Recovery from Mormonism

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Questioning their faith in the Mormon Church

And for those who need support

As they transition their lives to

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The Bulletin Board is very active - There are 2 million+ posts in the main board.  The archives have over 1500 topics to read.  Many folks and news organizations follow the Bulletin Board as it always has up to the minute information on the Mormon church.  Non-Mormons and ex-Mormons love how they can get Mormon news before their Mormon families and friends.

 Older format, yet highly relevant topics at Short Topics
[To search topics in threads use
: Search the Site and use the Google bar]

   Archive Examples Updated May 2018

  PTSD After Serving a Mormon Mission  Many suffer second calling nightmares and loss of self-esteem.
  Another Mormon God Goof  Reformed Eqyptian, Jupiter Talisman and much more
  It is How Joseph Smith Made his Living  LDS Apostle Admits Joseph Smith Translated the Book of Mormon Through a Rock in a Hat
  Why Was the Office of Church Patriarch Terminated?  Mormon History - Benson
  Do You Still Harbor Anger after Leaving Mormonism  Life After Mormonism
  Growing Up Catholic In Utah  Life in Utah
  In Mormon Theology Do Women Become Gods Too  Mormon Doctrine
  Joseph Smith Prophecies of Earthquates and Famines-Benson  Failed prophecies
  Book of Mormon - No Jewish DNA in Lamanites  Book of Mormon is a work of fiction
  Confronted by an Active Mormon  Example of Mormons with a lack of boundaries.
  As a Missionary I Tracted an Entire City in Europe  Mormon missionary experience
  Mormons Shun Those Who Leave the Mormon Church  Mormon shunning
  Mormons Think the Righteous Prosper  Mormonism is similar to the prosperity gospel.
  My Youth was Taken from Me Due to Mormonism  Growing up in Mormonism.
  New Level of Ex-Mormon  View of Mormonism changes over time.
  On My Way Out How Will I Recover  A convert leaving Mormonism
  Questionnaire for Mormon Investigators  An excellent questionare for those looking at joining Mormonism.
  Struggling-to-Leave-Mormonism  An example of the difficulty of leaving a cult.
  The LDS Church Has NOT Repudiated Its Official Anti-Black Doctrine  Mormon doctrine - discrimination against blacks
  Nightingale - Former Mormon and Former JW  A Convert to Both
  Constantly Changing Doctrine of God in Mormonism  Mormon Doctrine
  Fifth Lecture on Faith Removed from D&C  Mormon Doctrine
  Does Mormon Royalty Get Special Treatment?  Benson
  Joseph Smith Sex Offender?  Smith - History
  Mormon General Authorities and Plagerism  Lack of original thinking
  BYU Student Flunked for Bare Shoulders  Life at BYU
  Thomas S Monson and His Drinking Coke Habit  Probably contributed to his diabetes
  A non-Mormon Writes about Living in Utah  Non-Mormons in Utah
  Attending Mormon Church Serivces is a Drudgery  3 Hour church services each Sunday
  Should I tell My Family I No Longer Believe in Mormonism?  Husband and children still believe
  Mormon Bishop is Telling Everyone I left the Church  There is no confidentiality in Mormonism
  I am Accused of Betrayal in My Marriage Because I left Mormonism  Spouse is accused by Mormon of betrayal
  Benson's Story on Leaving Mormonism  Steve Benson
  Prominent Australian Mormon Faces 50 Pedophile Charges  Mormon Church hastily removes info about him from the official site
  Benson Family Tries to Silence Whistler Blower  Benson Archive
  Official Essay Shows Book of Abraham is not True  One of a number of carefully hidden essays on
  Contemporaries of Brigham Young show his Bigotry was not a Product of his Times  Brigham Young and Blacks
  Ezra Taft Benson and the John Birch Society  Steve Benson on his grandfather.
  Mark Hofmann Forgery and Oaks Defense of the Forgery  A great example of how General Authorities lack integrity.
  Life is Good as an ex-Mormon  A Former Poster Returns after 4 Years.
  The Most Valiant are Born into Mormon Families  Mormon Doctrine
  Is Belief in Mormonism Rational?  It appears to be willful ignorance.
 What happened to Fanny Alger?  Joseph Smith's first plural wife.
 Mormon Apostle Quentin Cook is tired of anonymous online haters
 Mormonism seems so silly the longer one has been out
 I Want to Move On but Feel Stuck
 Book of Mormon - Discover America in 1976  A different church in 1976.
 Transcript of Apostle Jeffrey R Holland Tempe Rescue  April 2016.  Read at note 29:44 "We are gods in embryo."  31:37 Anger at ex-Mormons
 The Thinking has been Done - Blind Obedience in Mormonism
 Mormon Church and Obedience - Personal Observations
 Are multiple children necessary in Mormonism?
 Why western Missouri became the Mormon Zion
 Second Anointing - 1949 Mormon Church Presidency   Includes interesting insight to the Mormon Church's history of racial discrimination.
 How should I feel about any religion now after Mormonism?
 I made a mistake getting baptized in the Mormon Church
 Heartbroken Shaken and Bewildered about Mormonism
 Mountain Meadows Massacre Approved by Brigham Young
 The Myth of Perfection
 Is Doubt now the main product of Mormonism   [TSCC = This so called church]  Discussion of "Doubt your Doubts".
 How Mormon General Authorities Are Paid
 Do you ever feel guilty over a small family size?
 Golden Family the Mormon Missionary Goal Now Extinct
 Strengthening the Members Committee
 Fate of the Persecutors of the Prophet Joseph Smith
 Mormon leaders have made mistakes
  Believing but inactive Mormons
  Stupid analogies and phrases you used as a Mormon missionary
  Is it common for other churches to require ex-Mormons to get re-baptized?
  What is the shelf?
  Joseph Smith Uninspired Invention of Dead Dunking Thanks to Sudden Death of Alvin  Mormon temple ceremony for the dead
  I think Mormons are the worst oafs anywhere  Preying on the vulnerable
  Friend of two years wants to invite me to the Mormon church
  Am I recovered from Mormonism?  A good read
  Hugh Nibley-The Dedicated Deceiver for Glass Looker Joseph Smith
 Been Inactive 3 Months - I Feel So Flakey  Feelings in leaving a cult
 Bigoted Terms and Phrases Mormons Use  Mormon sense of superiority
 Exposing Mormon Apostle Dallin Oaks Regarding the Nauvoo Expositor Destruction  Excellent and long summary with documentation
 Making Sense of the New LDS Policy Against Children of Same Sex Couples (pdf)  Examples of how this discriminates against innocent children
 Mormon Weddings (pdf)  Loved ones excluded from Mormon weddings in the temple
 Cut off the head of a drunk person and become a man  (Book of Mormon)
 Mountain Meadows Massacre the Mormon Smear   (oldie with many links)
 Tracking Joe Smith's Offspring from Affairs with Other Women
 Dear Mormon Mom and Dad
 From the sister of a sister Mormon missionary who died in the field
 Missionaries told to commit one person a Day to baptism
 Mormon Apostle Ballard Takes Direct Aim at Catholics
 Mormon charity in Australia
 Mormons Worship and Defend a Baby Killer - Book of Mormon
 Joseph Smith The Founding Sex Fiend of Mormonism (5 Exhibits)
 The temple is all about polygamy
 Are most Mormons "passive-aggressive"?
 "A Word of Advice to All New Female Missionaries"  Excellent advice
 Had tithing settlement today - my kids were threatened with being burned
 Shocked at Oct. 2014 General Conference
Nearly every single talk was on staying in the church
 Paul H. Dunn - Updated Information 2014
 Missions -- The best two years? Seriously?
 Not sure how to respond... wife wants to attend Christian church
 Living an authentic life
 The Most Striking Thing about All the New Essays... 
 The new essays have no authors or dates.  
 The First Vision Essay is Dishonest
 Book of Abraham essay unleashed
 The signs of the times How Mormonism has changed in the past 40 years
 Powerful Story on How the Mormon Church Breaks up Families  A Bishop writes about leaving Mormonism and his family disowning him.
 I sometimes read RfM posters who worry about *our cause.*
 UK TV program "Meet the Mormons" just finished . Not good for Mormon Church propaganda
 Why I Lost My Testimony  Benson
 Your Servant's Review of Miracle of Forgiveness Humor
 Exit Timetable
 The Devil Made Me Restore It: Joseph Smith, the Magic Talisman Man
 How Young Women are Selected for the Temple Square Mission
 When did you REALLY start questioning?
 So many missionaries coming home early
 Called to see the bishop - Learn to say No
 Expert Ex-Mormon  Dealing with family members
 Mormon Church is Conducting Polls on its New Essays
 Harris Knew How to Embarrass: His Admission of Not Seeing the Gold Plates  Benson
 The Book of Mormon Jesus! I found something that reached a Mormon spouse.
 All are welcome on RfM. Just curious though, what draws never-mo's here?
 Joseph Smith and Teenage Girls using LDS sources
 Help! My TBM [Mormon] bro sent me the latest essay
The Second AnointingA personal experience.  A look into the inside of one of the secrets of the Mormon Church.   Mormon508
 Oh. I get it now . . . you don't GET your own planet . . .
 Trying to save my family with logic.
 Stake Conference: Don't even Look at anything that makes you doubt.
 First Reaction Going Through The Mormon Temple?
 GA Steven Snow Admits Mormon Church Has Hidden Facts but Has Been Outted by Internet
 New Essay: Book of Mormon And DNA Studies
 Were You an Active Mormon the First Time You Visited RfM?
 Pressured to go on mission
 Trying to leave the church
 My Mormon in-laws have no retirement and the Second Coming hasn't happened
 Give me your experience with D&C 9:8
 Just found out the truth.
 More Sourced Info on Church Essays, Same-Sex Marriage and LDS Inc. Finances - Benson
 "The truth does not matter to Mormons"
 World's most boring church
 What's your best advice for dealing with Mormon shunning? (When a person is shunned by Mormons for leaving the organization)
 Authorship Of The Mormon Church's Anonymous Essays
 (reference the new anonymously written
 Mormon church explains past ban on black priests (AP news story)
 Blacks & Cadillacs: Racist LDS History that the LDS Church Seeks to Hide
 I'm confused. Was the Ban on Blacks god's will?
 The Church not Only Threw Brigham Young under the bus but older members
 Evidence from the Top: Joseph Smith Was Behind the LDS Priesthood Ban
 If Mormons Think the LDS Church Has Long Opposed Racism, They're Wrong ...
 Whew! Less Valiant Daughter is now VALIANT!
 The Mormon Church's Essay on Blacks and the Priesthood is Dishonest
 The "God's-prophets-are-imperfect-humans" line won't save the Mo God
 What Mormon missions used to be like - a century ago
 Why do we still write about the Mormon church even after leaving it?
 Mormon Japan Mission Experiences   1994-1996 Kobe Japan
 Hey. I think I am finally recovered. Started as a Mormon troll and then left the church.
 A Mountain of Lies: Those Treasure-Laden Caves Under the Hill Cumorah
 Lamanites Everywhere but Nary A Drop of Jewish DNA  Book of Mormon and DNA - Benson
 Missionary letter made my daughter cry  She discovered she is just a "project".
 Got the "I'm Disappointed In You" message from my Mom
 My home does not have the spirit According to a Mormon
 Funeral and anger -Mormons verbally attack an ex-Mormon at a Funeral
 Is there any aspect of a Mormon's life that is NOT micro-managed
 Being asked to lie by the Stake Presidency
 Mormon Apostles Explain Away the Contradictory Versions of the First Vision
 Outting the Mormon Cult on Its "Strengthening the Members Committee"-
 SoCal Bishop Leaves Mormon Church 
 David O. McKay's Faith-Promoting Volcano Tale
 My week so far as an active Mormon  Good summary of life as a Mormon
 Did any of you ever stress out getting ready on a Sunday morning?
 Push-back in Africa
 Providing Cover on Joe's Lovers: Emma Was a Money-Minded Co-Conspirator...  Benson
 1st bitter experience with family finding out
 Elder Oaks spoke in Atlanta today
 FARMS Rushed to Defend the White Salamander  Mormon apologetics
 So when do members hear the official head in hat with seer stones lesson?
 Anyone else angry that their parents put the church before their families?
 A question to long time ex-Mormons - fear of leaving
 Helpful Links on Mormonism Wives of Joseph Smith and many other links
 Did Joseph Smith Produce Children in Polygamous Relationships Benson
 Too Busy Serving God To Help Family
 Believed in Mormonism for 85 years
 My weekly moment of humiliation
 Hinckley's Record as a Prophet
 Poor = Unworthy
 Your Money or Your Eternal Life!
 Analysis of latest LDS Church financial data filed w/ Canada's tax agency.
 I used tithing to pay off the house
 Email exchange with bishop regarding masturbation
 Disappearing Generation of Lamanites  Recent DNA research
 Currently serving missionary, want out!!
 Are you happier since you've left the Mormon church?
 More Nail-Pounding into the Mormon Church's "Lamanite DNA" Coffin
 Today is my first birthday as an exmo!
 What to believe in now?
 Constantly Adrift Official Mormon Church Doctrine on God ...
 Apostle Holland Example on Personal Revelation
 Turns out advanced ancient civilizations leave a lot of stuff behind
 Does the anger ever end?
 I was raised to be racist
 The church is not a social club.
 Did Mormonism make you feel "never good enough?"
 Dear Parents, I am not responsible for your feelings
 Mormon Mission to Japan - Steve Benson  An excellent summary of a Mormon missionary experience in Japan,
 Why a never-mo hangs out here   Why people who were never a Mormon visit here.
 A loving tribute to flattop/XYZ  A long time contributor to Recovery from Mormonism.
 Mormon Missionary Murdered by his Companion  Story of how a Mormon missionary in Kentucky 1977, murdered his companion and avoided prison.  Personal accounts.
 Mormon Life - Short Courtships
 What was the worst part about your mission?
 Mormon Cosmology    Scientology has Xenu.  Mormonism has Elohim living near Kolob
 Mormon Missionary Companions Part 1
 Mormon Missionary Companions Part 2
 Mormon Missionary Companions Part 3
 Why did Joseph Smith marry women who were already married to  Mormon men?  Joseph Smith practiced polyandry.  The men were sent on missions and he married their wives during their absence.
 Is Primary always manipulative?
 Ruby Jessop has escaped the FLDS
 Two sister missionaries in my mission were raped
 Inspiring New Video Gives the Secret to Strengthening Testimonies
 The cult robbed me of my grief.
 My mission in hell - Suffer from Tourettes
 My sister's mission president's neglect could have killed her.
 Taking the first few steps.
 My ten years on RfM
 France and Polygamous Missionaries
 What exactly did you find out or discover first to make you leave the  Church?
 Teaching to manipulate - straight from the LDS manual
 I have been trying to be so brave. But I am terrified.
 Why is it so hard to "deprogram", trying to understand.
 Mormon Beliefs that did the most damage to me.

Emotions experienced when first comprehending that Mormonism is not what it claims to be.  Shock, horror, relief, excitement?  Nov. 2012

Recent DNA testing from soil samples gives further evidence that the Book of Mormon is just 19th century frontier fiction.   Horses in America  Sep. 2012

An excellent letter and summary of Book of Mormon issues written to apostle Jeffery Holland (May. 2012)   Holland - Book of Mormon  
Not a single Book of Mormon issue was addressed by Apostle Holland in his reply.
Here is Holland's reply
(May. 2012)   Reply from Elder Holland

A father writes about being excluded from his son's wedding 6 years ago because he, the father, was an unbeliever.  My Son apologized for Mormon temple wedding!  

Admittedly, not all Mormons are as extreme as these in this story, however their arrogance and feelings of superiority are quite common. (May 2012)  Mormon Relatives Visited for a Week

A life of sacrifice for the Mormon Church.  A Very Sad Sacrament Meeting Story

A non-Mormon mother writes about her and her children's experience living in Utah.  Life in Utah is often difficult for non-Mormons with young children.  Mormon640

Rare is that person who will say, "I’ll admit I was wrong all those years and I’ll face the consequences of those that will scorn, shun and ridicule me”.  Mormon636

Why Mormons believe in Big Foot.  Mormon637

More on the Mormon ad campaign.   Mormon650

Book of Mormon and recent (Aug. 2010) DNA studies.  Mormon601

Strange new advertising claiming Mormons are normal What happened to, "We are a peculiar people?"  Mormon629  

Mormon Church in Africa.  Mormon624

The Mormon Church is growing its Internet presence by using hundreds of web sites and millions of dollars in Google advertising.  Mormon625

A Family Church?  Sons and daughters of Bishops give their perspective.  Mormon618

Amelia's Palace - The mansion built for Brigham Young's favorite wife Mormon610

Kevin Garn - A Pedophile, a Bishop and the Majority Leader in the Utah Legislature.  Mormon605

Mormonism creates severe hardship for many members.  Mormon604

Stick to the manual and stop thinking. Mormons instructed to not use outside sources, especially the Internet, when teaching from the lesson manuals.  Mormon598 (Jan. 2010)  Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.  (Mormontimes Magazine) Mormon599

Ward council meetings are filled with Gossip  Mormon612

What Shocks Mormons and non-Mormons as they learn about Mormonism. Mormon505

A concise summary of life as a Mormon. Mormon558

More on the Mormon Temple Rituals as seen on these videos. Mormon533

The Mormon Church in its official church magazine, "The Ensign", uses a story of a struggling single mother of 6 as an example of paying tithing.  The mother would rather have her children homeless and hungry than to neglect paying tithing.  Blind obedience or mindless irresponsibility?  Mormon583

A Family Church?  A non-Mormon mother writes about being excluded from the Mormon temple wedding of her convert daughter.  Mormon503     Also, women discuss their temple weddings.  Mormon507   Excluded from brother's temple wedding.  Mormon541

Newly Discovering the Facts on Mormonism?  Feelings and depression.  Mormon457

Mormon Belief Interferes with Rational Decision Making.  A concise summary of the dangers of believing in Mormonism and in magical thinking.  Mormon439

Racist teachings.  Missionaries and Blacks - Brazil 1970.   Mormon480

Should Joseph Smith be judged by present-day standards?  Smith and polygamy.  Mormon451

Polygamy, Big Love and Joseph Smith:  Mormon Polygamy

DNA and the Book of Mormon.  Read the article in the USA TodayThe story that Dr. Simon Southerton submitted to us as to why he left Mormonism due to DNA evidence is at whyleft125.htm.  Also, an interesting discussion on Mormon apologetics and DNA is at Mormon391. 

The Second Anointing.  A personal experience.  A look into the inside of one of the secrets of the Mormon Church.   Mormon508

BYU Students Commanded to have Children Now.  Do not wait:  Mormon390

Mormon Church Changed the Temple Ceremony Again in Jan 2005. Mormon386

Is FARMS, the Mormon funded apologetic group, credible?  
Read the discussion on peer review: Mormon333 
Summary on Mormon apologetics: Mormon441 
Tactics of Mormon apologists: Mormon376

Child Molesters Expose the Fallacy of Church Callings.  Mormon384




Apr. 2021  Mormon Church sends out an extensive survey of its members. Interesting to read the questions asked. Mormon Church Membership Survey 2021

Feb. 2018  In 2015, LDS apostle Jeffrey R. Holland predicted 100,000 Mormon missionaries by 2019. As of Feb. 2018, the number of Mormon missionaries has dropped down to 68,000. Mormon Church Closing 19 Missions

Dec. 2017  Zero growth in new congregations in the United States. As of late December 2017, the Mormon Church in the United States reported no net change for the number of congregations for the entire year (184 new wards/branches organized, 184 wards/ branches discontinued). Mormon Church congregation growth now stagnant

April 2017  The Mormon Church Growth rate is at a new low level. Mormon Church admits growth significantly slowing worldwide

Jul. 2016  The Mormon Church now admits the Book of Mormon is not entirely historical.  The comment by Apostle Nelson states 'some history is found within its pages.'  He does not clarify where such history may be found in the book.  Mormon Church Admits the Book of Mormon is not Historical   [Admin note: There is no evidence of any actual history in the Book of Mormon.]

Apr. 2016  The Mormon Church general authority L. Whitney Clayton tells BYU graduates to disconnect from ex-Mormons and avoid relationships with "exes".   The logical conclusion given to these recent graduates is to disconnect from mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and other relatives and friends who no longer believe in Mormonism.  This is a term 'disconnect' commonly used in Scientology.  BYU grads warned about ex-Mormons

Feb. 2016  The Mormon Church is now admitting the leaders do make mistakes.  They do not, however, disclose what those mistakes have been.  This is disingenuous.  Mormon leaders have made mistakes

Nov. 2015  The Mormon Church, in its secretive Handbook of Instructions to leaders, now overtly discriminates against children of gay couples.  Making Sense of the New LDS Policy Against Children of Same Sex Couples   This type of discrimination is also demonstrated in excluding "unworthy" parents or loved ones from attending Mormon weddings if they have not paid 10% of their annual income to the Mormon church.  Mormon Weddings

Oct. 2015  Missionaries often fail to report medical issues as they do not want to exhibit they are lacking in faith.  We do not want any more young men and women to suffer life long illnesses, due to their missions, when they could of been prevented.  From the sister of a female Mormon missionary who died in the field

Jul. 2015  Mormon Church is building a massive housing development in Florida  The Mormon Church is primarily a real estate holding company.

Sourcing the Propaganda: How the Mormon Church's Evasive Essays Came to Be

Joseph Smith - Polygamy and Young Women  Smith's appetite for young women now officially recognized by the Mormon Church in one of its essays on 
Fanny Alger -   Age 16  (Kirkland Ohio - 1833-1836)
  (The article states that Fanny and Smith later separated. )
Zina D. Hunington -  Age 19
Nancy Rigdon - Age 19
Sarah Ann Whitney - Age 16 
Emily Dow Partridge - Age 19 
Flora Ann Woodworth - Age 16 
Helen Mar Kimball - Age 14   (J. Smith - Age 37- Nauvoo Il.)
And many more including the wives of men he sent on missions. Only brief and vague information on Smith's polygamy is mentioned  in official teaching manuals.  Mormons were lead to believe these were 'sealings' only. Mormons have been intentionally kept in the dark by their leadership omitting important aspects of Smith's life.

May 2014   The missionary surge is officially a bust...  44% more missionaries, 4% more conversions.  Many returning home early.

Mar. 14, 2014 Monson England Court Case - 1st day - observer transcript.  Interesting comments from the attorneys defending the Mormon corporation.  Monson Case British Court Case - 1st Day 

Mar. 2014  Anonymous essays are now defining Mormon doctrine and history. Mormon Church, "If you do not like the current version of doctrine or history, we will rewrite it for you".  See current polling method used by the Mormon church.   Mormon Church is Polling on its New Essays

Feb. 2014 Charges of Fraud against the Mormon Church in England.  Book of Abraham, Book of Mormon, Tithing required to gain salvation/enter the temple etc.  Complaint based on British law that prohibits false representations made to secure a profit.  Feb. 7, 2014 Statement on the summons:  Joint Statement

Details of Criminal Fraud Case against Mormon and Co provided by Tom Phillips (pdf): 
Details of Criminal Fraud Case - Feb. 2014

"District Judge Elizabeth Roscoe, who signed the summonses, ACCUSES Mr. Monson of 'DISHONESTLY' making a gain for himself or another' by asking two men to pay tithes on the basis of 'UNTRUE or MISLEADING' representations." (emphasis added)

Dec. 2013 Authorship Of The Mormon Church's Anonymous Essays on Blacks, Polygamy, etc. - by Steve Benson  "I have had a recent, long, direct and informative discussion with a well-placed and highly-credible Mormon Church source, which focused on the question of who, specifically, authored the historically-revisionistic essays that the Mormon Church has now placed on its official website. Just let me say that these essays were not written by members of the Quorum of the Twelve or the First Presidency."  Authorship Of The Mormon Church's Anonymous Essays

Dec. 2013 Mormon Church throws Brigham Young under the bus for his racist teachings.  These same teachings were "official" until 1978.  Updated at the website.   Mormon church explains past ban on blacks  Related topics:   God's will? , God's-prophets-are-imperfect

"In 1949 the First Presidency reaffirmed the Church's position: 'The attitude of the Church with reference to the Negroes remains as it has always stood. It is not a matter of the declaration of a policy but of direct commandment from the Lord, on which is founded the doctrine of the Church from the days of its organization, to the effect that Negroes may become members of the Church but that they are not entitled to the priesthood at the present time"  Official Declaration - First Presidency (

Oct. 2013  Yet another sex abuse law suit against the Mormon Church.  Church leaders are accused of covering up allegations that the son of local church officials sexually abused 12 children over the course of more than five years.  The suit alleges that the church, through its leaders, has tried to intimidate the families of the children suing the church and has allegedly directed fellow church members to try to convince them to abandon their claims "lest they run afoul of church teachings regarding forgiveness.    Martinsburg Lawsuit

July 2013  New York Times reports on a failed attempt by Mormon authorities to answer serious questions about the Mormon church from Swedish members. These members were troubled as a result of learning the real history of the Mormon church on the Internet, versus the content in the whitewashed official manuals.  The Internet is Destroying Mormonism

June 2013  Mormon missionaries to work out of local church buildings to proselytize on the Internet and to give tours of the local church (ward).  They (and local members) have been pushed to reactivate those who no longer attend.  Non-Mormon parents should be aware that Mormon missionaries will attempt to convert your children through social media.  June 23 2013 - World-wide Leadership Broadcast  and  Called to be a Chapel Missionary

Feb. 2013 Mormon Church income annually through tithing is estimated at 7 billion dollars.  $7 billion in tithing

Jan. 2013 Mormon General Authorities have a very comfortable life on the backs of tithe paying members.   How Mormon General Authorities are Paid   They can afford to shop at the Mormon Church's 2 billion dollar  City Creek Mall. 

Dec. 2012  The new Mormon website - MormonsandGays.  "We believe that with an eternal perspective, a person's attraction to the same sex can be addressed and borne as a mortal test. It should not be viewed as a permanent condition".  Did Anything Really Change?

Dec. 2012  If paying tithing means that you can't pay for water or electricity, pay tithing. If paying tithing means that you can't pay your rent, pay tithing. Even if paying tithing means that you don't have enough money to feed your family, pay tithing. Ensign Dec. 2012  [Mormon Church Official Magazine]

Nov. 2012  The long term effects of polygamy.   The Genetic Catastrophe That Has Sprung from Polygamy

Sep. 22, 2012  Twede excommunication scheduled due to his writing of factual history of the Mormon church and criticism of Romney.  New York Times Weighs In

Sep. 11, 1857  Mountain Meadows Massacre -120 members  of the Francher party traveling through Utah executed by Mormons.  Mountain Meadows

July 2012  A recently published in Free Inquiry estimates that the Mormon Church donates only about 0.7 percent of its annual income to charity; the United Methodist Church gives about 29 percent. Charity

July 2012  Mormon Church claims 4 times as many members in Brazil than the 2010 Brazilian census data.  Both the JW's and Seventh Day Adventist's membership claims are consistent with census data.  This is another example of inflated Mormon membership statistics.  Brazil

Aug. 2012 update.  The Mormon Church's City Creek Center shopping mall and condo development is at 3 billion dollars (or more) per Salt Lake Chamber's Can-Do Coalition.  The entire redevelopment of downtown SLC is:   Five Billion Dollars    An organization that spends more on real estate to develop malls, condos and resorts ($500 million in Hawaii alone) than on helping the poor is, by any definition, a corporation, not a religion.    The published figures range from $1.5 billion for the mall to $3 billion.  $5 billion is for the total development downtown.  The Mormon church does not open its books.  We have published figures from KSL and Deseret News - both Mormon owned.   Thomas S. Monson, the Mormon prophet at the opening cheered, 'One, two, three—let's go shopping!'. He has rarely spoken in public since.   Mormon Mall City Creek profits are tax free  

May 2012  The Mormon Church falsifies US membership data for a national survey.  Church Statistics

Mar. 2012  A little background on Mitt Romney.  Mitt Romney's Mormon Secrets

Feb 2012  The Mormon Church has continued to baptize Holocaust Jews Baptisms for the dead

Feb 2012  The Mormon Church has become even more intrusive by requiring members to wear their sacred long underwear [garments] even while doing yard work.   Garments

Jan 2012  The Mormon Church's humanitarian aid now amounts to $6.73 per member per year - from an official Mormon publication.   Humanitarian Aid

Jan 2012  Another Mormon run Ponzi scheme defrauds fellow Mormons.  Another Ponzi

June 2011  More pressure to pay tithing, yet the Mormon Church never discloses its finances.  Mormon647

Mormon Church to spend more than $3.0 billion on a shopping mall in SLC.   Three years ago the cost was $2.0 billion.  More money is being spent on this mall and related development than given in total charitable aid in the last 30 years!  Is this a church or a corporation?  Donations to the Mormon church are not helping the poor.  Updates:  $38 million to divert City Creek to flow through the mall plus treat the water. A comparison to other large building projects.     Mormon403   Parts A, B, C. D. and E.

May. 2011  Yet another Mormon run Ponzi scheme defrauds fellow Mormons.  Mormon645

Feb. 2011  Multi-level marketing companies are second only to tourism in bringing in revenue to Utah.  Mormon639

Jan. 2011  The Mormon idea of service is to clean the bathrooms of a multi-billion dollar corporation.  Mormon634  

Oct. 2010  Apostle Boyd K. Packer's talk on homosexuality is edited after it is given in conference due to public outcry.  Mormon632  

Aug. 2010  R. Dean Udy, LDS Church Regional Representative, in prison for running a Ponzi Scheme bilking fellow Mormons of over $20 Million.  Affinity fraud is rampant in Utah and in the Mormon culture.  Mormon631  

Aug. 2010  Deseret News is being downsized.  Yet more evidence of current financial problems.  A new $15 million dollar building was erected for them just a few years ago.  Mormon630  

Aug. 2010  Condo Prices Slashed 50% at Mormon Church owned City Creek.   Mormon403e

Jun. 2010  Mormon Church eliminating more paid custodians.  It appears it is experiencing a cash crunch in financing the City Creek multi-billion dollar mall project.   Members are now expected to do more of the cleaning of meeting houses, temples and other church properties Mormon615

Dec. 2009  Mormon Church to spend over $100 million (estimate) on a hotel/resort complex in Hawaii.  Mormon595 

Oct. 2009  Apostle Dallin Oaks lacks the moral authority to lecture anyone on civil rights.  Mormon591 

Oct. 2009  Apostle Holland misleads members with his Book of Mormon prop and his assertions.  Mormon587 

Aug. 2009  The Mormon Church appears to be abandoning the Book of Abraham, a supposed translation by Joseph Smith from some common Egyptian funeral papyri.  Mormon586  

Jun. 2009  Mormon Church has spent nearly $600 million to bail out Beneficial Life via Deseret Management over the last 2 years.  The Mormon Church can find hundreds of millions to fund failing institutions, yet it is unwilling to help average members.  Mormon581

Apr. 2009  Dallin Oaks, Mormon Apostle, tells members at the Easter Midwest conference, via satellite broadcast, that the church will not help them during these difficult economic times.    Mormon576.   Members who paid tithing all of their lives will find that the church will refuse to assist or, at best, grant minimal assistance with heavy guilt placed on the member for asking. 

Mar. 2009  Discussions on the HBO series Big Love and on the Mormon Temple Ceremony.  Mormon572.    See also the Bulletin Boards for up to date information.

Feb. 2009  The Mormon church receives more than 5-8 billion dollars per year in tithing alone from US wards [congregations] based the on experiences of ward clerks and gives less than 1.3% in charitable aid.  Mormon565

Jan. 2009  The Mormon church initiates a hiring freeze and continues to work on the 2 billion dollar mall in SLC.  Freeze

Dec. 2008  The Mormon Church being investigated for its involvement in California's Proposition 8.   Mormon559

Sep. 2008  A Mormon High Priest has been threatened with excommunication for writing against an anti-gay amendment in California.  TV Story Neb.  and  TV Story SLC  Also follow the discussions on the bulletin board.  Recovery bb   Public opinion has forced the church to delay the court date to after the Nov. election.  See Court Delayed

Sep. 2008 (updated) Mormon apologists now fighting other Mormon apologists over the alleged locations of the Book of Mormon events. Mormon534

July 2008  A Mormon man  was excommunicated for his calendar of shirtless male Mormon missionaries.  The Marriott corporation and its Mormon owners are one of the largest purveyors of hard core pornography in the US.  The Marriotts have never been reprimanded.  Instead, they are held in high esteem by the Mormon hierarchy due to the large amount of tithing they pay.  To read about the excommunication of Hardy, see:  Mormon539   

June 2008  Depression wide spread in Utah.  ABCNews Story

Mormon Church to spend more than $2.0 billion on shopping malls in SLC.  More money is being spent on these malls than given in total charitable aid in the last 22 years!  Is this a church or a corporation?  Donations to the Mormon church are not helping the poor.   Mormon403

May 2008  Mormon Church attempts to gag the Internet regarding posting the "Handbook of Instructions".  Mormon528

Apr. 2008  Joseph Smith and Warren Jeffs: Two peas in the same polygamous pod.  Mormon526   &  Mormon Polygamy Mormon527

Apr. 2008 - Mormon prophet wants former members to return.  Comments from former members Mormon524

Mar. 2008 - Utah is the state with the highest rate of depression.  Mormon521

Dec. 2007 – Mitt Romney has a casual relationship with truth    Mormon502

Dec. 2007 – Utah now leads the nation in depression.   Mormon499

Nov. 2007 – Book of Mormon Change:  Lamanites are no longer the principal ancestors of the American Indians.   Mormon492

A Missionary’s food and personal hygiene budget slashed to $4 per day in the USA.   Mormon477

General Conference Highlights.  Wives are possessions.  Mormon468   Parable of the Pickle.  Mormon471

LA Times: The Book of Mormon and DNA:  Book of Mormon and DNA  Discussions on DNA:  Mormon440

Utah Leads the Nation in Bankruptcy filings again.    Mormon356

Newsweek publishes an article for the Mormon Church by a BYU graduate.  The author at least admits that Joseph Smith used a seer stone in a hat for ‘translation’, which is quite different from the official church teachings.  She also admits that Smith was a polygamist. Mormon433

Limits of Free Speech in Mormonism.  A BYU Philosophy Professor fired for writing his opinion.  Mormon449

A web site for former Mormons and those questioning their faith in the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The purpose of this site is to let people who are or were in Mormonism, know they are not alone in their feelings and experiences in their quests to regain their lives after years in this religion.  We have e-mail groups to join, bulletin boards, gatherings and individuals to help with a transition to a post-Mormon life.  We advocate no specific religious preference or religious activities after Mormonism.     Our active participants are diverse and from differing cultural backgrounds throughout the world. 


A Mormon Odyssey   A free full length book about a lifetime of Mormonism is now online.    It also can be ordered from the publisher.  A great book about life as Mormons written by Larry and Tammy Braithwaite.   Autographed copies now available.

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