are occasions, after The Pattern has been established, when several stages can be used together ... in order to re-establish a firm bond between the Binder and the Bound if the bond between them begins to loosen.
* * *
Joseph and Emma - The Binder and the Bound
Stage 1. The Desire -- The Problem -- Anxiety
1825 "Emma had attracted Joseph's interest from their first meeting. 'Fine looking, smart, (and) a good singer,' is how a visitor at the Hales described her, 'and she often got the power.' What the 'power' was the visitor did not elaborate upon, but Emma did have deep faith and knew the Bible well. When Joseph told her of his vision in the woods she believed him."
"Once Emma and Joseph agreed to marry, they sought Isaac's (Emma's father's) approval. Apparently anticipating the young man's approach, Isaac gave a thundering refusal. (Later),...Joseph asked again for Emma's hand in marriage and Isaac again refused." (Emma Hale Smith; Newell and Avery)
Stage 2. The Solution -- Vows, Promises -- Trust
January 1827 "Stowel, who was fond of the couple and anxious to further their marriage, arranged for Emma to visit Joseph at his home in South Bainbridge" (Brodie). Emma "did not plan to be married by evening" (Newell & Avery). "However in the evening of "January 18, 1827 they were secretly married at the home of Squire Tarbell" (No Man Knows My History; Fawn Brodie).
(They had eloped and were married by a Justice of the Peace.)
Stage 3. Identity Crisis -- Ambiguity -- "Yes, but..." -- Confusion -- The "set-up."
1828 (Emma and Joseph had taken marriage vows according to the law of the land, one husband to one wife, and one wife to one husband. Sexual relations outside the marriage, by either party, was considered to be adultery. Joseph Smith, and his Book of Mormon, published two years later, clearly agreed with this law, and yet, verse 30, in Jacob 2, is strangely out of context. It is an ambiguous insertion between verses 29 and 31, that insidiously left the door open for the taking of other wives, at some future date. Emma had been a part-time scribe for Joseph in 1828, and the main passages which condemned men for taking many wives and concubines, must have been, for her, another confirmation of their original marriage vows.
Book of Mormon:
"Yes," ... many wives ... an abomination..."
Jacob 2:24: Joseph, the "Shepherd," speaks:
"Behold, David and Solomon truly had many wives and concubines, which thing was abominable before me, saith the Lord. 2:26: Wherefore, I the Lord God will not suffer that this people shall do like unto them of old. 2:27: Wherefore, my brethren, hear me, and hearken to the word of the Lord: For there shall not any man among you have save it be one wife; and concubines he shall have none; 2:28: For I, the Lord God, delight in the chastity of women. And whoredoms are an abomination before me; thus saith the Lord of Hosts. 2:29: Wherefore, this people shall keep my commandments, saith the Lord of Hosts, or cursed be the land for their sakes."
"But," no, ... "IF"..." - - "Otherwise" - - Ambiguity
Jacob 2:30: Joseph, the "Wolf," speaks:
"For if I will, saith the Lord of Hosts, raise up seed unto me, I will command my people; otherwise they shall hearken unto these things."
(This short verse is out of context with the connected verses above and below it. It causes an ambiguity that makes "Yes" and "No" strange bedfellows. It is the introduction of the "Shepherd" that "abhors" what he loves, namely, his other self, the abominable "Wolf," who "takes" (in verses 24-29), and then "gives" back to the "Shepherd" (in verse 30).
(Note: Regarding "seed." There is only one acknowledged polygamous child born of Joseph among all the many seeds he had planted.)
This next verse is a continuation of the thoughts expressed in verse 29, which were interrupted by verse 30.
Jacob 2:31: Joseph, the "Shepherd," speaks again:
For behold, I the Lord, have seen the sorrow and heard the mourning of the daughters of my people in the land of Jerusalem, yea, and in all the lands of my people, because of the wickedness and abominations of their husbands. 2:32: And I will not suffer, saith the Lord of Hosts, that the cries of the fair daughters of this people, which I have led out of the land of Jerusalem, shall come up unto me against the men of my people, saith the Lord of Hosts.
(Joseph Smith, in 1828, was conscious of the sorrow and pain that a premeditated adultery would cause Emma to suffer later, when he would activate verse 30. Emma was given the "white," "Yes" image of fidelity ...(the "milk" in verses 24-29, 31), with the "But, no;" ... (the "meat" of polygamy, hidden in an ambiguous verse. ( V. 30).
Stage 4. Betrayal -- Reversal -- Double-Bind
"Revelations" in Joseph Smith's Doctrine and Covenants
Betrayals in 1833 and 1843
Section 132, of the Doctrine and Covenants, is the retroactive "official" 1843 "revelation" by Joseph Smith for the practice of polygamy. It was officially "given" to him ten years after he had secretly taken his first plural wife, Fannie Alger, about 17 years of age, in 1833 (Origins of Power, p. 619, D. Michael Quinn), and 12 years after he attempted to seduce 12 year old Mary Elizabeth Rollins in 1831 (Emma Hale Smith, p. 65). Joseph did later marry Mary Elizabeth, in February 1842 (after he had made two more attempted persuasions towards a secret marriage), while she was still the wife of Adam Lightner, thus making bigamy part of the Law of Polygamy.
Paradoxically, Joseph, as the "Shepherd," still under the vow with Emma (of having one wife only), ... as the "Wolf," condemns himself; he condemns himself of his secret past, and present adultery in Verse 43 of the same Section 132 that enigmatically "justified" adultery. V. 43: "And if her husband be with another woman, and he was under a vow, he hath broken his vow and hath committed adultery."
In addition to these secret marriages mentioned above, which were prior to the official, recorded "revelation," Joseph had taken approximately twenty other "wives" secretly (many of them already married), without Emma's knowledge, or consent. (A known total number of wives are listed in Chapter XXIV, p. 335, of No One Knows My History, by Brodie.) The history of Joseph's wives were compiled by the early leaders of the church in Utah, ironically, to prove to the "Re-organized" Church that Joseph, the prophet, had indeed, practiced polygamy. These records were for the purpose of validating their own practice of taking plural wives.
Stage 4** is when Emma is officially given the "Law of the Priesthood" (plural wives), and "The Law of Sarah" ... (in which the first wife was to be granted the " privilege" of "giving" (without choice) her consent for, and the selection of, additional wives for her husband) ... Emma had discovered Joseph's unofficial intimacy with one of his "wives" ... "probably in February 1843," prior to the official "revelation." (See also, Chap. 10: p. 134, Emma Hale Smith, Newell and Avery.) This "new and everlasting covenant," the justification of plural wives, after the fact, is one instance of Joseph's "advanced history," that of making a new "revelation" retroactive to a former one, and thereby reversing its meaning; the past becomes the "new" present, which has always been "everlasting." The result of this retroactive reversal of history, is the erasure of facts ... the deceit and theft is treated "as if it had never happened." One cannot speak of, or address events that " have never happened." Silence, and ellipsis, is the stance of the church about facts in history and about Joseph Smith. (This last, is an important point; it is connected with the same personal projection Emma reflected from Joseph, in the microcosm of their marriage ... in Stage 9**)
The Double-Bind -- Reversal -- Doctrine and Covenants
Section 132:64-5
Emma was vehemently opposed to plural wives for her husband, hence the need Joseph had for this "official revelation" to be made a church-wide, macrocosmic commandment to "justify" his adulteries. It had to be a "law" for all members of the church. In doing that, Emma ceased to be an individual; she was "one" only as a member of the "many," and now, under the obligation to obey the "law" made for all ... personal choice disappeared. In this way, Joseph non-personalized the whole issue, and by that means remained outside the "law" through his dual personality ... as the "Shepherd," he was the "law-giver" ... as the "Wolf," he was the thief.
Joseph, the "Wolf," speaks:
Verse 64:
"And again, verily, verily, I say unto you, if any man have a wife, who holds the keys of this power, and he teaches unto her the law of my priesthood, as pertaining to these things (plural wives), then shall she believe and administer unto him, or she shall be destroyed, saith the Lord your God; for I will destroy her; for I will magnify my name upon all those who receive and abide in my law."
Verse 65:
"Therefore, it shall be lawful in me, if she receive not this law, for him to receive all things whatsoever I, the Lord God, will give unto him, because she did not believe and administer unto him according to my word; and she then becomes the transgressor; and he is exempt from the law of Sarah, who administered unto Abraham according to the law when I commanded Abraham to take Hagar to wife."
The Double-Bind in these two verses:
(V. 64) If Emma "chooses" to believe in plural wives, and the "Law of Sarah" ... and against the original contract (the law of monogamy, under which she married Joseph in 1827), ... she will NOT "be destroyed."
(She would be "choosing" against her Self ... to avoid being destroyed, and would then be labeled "Good.")
(V. 65) If Emma chooses not to believe in plural wives, she becomes the "transgressor;" she will be destroyed, and Joseph will be free to take plural wives without her consent.
(This would be for the Binder; he would be exempt from "the law" (of monogamy) and she would be doubly punished by the addition of an insult ... (i.e., the false projected label of "transgressor;" the reversal of his guilt to her) ... to the original injury (of having been betrayed by her husband who had transgressed their marital vows); hence, she would be labeled "Evil" to his "Good.")
* *
In this Double-Bind, Joseph would be "magnified" either way Emma chose. In addition, he would pronounce himself "pure," because "God" had "given" him pure virgins (Verse 62).
Joseph, the "Shepherd" speaks:
Verse 62: "And if he have ten virgins given unto him by this law, he cannot commit adultery, for they belong to him, and they are given unto him; therefore, he is justified."
(However, it is known that Joseph, as the "Wolf," took not only virgins as his wives; he also took wives of other men who, by their married status, were no longer virgins. Yet, a virgin who was "pure" was the requirement that would "justify" and exempt him from committing adultery.
However, this "Law of the Priesthood" eliminated, by ellipsis, any requirement that a Priesthood holder be "pure;" it, in fact, made it an impossibility, as he had lost his virginity with his first wife, if not before. It created a double-standard for sexual behavior, which was for the Binder, and against the Bound. In addition, the taking of wives of other men, introduced polyandry, alongside polygamy, into Mormonism (that of a wife taking more than one husband).
(Note: Regarding Joseph's taking pure virgins; see: Mormon Enigma, Emma Hale Smith, Newell and Avery, p. 146-7; re: 14 year old pure virgin, Helen Mar Kimball, "given" to Joseph.)
The "reasoning" behind the words "given" and "belong."
Regarding the other "justification" of his adultery, that of virgins being "given unto him" ... begs the question "How did they become gifts to be given? The answer is, that a virgin becomes a "gift" as a result of a theft ... the theft ... by fraud, of her identity as a person, as an individual being the owner of her own body. This leaves her in the class of a "thing." As a "thing," she becomes the property of the Thief ... by "right of possession." The Thief then "gives," as his own, that which he had stolen, to another ... as a "gift." Again, Joseph's dual personality as the "Wolf/Shepherd" is at work here. The "Wolf" takes, unlawfully, then later "gives" (under the guise of a "revelation") to the "Shepherd" ... a "gift." The stolen "property" becomes a possession "given" to the "Shepherd," who now claims the "gift" under "the law of ownership." The "property" ("gift") now "belongs" to him, therefore, he is "justified."
The psychological "meat" in Mormonism, as in the reality of Old Testament times, the father and husband "own" the daughter and wife, as chattel ... to be "given" or sold.
A mixture of Stages
Emma had been faithful to Joseph; Joseph had taken at least twenty one, perhaps twenty two wives secretly, without Emma's knowledge; he had been unfaithful to his monogamous marriage vows. By his own "revelations," he was guilty of committing adultery. He was the transgressor. According to the above "revelation" which was "given" to her, but meant for "all," if Emma didn't comply with his desires, she would be the "transgressor." Stage 4 is the complete reversal of the original Real World of facts turned Upside-down in order to "justify" the Binder's transgressions. In addition, this stage is intimately connected with Stage 6 ... "Not I, but you," ... are the transgressor. He projected his guilt onto her, thereby "magnifying" himself as "just" and "pure" and making Emma the "evil" one, the "exception," an outsider to the "all." (See: Marriage post #84, Part 1)
Related examples.
This Double-Bind also contains the trap that has been discussed in other posts on this site. It is the temple ceremony "choice" all over again. Before going to the temple, or, in the case above, before being advised and taught the "principles" that are involved, once you have first heard them, you have already chosen them, and are automatically held responsible to "honor the covenants" you have "chosen" to obey.
V. 64: "If he teaches her the law, she shall believe ...," i.e., once she has "heard" (the hidden "meat") she has "covenanted" to obey, with dire consequences should she not be obedient (to a fraudulent contract). This is "choosing" without choosing!
Betrayed and Bound
Emma had been forced to choose between two negative choices. She loved her husband very much. She believed every word he had ever spoken to her. She "chose" for the Binder, which, in the mind of the Bound, was the lesser of the two evils.
"After much bitter hesitation Emma selected Emily and Eliza Partridge, now respectively nineteen and twenty-three, and the ceremony was performed on May 11, 1843; (Joseph was thirty seven; Emma was approaching forty). Emma had no idea that these girls had already been married to Joseph some two months earlier. "To save family trouble," Emily wrote, "Brother Joseph thought it best to have another ceremony performed." (No Man Knows My History, p. 339, Fawn M Brodie)
Stage 5
Dehumanization - Elect Lady, Goddess
"Joseph's entry in his journal for the date of these marriages (to Emily and Eliza Partridge) indicates that he bought Emma a new carriage. But it was small solace to her." (No Man Knows My History, Fawn M. Brodie, Chap. XXIV, p. 339.)
This entry in Joseph's journal puts emphasis on the dehumanizing process that follows betrayal, reversal, and the Double-Bind. Stage 5 shows that "things" (gifts, such as a carriage, etc.) to Joseph, were money substitutes that were to make up for his infidelities. This was "small solace" to Emma, to expect that a material gift could be a substitute for integrity and love in their marriage. This is the result of the "Wolf / Shepherd" dual personality of the Binder. The "Wolf" "takes" the pleasures of the human flesh with whomever he chooses, which he then "gives" to the "Good Shepherd." The "Shepherd's" sexual needs having been satisfied by the "Wolf," he then offers substituted things and labels (abstract titles), to the one whom he has robbed of a human, sexual identity. In other words, Joseph gave to other women what he had stolen from Emma. She became a non-human "thing," by the bestowal of the title "Elect Lady" ( Section 25), which "elevated" her to a "pedestal," placing her "above" this earthly world of desires. The "Wolf" is the thief who takes away the things of this world, then the "Shepherd" gives back to the Bound, as a "gift," what he has stolen.
How Section 25 set the stage for the "later" (made retroactive) Section 132.
Note: In Emma's Double-Bind (Sec. 132:64-5, in 1843) her life was threatened in that if she didn't "believe" ... she would be "destroyed," which was a reflection of Section 25, previously "given" to her in 1830. Section 132, written by the "Wolf," is the fruition of Section 25 which was written by the "Shepherd," for the "Wolf," in "a time to come." As the "Elect Lady," in Section 25, if Emma was faithful (obedient to Joseph), her life would be "preserved," i.e., she would NOT be destroyed ( which was a negative/positive). Just as Joseph set the stage for his designs on polygamy, and pointing to that possibility sometime in the future (Bk of M, Jacob 2:30, written in 1829), he soon after (in Sec. 25, 1830), set the stage for Emma's promises and rewards for obedience (Stage 5), and for the removal of promises if she were disobedient, with accusations and threats of destruction (Stage 6). Jacob 2:30, and Section 25 set the stage, and the necessity for Section 132.
The Pattern as it is revealed in
Section 25: Joseph Smith's July 1830 Elect Lady "revelation" to Emma.
Including inter-relationships with Doctrine and Covenants Section 132,
and Book of Mormon, Jacob 2.
D&C 25:0 Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, July 1830 --The word of the Lord directed to Emma Smith, the Prophet's wife--Her duties defined, and glorious possibilities of achievement set forth--The Lord's admonitions are applied to all.
* *
Stage 1. Joseph's Desire for other wives. The Problem: Emma's Disapproval of plural wives.
This is a parallel re-run of his desire to marry Emma, in 1826-7. His problem then, was that her father disapproved of him. This time, it is Emma who disapproved of his marrying ... other women.
Stage 2. Promise -- Trust
Joseph, the "Shepherd," speaks:
D&C 25:1 "Hearken unto the voice of the Lord your God, while I speak unto you, Emma Smith, my daughter; for verily I say unto you, all those who receive my gospel are sons and daughters in my kingdom."
(The requirement for being able to be in his kingdom, was to "receive" Joseph's "gospel;" the "milk" promise.)
Stage 3. Ambiguity -- A backward, "Yes, but ... there are certain conditions ... "if"
Joseph, the "Shepherd/Wolf," speaks:
D&C 25:2 "A revelation I give unto you concerning my will; and if thou art faithful, and walk in the paths of virtue before me, I will preserve thy life, and thou shalt receive an inheritance in Zion."
Note: "I will preserve thy life" is a backward way of saying "I will NOT destroy you;" it is the hidden "meat" (of destruction) not mentioned with the promise, plus, she can expect a material gift of land in Zion (the "carriage" kind of bribe); that means she will be doubly "blessed," i.e., 1) she will NOT be killed and, 2) she WILL get some land (in his "kingdom"). Joseph is saying, "Don't see this as intimidation, or a bribe; see it (me) as "Good." ( Stage 7, "Black is "White.") This verse, also, contains a Double-Bind.
Stage 4. The Double-Bind in 25:2:
If Emma chooses to BE faithful to Joseph's will, she will NOT be destroyed.
(She has no positive, non-threatening, choice. This is against her Self, and for the Binder, but she saves her life.)
If Emma chooses NOT to be faithful to Joseph's will, she WILL be destroyed.
(This would be for her Self, and against the Binder, but she would pay with her life.)
Stage 5. Conversion -- A New Identity -- The Elite/Elect -- a New World Order -- Denial of Self
Joseph, the "Shepherd/Wolf," speaks:
D&C 25:3 "Behold, thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou art an elect lady, whom I have called."
By "choosing" against herself in the Double-Bind, Emma's "sin" of self-esteem, "pride," was "forgiven" her. She had been "called" away from herself, elevated, and given a new, non-personal, name, The "Elect Lady."
This is the stage of the "wife-goddess" identity of the first wife ... who obediently reflects the mind of her "husband-god." She is "elevated" to a pedestal position, setting her apart (above humanity), and given the special title, "Elect Lady." She is now, by these subtle means, no longer his "bride;" the label "Elect Lady" is used to distinguish between the past and the present. As the virgin first wife, she was his "bride." With her new elevated status, the appellation as "bride" prematurely becomes past tense. Joseph will, in the future, be referring to her as "the bride of my youth," intimating that Emma is no longer his "bride," nor is she "youthful." The former human sexual wife is to be replaced by the new titular "goddess," another "Sarah" ... the older "first" wife, now beyond her prime, who is to make way for others that will fill her former functions as lover and mother, such as did "Hagar." Emma will later be made subject to this "Law of Sarah." Many wives will soon be "justified" by Joseph, by the use of this "law" which was hidden behind the name, "Elect Lady." At the time, Emma accepted this "milk" title, then later found that she had "chosen" the hidden "meat" of polygamy embedded within it. The Shepherd gives a "spiritual" title to Emma, dehumanizing her, and the Wolf takes human virgins which the Shepherd has now "justified."
Denial/Silence -- Obfuscation -- "Yes, but no, yet will be"
Joseph, the "Shepherd/Wolf," speaks:
D&C 25:4: "Murmur not because of the things which thou hast not seen, for they are withheld from thee and from the world, which is wisdom in me in a time to come."
"Yes," they (the secrets of polygamy) are known (to me, from the beginning), "But," no, you, (my closest companion, my "Elect Lady"), are equal to the distant "outside" world," therefore, this "meat" is withheld from you (for to see and know these things would be to expose my "Wolf" identity), which is "wisdom" in me, and which ("will be") useful to me "in a time to come" (in Stage 7). For I know you will never agree to polygamy unless you are fed my Shepherd's milk images first, and then later, are threatened with the wrath of God (my "Wolf") if you don't accept the hidden "meat" ... which you "chose" when you accepted the "milk." In other words, "We Two, are One" ... "milk/meat" ... "Shepherd/Wolf;" in choosing one, you choose the other.
Note: This statement of Joseph's in 1830 is also an echo from 1828, in Jacob 2:30: "For if I will," indicating, "In a time to come," I will re-establish ancient polygamy again, as a "New and Everlasting Covenant," Sec. 132, 1843.
Again, Joseph is saying, "Don't question the things you don't understand ... believe the "milk" promises, and the labels. The "meat," The Pattern of the "Wolf/Shepherd," is to be withheld from you (and the public), which is necessary for your complete obedience and servitude to my personal desires in the future, and of course, my image as the "Shepherd" must remain "white" as milk, and the "Wolf" meat, hidden. You, Emma, above all, must set the example and see me as a "god," and yourself as a "goddess," reflecting my will and to agree, in a time to come, to be as another "Sarah," aiding my desire for additional wives.
Obedience -- "Speak no Evil" -- Dehumanization of Emma as a "Comfort" VS
Joseph, the "Servant."
Joseph, the "Shepherd," speaks to Emma:
D&C 25:5: And the office of thy calling shall be for a comfort unto my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., thy husband, in his afflictions, with consoling words, in the spirit of meekness.
(Joseph will need comfort and consoling words from his "wife-sister" (a Sarah) in his "afflictions," but, they must be administered without complaint or question, by the office Emma holds ... (now as a servant attending to her husband's needs) ... i.e., from her pedestal as his spiritualized "Elect Lady" (an "Emma/Sarah/Mary"). She is now identified with the institution, the church, and distanced from him as a person, i.e., his "earthly" wife.) (See: 2nd John 1:1, 13)
Joseph lists Emma's other duties as a servant in her new "office:"
D&C 25:6 And thou shalt go with him at the time of his going, and to be unto him for a scribe, while there is no one to be a scribe for him, that I may send my servant, Oliver Cowdery, whithersoever I will.
D&C 25:7 And thou shalt be ordained under his hand to expound scriptures, and to exhort the church, according as it shall be given thee by my Spirit.
" ... according as it shall be given thee by my Spirit" ... i.e., by reflecting the thoughts "given" by the "Wolf-Spirit," ... through the physical "Shepherd's-Hand," through the "man."
Joseph claimed that he was only a prophet when he acted as a Prophet, otherwise, he was only a "man;" when the "Wolf-Spirit" was with him, he was the "Shepherd and had the power of both. When he acted on his own, he was the isolated "Wolf" and acting as the "Natural," or, "Fallen" Man.
" On February 8, 1843, Joseph "talked with a brother and sister from Michigan, who thought that 'a prophet is always a prophet;' but I told them that a prophet was a prophet only when he was acting as such." (Origins of Power, D. Michael Quinn, p. 637.)
The Mormon historian B. H. Roberts wrote: "The revelation respecting the Toronto journey WAS NOT OF GOD, surely; else it would not have failed; but the Prophet, overwrought in his deep anxiety for the progress of the work, saw reflected in the 'Seer Sone' HIS OWN THOUGHT, or that suggested to him by his brother Hyrum, rather than the thought of this instance of the Toronto journey, Joseph was evidently NOT directed by the inspiration of the Lord." (A Comprehensive History of the Church, Vol. 11, pp. 164-165).
In other words, Joseph neither had the "Spirit" nor was he the "Shepherd" leading his flock; he was "only," in this instance, a "man."
This dual personality can be expressed in many ways ... another is: when the Shepherd is a Leader (a prophet), his companion is the "Spirit," or oracle, and the "Natural Man" is his enemy. When he is the Shepherd, only, he protects the "Natural Man;" they become "friendly" enemies. This is so, because the two, the Wolf and the Shepherd" are one.
D&C 25:8 For he shall lay his hands upon thee, and thou shalt receive the Holy Ghost, and thy time shall be given to writing, and to learning much.
(... and the "Spirit" shall be "given" her through Joseph, the "Man.")
Further subtle Dehumanization of Emma - Denial of Self
Joseph, the "Shepherd," speaks:
D&C 25:9 "And thou needst not fear, for thy husband shall support thee from (in) the church; for unto them is his calling, that all things might be revealed unto them, whatsoever I will, according to their faith."
The church, the institution, which is referred to as "them" does not include first person singular individuals. Emma, here, will be supported "from" the church (later, this word was changed to "in") ... she has disappeared, as an individual, and distanced further from Joseph, the emphasis having been shifted to her identity with her office, and the institution. Joseph says that she be supported as one of "them." To be termed "them" (plural), is to relegate the first person singular to the furthest removed from that identity, to the third person plural, which equals: 1) all genders; 2) the "object"- ive case; and, 3) one of the herd ... while Joseph maintains the first person singular, as the leader. Emma, being synonymous with "them," will be told all the "things" Joseph chooses to reveal, with the condition that she reflect his mind, and only "receive" what he "gives" her. Individual choice is to be eliminated. This is "faith," the relinquishing of one's individual reasoning mind, in order to reflect the Binder's dual mind.
Emma is to Deny the Things of this world:
Joseph, the "Shepherd/Wolf," speaks:
D&C 25:10 "And verily I say unto thee that thou shalt lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better."
No longer was Emma to desire the things of this world; she was to stay on her pedestal, in a "better world" above this one, while he, being, half man and half "God" ... (i.e., the dual personality of the "Wolf"/"Shepherd") ... could, on his left hand, indulge in his sexual desires for many women, and on the right hand, give Emma the things of this world (a new carriage, land, etc.) that he had taken away from her in the first place (when he said, "Thou shalt lay aside the things of this world.") He demeans the things of this world as being of little worth, then he, himself, later, gives to Emma, a gift of the "things of this world" that he had previously condemned, thus being the cause of her disobeying the commandment he had previously "given" her if she accepted his "gift." In so doing, he was causing her to "fall" from the pedestal on which he had placed her. At the same time, she was supposed to be grateful and happy for the "gift." This is another Double-Bind. She was damned if she did, and damned if she didn't "receive" the "gift" (which was a substitue for the giving of himself). The "Shepherd" would accuse her of being "mercenary" if she did accept the things of this world, and the "Wolf" would accuse her of being "ungrateful" if she didn't accept them gratefully in lieu of himself.
Joseph held unto himself, for a short time, the absolute power to take away from others, and then to give back, as a "gift," that whicht he had stolen. He assumed the "power" to "open" or to "close" the doors of his own dual world, the Upper world of the "Shepherd," and the Lower world of the "Wolf;" he had been anointed "King" with absolute power. This duality caused his death, but it lives on in Mormon leaders today who are reflecting this dual image imbedded in his writings and in the example of his life. This is what is being suppressed today ... his journals, his history, and his personal life; they must not be seen; the contradictions are too great. The same is now being done with Brigham Young. By ellipsis, Brigham Young's new "history" omits the fact that he had 55 wives, which leads the reader to assume he was monagamous. The facts in the real world are treated "as if they didn't exist ... had never happened." There is an elephant in the room, but Mormonism, facing the other way, says, "What elephant?"
Denial - The "White," Happy Facade Must Prevail - "Thou Shalt be Happy."
Joseph, the "Shepherd," speaks:
D&C 25:11 "And it shall be given thee, also, to make a selection of sacred hymns, as it shall be given thee, which is pleasing unto me, to be had in my church"
D&C 25:12 "For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads."
D&C 25:13 "Wherefore, lift up thy heart and rejoice, and cleave unto the covenants which thou hast made.
Don't worry about what you can't see (the hidden "meat"); sing and rejoice over the "milk;" don't let me hear any sad songs." ("Love what you hate.") Be concerned about the covenants, you have made, not mine.)
Music is another means of reinforcing the "given" message projected by the "Shepherd/Wolf." One of the most damaging Mormon hymns is: "We give thee but thine own, what e'er the gift may be." One cannot give to another what is not owned by an individual who is giving; the individual, in this hymn, owns nothing ... all personal thoughts, emotions, and ownership of the human body, has been absorbed into, and "belongs" to, the Binder, and is his possession. The individual becomes a non-entity, and is incorporated into the "body politic" of Mormonism; all possessions, in this sense, are communal. Not being able to give what one does not own, the Bound becomes a servant, and is used, to serve the "Shepherd/Wolf." Plus, the Bound is then punished for having been punished, by the label "guilty" for not being able to "give" what one one no longer owns, nor has ... the means have been taken away through theft.
Denial of Self -- "Reflect the Mind of the Husband/Binder"
Joseph, the "Shepherd," speaks:
D&C 25:14 "Continue in the spirit of meekness, and beware of pride. Let thy soul delight in thy husband, and the glory which shall come upon him."
Don't develop Self-esteem in your own accomplishments, continue to deny them and your Self. Beware! Self-esteem is "evil" pride. "Reflect my desires, delight in my delight, delight in my glory." Delight in his pride, not yours. This section was written over one hundred years ago, but this mind-set is still prevalent in the church. This may be the most prideful admission stated by Joseph to his Elect Lady.
Stage 6. Threat of abandonment and Intimidation -- Gift / Bribe
Joseph, the "Shepherd/Wolf," speaks:
D&C 25:15 "Keep my commandments continually, and a crown of righteousness thou shalt receive. And except thou do this where I am you cannot come."
What the "Shepherd" "gives," he, as the "Wolf," can take away. The crown is the "carrot on the end of the stick" promise, which "Emma shalt receive" IF she is continually obedient in striving for it. She may, or she may not eventually be found worthy of a crown, in this life, as she must "endure to the end;" however, this is "only" a test of her faith (her complete no-mind obedience). If she doesn't continue with these requirements, he tells her, "where I am you cannot come." Emma would be left, abandoned, outside his "Kingdom." Her Elect Lady status would be taken away, leaving her with no identity, and no crown, which would be "given" to another.
"I, not you, am the center of the Universe."
Joseph, the "Shepherd-King," speaks.
D&C 25:16 "And verily, verily, I say unto you that this is my voice unto all. Amen."
Again, Emma is included in the "all." When Joseph speaks, he does not speak to her as an individual; he is speaking to "them;" she disappears among the many subjects in his "Kingdom." This also, says, "Don't take this personally, this I 'say' to all." "You are no different from the others. You are not the center of the Universe, I am."
The means for controlling Emma in marriage (the microcosm), was the same means Joseph used for controlling all the members in his church (the macrocosm of the Old Testament). It is the same Pattern; no individuals are allowed in the marriage, nor in the church. Once a member of the body of the church is "used up," there is always another replacement for the amputation.
Although this "revelation" contains the elements of Stages 5 and 6, (a promise of praise, and a threat) it is closely related to Stage 3, which is a set-up for Stage 6, as has been dealt with in other essays. In that respect, the Binder "foresees" the future, because he knows which Stage to anticipate. In this way, if all goes as he projects; he can "prophecy," i.e., predict the future (the next Stage), but only if the Bound remains bound.
The end of Section 25
Section 132 is a continuation of Section 25, for the purpose of retroactively establishing polygamy as a "law."
Stage 7. Black is "White" - Don't see this Flip-Flop as Bad, see it as "Good"
This is the Stage when the Shepherd and the Wolf become one, at the same time, as two sides of the same coin, "Head" and "Tail," or as a Janus, one head looking forward, the other looking backward, neither "seeing" the other. However, they act as One ... one who is seen as "Good" and the other, the "Evil" one, who is not seen. In this Stage "Peace" has come ... the peace of seeing only the "Good," i.e., don't see this "good" White, as the evil Black it really is. It is the black Wolf pretending to be the white Shepherd, with a benevolent smile.
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Black is Black: The "milk:"
Joseph, the "Shepherd," speaks:
Jacob 2:24 "Behold, David and Solomon truly had many wives and concubines, which thing was abominable before me, saith the Lord." (In Verse 31, Joseph repeats the same judgment, that these things are "wickedness and abominations." (Wickedness is NOT "justified.")
Black is "White:" The "meat."
Joseph, the "Wolf," speaks:
D&C Sec. 132:38 "David also received many wives and concubines and also Solomon and Moses my servants, as also many others of my servants, from the beginning of creation until this time; and in nothing did they sin save in those things which they received not of me." (Wickedness IS "justified.")
The hidden "meat" (Jacob 2:30) was in the "milk," therefore, they are ONE. The "Wolf" was in the "Shepherd," and they are ONE. The "milk" was the lure; the "meat" is the trap.
Both of these Mormon "scriptures" are still part of the claim that Joseph Smith's writings and "revelations" contain the Gospel of Jesus Christ " in its fullness." Emma, was being commanded to make a full turn in the opposite direction, and see Black as "White." She was commanded not to see a contradiction between the two scriptures. Both, canonized as the truth, and both still commandments to be obeyed; she was told she must see only one.
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Joseph's "Sacrifice" is Emma's Subjection
Black is "White"
Joseph, the "Good Shepherd," speaks:
D&C Sec. 132:60 "Let no one, therefore, set on my servant Joseph; for I will justify him; for he shall do the sacrifice which I require at his hands for his transgressions, saith the Lord your God."
Joseph's "sacrifice" by his own hands, will be required. We are never told what he chose for his sacrifice. However, since he did not deny himself any of his sexual liaisons, it must be assumed that he did not sacrifice his own sexuality. Instead, he chose Emma to be the scapegoat that would be sacrificed for his "transgressions." This is easily "justified." In order for many wives to be, the one wife must not be; it must needs be "that she should be sacrificed." The ONE is sacrificed for the "many." Emma, the first wife, was sacrificed, so that Joseph could take many wives. She would still be the Elect Lady, but she would have to "share" her husband with many wives. Otherwise, she would be "selfish" and disobedient. He, on the other hand, would not be selfish by taking more wives, and breaking his vow; he would be "obedient" ... to his own "revelation."
Sacrificing the one for the many is a truism in Mormonism. It says, "Don't see this as bad, see it as "good." The individual in Mormonism is expendable, and can be sacrificed for the good of the many (the institution), or, in Joseph's case, he was the "institution," as the founding "father." (See: B of M: 1 Nephi 4:13) Joseph saw himself as another Father Abraham. Abraham's "sacrifice" was to be his son, who escaped death at the hands of his father by the appearance of a ram, which became the scapegoat. Joseph escaped sacrificing his sins, by "sacrificing" Emma. By that "sacrifice," the law of ONE wife disappeared, as did his sins." It was "as if the law, and his transgressions had never been." Plus, Joseph, the "hero," through this one "sacrifice," had "saved" all men, from adultery.
Joseph's "sacrifice" was also his way of "saving" young women. To Helen Mar Kimball, who was a month away from her 15th birthday, he stated "If you will take this step (marriage to him), it will ensure your eternal salvation & exaltation and that ... of your fathers household & all of your kindred." That was the "milk" promise. The hidden "meat" was what she didn't know; "I would never have been sealed (married) to Joseph, had I known it was anything more than a ceremony." (Mormon Enigma: Emma Hale Smith, p. 146-7.) She hadn't realized that a "Celestial" marriage would be anything other than a "spiritual " relationship. The Wolf kills and the Shepherd "saves."
(This retroactive law of "sacrifice," in Section 132, blinds members from seeing the contradictory Book of Mormon law in Jacob (2:24); both are still claimed as valid commandments, back to back, today.)
The Wolf/Shepherd, as the "savior-hero," takes on another twist. "If Emma will not agree to polygamy, she will be damned as sure as she is a living woman," said Brigham Young. "But, to this kind of talk Joseph replied with a warmth that stopped the critics' mouths: "I will have her in the hereafter if I have to go to hell for her." (No One Knows My History, Brodie, Chap. XXIV, The Wives of the Prophet, pp. 342-3)
As the "Wolf," he can destroy her and send his prey to Hades. As the "Shepherd," he prays for her, and offers to go down through hell fire to "save" her ... from the "Wolf." Thus, he becomes the Hero.
The polygamy "revelation" threatened destruction to ANY wife who refused to accept this "new," yet, "old" law. ("Yes, but No, Yet is...")
This "gospel" IS "everlasting," in that it recurs over and over again by the same "Wolf/Shepherd," using the same Pattern.
The cause of Joseph's transgressions (the "Wolf") was cured by the "sacrifice" (made by the "Shepherd.")
Depression and Abandonment
Joseph sacrificed Emma. What exactly was Emma's sacrifice?
Book of Mormon (Re: many wives and concubines.)
Joseph, the "Shepherd" speaks:
Jacob 2:35 "Behold, ye have done greater iniquities than the Lamanites, our brethren. Ye have broken the hearts of your tender wives, and lost the confidence of your children, because of your bad examples before them; and the sobbing of their hearts ascend up to God against you. And because of the strictness of the word of God, which cometh down against you, many hearts died, pierced with the deep wounds."
(Compare this "Shepherd" of Jacob 2: 35, with the "Wolf" of Sec. 132:64-5)
Stage 8 Depression, the result of Abandonment -- "Voluntary" Acceptance -- Numbness -- Denial of Pain and Reality -- Love/Hate
There are certain traumas that can occur to a person that are too painful to admit into consciousness. As a means of self-protection the traumas must be denied by mentally blocking them out. This is also encouraged by the Binder (and Mormonism) through his demand for the Bound to "see no evil," "hear no evil," "and speak no evil." There is constant fear of further threats of punishment from the Binder should the Bound speak up, or rebel. Plus, the Binder projects HIS transgressions to the Bound, thereby denying that he has committed any crime himself. Through this means the Bound accepts the Binder's projected "innocence," and thereby denies to herself that any crime has taken place. Emma loved the "Shepherd," but hated the "Wolf;" she denied the existence of the latter.
This is true of members today, who have gone through the temple (before 1990), where oaths had been taken that carried death penalties should any one reveal the secrets associated with them, or even if they should speak ill of the Lord's "anointed." This is really too horrible a reality to contemplate, so it is blanked out and not remembered. Only the "White," visible symbols of beauty, and "purity," are remembered. By these means, the leaders of the church, by ellipsis, deny that bloody "Wolf" oaths ever took place, but they are there in history, if a member should turn around and see for themselves. However, the "Shepherd" must "protect" the sheep from the "Wolf's" history. Ironically, the church's own recorded history is now the "enemy" members are warned against. Joseph Smith, the "Wolf" must not be seen. Like Emma, the sheep must all stay in the fold for safety, where they cannot see, hear, speak, or recognize him. Thus "protected," they only see, and hear the "Shepherd." This is accomplished by the mental gymnastics of The Pattern ... a Pattern of denial.
Stage 9. Emma's complete Withdrawal -- Blanking out the Reality of Joseph's Abandonment of her.
(Also, see: Stage 4** Re: Emma's blank-out of painful facts.)
Extreme withdrawal from reality can be the result at this stage. For this reason, it is easy to understand the enigma of Emma's denial that Joseph had ever practiced polygamy. It was, also, due to the fact that she trusted and loved the "Shepherd" personality of Joseph. She couldn't allow herself to see her husband as the "Wolf" philanderer, even though it was manifested to her in reality. The contradictions were, literally, for her, unthinkable. Because she would not, nor could not allow the truth of her husband's many wives fully into consciousness, it was as if Joseph's polygamous liaisons "had never happened." She had been commanded to obey the "Shepherd," and to not question the "Wolf." There were praises and rewards for obedience, and punishments and sorrow for questioning. She was kept in line with the Double-Bind. To save herself from facing the unacceptable reality, she had to choose against herself and choose for the Binder; she had to deny reality, just as members of the church do today when faced with these same contradictions. To see, would be to see that one's life in Mormonism, one's whole world view, had been built upon fraud; one's mind is in danger of breaking.
At the age of 70, Emma was in the same state of denial. She still believed every word that Joseph had ever spoken to her; she accepted every reflection from the mind of the "Shepherd" that he had projected to her. She remained Bound to him even as she was dying.
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Next Page: My Journey Through The Pattern
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